宽敝的近义词两个字带有解释 【宽敝】 宽敝的反义词两个字带有解释 【宽敝】 宽敝的词语解释
(一)、这些东西搬到韦家后,韦家原本宽敝的府第竟装摆不下,只好请来工匠日夜扩建府第,才算把这一切安置下来。 (1) after these things were moved to the Wei family, the original spacious house of the Wei family could not be put in place, so they had to invite craftsmen to expand the house day and night to settle all these things.
(二)、因为家里宽敝,家里自由,在家可以做一切想做的事。 (2) because the family is open and free, they can do everything they want at home.
(三)、全速行驶低车身、宽敝的双人座蓬顶跑车将吸引引后雅虎一代. (3) the full speed, low body, spacious two seater sports car will attract the next generation of Yahoo (四)、东边是沙宁公路,西边有新新公路,南则有广惠高速公路、荔新公路,这几条宽敝便利的交通干线把南香山拥抱其中。 (4) to the East is shaning highway, to the west is Xinxin highway, and to the south are Guanghui highway and Lixin highway. These broad and convenient traffic arteries embrace Nanxiang mountain.
(五)、女儿百天照是坐在沙发上,沙发是宽敝的靠背,前面无遮无挡,女儿无遮无挡一路走来,年龄正好是我的一半,路已经比我走得远了,相信她会比我走得更远。 (5) my daughter Bai Tianzhao is sitting on the sofa with a wide back. The front of the sofa is unobstructed, and her daughter is half my age. She has gone farther than me. I believe she will go farther than me.