声嘶力竭的近义词成语 【竭尽心力】 【大喊大叫】 【力竭声嘶】 【大声疾呼】 声嘶力竭的反义词四字词语 〖默默无言〗 〖心平气和〗 声嘶力竭的近义词成语带有解释 竭尽心力 [jiéjìnxīnlì] 竭:尽,用尽。用尽全部力量。 大声疾呼 [dàshēngjíhū] 大声而急切地呼喊,以引起人的注意或使人醒悟。唐韩愈《后十九日复上宰相书》:“行且不息,以蹈于穷饿之水火,其既危且亟矣,大其声而疾呼矣!” 力竭声嘶 [lìjiéshēngsī] 见〖声嘶力竭〗。 大喊大叫 [dàhǎndàjiào] 大声叫嚷,形容大肆宣传,大造舆论。 声嘶力竭的反义词四字词语带有解释 心平气和 [xīnpíngqìhé] 心里平和,不急躁,不生气。 默默无言 [mòmòwúyán] 不声不响,闭口无言。 关于声嘶力竭的详细解释 shēngsīlìjié 【成语的意思和解释】--嘶:哑;竭:尽。嗓子喊哑;气力用尽。形容竭力呼喊。 【成语来源出自哪里】--《晚清文学钞轰天雷》:“北山大哭,哭得声哑力竭,倒是嫂嫂劝住了。” 【成语繁体字写法】--聲嘶力竭 【成语拼音简写】--sslj 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义批评或者赞美 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、定语、状语、补语;含贬义 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用声嘶力竭写一句话 (1)、那种声嘶力竭向别人哭诉自己有多爱一个人而那个人竟然不感动的人真的很傻,因为你的爱连你最爱的人都打动不了,说给别人听就像是一个屁那样滑稽。金国栋 (1) it's really silly to cry out to others how much you love someone and that person is not moved, because your love can't even move the person you love most. It's like a fart to tell others. Jin Guodong (2)、他再度寻找弗朗西斯卡的双眼:还是空洞。那双眼沉默的呐喊着,就像不久前声嘶力竭的嚎叫一样凄厉…伊德方索·法孔内斯 (2) he looks for Francesca's eyes again: still empty. The eyes of the silent cry, just like not long ago hoarse howl as shrill Edfangso farkones (3)、身后传来老太太声嘶力竭的叫声:“随地吐痰,罚款十块。 (3) the old lady's hoarse voice came from behind: "spitting everywhere, fine 10 yuan. (4)、远处海面上,几艘掩护的驱逐舰艏冒出几股白烟,一直盯着的军曹立马魂飞魄散了,声嘶力竭地大叫,“炮击,炮击。 (4) on the distant sea, the bows of several covered destroyers emitted white smoke, and the soldier Cao, who had been staring at him, immediately lost his soul and yelled, "shelling, shelling. (5)、“你还是儿子的父亲吗?你让我们的儿子没心没肝?你是狗还是猪啊?”电话那头,是妻子声嘶力竭的哭喊。 (5), "are you still the father of our son? Do you make our son heartless and heartless? Are you a dog or a pig?" on the other end of the phone, his wife screamed. ![]() |