国破家亡的近义词成语 【败国丧家】 【国已不国】 【山河破碎】 国破家亡的反义词四字词语 〖繁荣昌盛〗 〖国富民强〗 〖国泰民安〗 〖天下太平〗 国破家亡的近义词成语带有解释 〖山河破碎〗: 国家危在旦夕。 〖败国丧家〗: 使国家沦亡,家庭败落。 〖国已不国〗: 一个国家已经不像一个国家。 国破家亡的反义词四字词语带有解释 国富民强 [guófùmínqiáng] 国家富足,人民强健。 繁荣昌盛 [fánróngchāngshèng] 繁荣:兴旺发达;昌盛:兴旺。指国家兴旺发达,欣欣向荣。 天下太平 [tiānxiàtàipíng] 处处平安无事。指大治之世。 国泰民安 [guótàimínān] 国家太平,人民安乐。泰:平安,安定。 关于国破家亡的详细解释 guópòjiāwáng 【成语的意思和解释】--国家被分割;家室被毁灭。 【成语来源出自哪里】--晋刘琨《答卢谌书》:“国破家亡,亲友雕残。” 【成语繁体字写法】--國破家亡 【成语拼音简写】--gpjw 【褒义还是贬义】--贬义成语,贬低批评人和事的四字词语 【成语使用办法和性质】--联合式;作谓语、定语;指国家覆灭、家人离散 【成语形式结构】--联合式成语 扩展阅读:用国破家亡写一句话 (1)、既然已经国破家亡,江南春雨、中原杏花对自己还有什么意义呢?不如在这荒蛮的塞外了此残生吧。 (1) now that the country is broken, what is the meaning of spring rain in the south of the Yangtze River and apricot blossom in the Central Plains? It's better to live beyond the barbaric Great Wall. (2)、杜甫眼见山河依旧而国破家亡,春回大地却满城荒凉,在此身历逆境、思家情切之际,不禁触景生情,发出深重感言。 (2) when Du Fu saw that the mountains and rivers were still the same, but his country was broken and his family died, but the city was desolate when spring came back. At this time of experiencing adversity and homesickness, he couldn't help but feel deeply moved and express his deep gratitude. (3)、站在西子湖畔,望长堤之上垂柳依依,绿女红男,浑不记半分亲愁,更哪门子恋国破家亡,早已沦为元奴。 (3) standing on the Bank of Xizi lake, looking at the willows on the levee, green women and red men, I don't remember half of my family worries. What's more, I fell in love with the country and my family, and had long been enslaved to the Yuan Dynasty. (4)、国破家亡,他只有流亡国外。 (4) when his country is broken, he has to go into exile. (5)、建德与语,主自陈国破家亡,不能报怨雪耻,泪上盈襟,声辞不辍,情理切至。 (5) Jiande and language are based on the fact that Chen's country has been broken and his family has died, so he can't complain about the snow and shame. His tears are full of tears, and his voice is endless. ![]() |