喘息未定的近义词成语 【喘息未安】 喘息未定的反义词四字词语 〖没有相关词语〗 喘息未定的近义词成语带有解释 【喘息未定】 喘息未定的反义词四字词语带有解释 【喘息未定】 关于喘息未定的详细解释 chuǎnxīwèidìng 【成语的意思和解释】--急促的呼吸还没有平稳下来。指还没有休息、恢复的时间。喘息:呼吸急 【成语来源出自哪里】--明施耐庵《水浒传》七十七回:“方才进步,喘息未定,只见前面尘起,叫杀连天。” 【成语拼音简写】--cxwd 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--作谓语、定语;比喻时间短 【成语形式结构】--补充式成语 扩展阅读:用喘息未定写一句话 (1)、(王路喘息未定,一手叉着腰,一手指着前方道:往前走一点就到下河村了!可是累死我啦,今天晚上估计得在下河村待上一夜啦。 (1) Wang Lu is still breathing, with one hand on his waist and one finger pointing to the road ahead: go ahead a little and you'll get to Xiahe village! But I'm so tired that I'll have to stay in Xiahe village all night tonight. (2)、(看风景的人像是远道而来,喘息未定,蓝湖的远山也波动不定。因为那倏忽之感,又像是鸡初叫,席子嫌冷了的时候的迢遥的梦。张爱玲 (2); (2) the people who look at the scenery seem to come from a long distance, and they are still breathing, and the distant mountains of the blue lake are also fluctuating. Because of the sudden feeling, it's like the distant dream when the chicken is crowing and the mat is cold. Zhang Ailing (3)、(来到一脉山涧溪流前,四人先疯狂的将溪水泼到了自己的脸上和身上,这才喘息未定的疯狂大笑了起来。 (3) when they came to a mountain stream, the four people splashed the water on their faces and bodies, and then they burst out laughing. (4)、(他此时喘息未定,正要借说话之机休息下,好恢复点体力,而他的黑蛮蛊也在那里拼命的吸噬精血元气来修复蛊身。 (4) he is still breathing. He is about to take the opportunity to have a rest so as to recover his physical strength, and his black man Gu is also there desperately sucking essence and blood to repair his body. (5)、(喘息未定,云峥的手在墙上慢慢的摸索,他发现墙壁似乎不够结实,把贺坚强背在背上,用肩膀用力的撞到墙上。 (5) when he is still breathing, Yun Zheng's hand slowly fumbles on the wall. He finds that the wall is not strong enough. He carries he Qiang Qiang on his back and bumps into the wall with his shoulder. ![]() |