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(1) approach every student, find the advantages of every student, develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, and teach students in accordance with their aptitude.

(2) only by constantly thinking about one's own faults, can one develop one's strong points and avoid one's weak points and choose the right ones.

(3) in order to avoid fighting, we must develop our strong points and avoid our weak points. The mantis plays with more secret elbows and combines hard skills to practice its arms. If we fight each other, I can break you. If you have no temper, then I will take the lead.

(4) Moreover, excellent martial arts can also develop strengths and avoid weaknesses.

(5) we are two feet away from each other. Can I really stab you at this turning point? Fake is fake after all. As long as you know your opponent's real skills and make full use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, it's not difficult for you to win in real terms
(6) the self-cultivation person should eliminate the evil and keep the good, develop the strong points and avoid the short points, and reflect on the body three times a day; the self-discipline person should first worry and then be happy, be strict with himself and lenient with others, and let others be restrained; the civilized person should be modest and polite, honest and trustworthy, and help the poor!

(7) education should not draw on each other's strong points to make up for each other's weak points and shape the children into one; education should make full use of each other's strong points and avoid each other's weak points so that each child's advantages can be brought into full play.

(8) bridal make-up varies from person to person, so every bride should know how to develop her strong points and avoid her weak points.

(9) in the new school year, we should make full use of our strengths and avoid our weaknesses, carry forward our strengths, overcome our shortcomings, and constantly improve ourselves.

(10) under the guidance of teachers, we developed our strengths and avoided our weaknesses, and soon achieved success in learning.

















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