悲愤填膺的近义词成语 【义愤填膺】 悲愤填膺的反义词四字词语 〖拍手称快〗 悲愤填膺的近义词成语带有解释 【悲愤填膺】 悲愤填膺的反义词四字词语带有解释 【悲愤填膺】 关于悲愤填膺的详细解释 bēi fèn tián yīng 【成语的意思和解释】--填:充填;塞满;膺:胸。悲痛和愤怒充满胸膛。 【成语来源出自哪里】--清 伤时子《苍鹰击》第六折:“草头朝露,贵贱都虚度。悲愤填膺莫诉,壮怀孤负。” 【成语繁体字写法】--悲憤填膺 【成语拼音简写】--bfty 【褒义还是贬义】--中性成语词语,没有明显褒义贬义 【成语使用办法和性质】--主谓式;作谓语、定语;用于仁人志士的正义之举,含褒义 【成语形式结构】--主谓式成语 扩展阅读:用悲愤填膺写一句话 (1)、日寇占我沈阳的消息传来,爱国同胞无不悲愤填膺! (1) when the news came that the Japanese invaders occupied Shenyang, all the patriotic compatriots were filled with grief and indignation! (2)、剩下的几个兵卒见将军惨死,个个都是悲愤填膺,情知今日必死无疑,都怒号着要做最后的殊死搏斗。 (2) when the rest of the soldiers saw the general's tragic death, they were all filled with grief and indignation. They knew that they would die today, and they were all angry to do the last fight. (3)、听了使馆被炸的消息,学生们悲愤填膺。 (3) after hearing the news that the embassy was bombed, the students were filled with grief and indignation. (4)、看这里的人都悲愤填膺、伤痛欲绝,赵威龙稍加寻问,就知道了事情真相,他二话不说,往回奔去。 (4) all the people here are filled with grief and indignation. After a little inquiry, Zhao Weilong knows the truth. Without saying a word, he runs back. (5)、不过我发现,当父亲倒在拳坛上,惨叫之后我说话能力竟然离奇的恢复,此时看着昆帕猜,惊讶的目光却瞪视在他身后,我眼里露出了悲愤填膺的绝望。 (5) however, I found that when my father fell down on the boxing world and screamed, my speaking ability recovered strangely. At this time, I looked at kunpachai, but my eyes were staring at him in surprise. My eyes were filled with indignation and despair. ![]() |