1、音乐应当使人类的精神爆出火花。 Music should make the spirit of the human spark burst. 2、绕梁三日,余音不绝,欢快洒落在心窝里,宛如一些活泼轻盈的精灵,在为心灵进行一次洗礼。 Not so cheerful sound, sonorous, resounding and prolonged, in the heart, like some light and lively spirit, in a baptism of mind. 3、音乐给人灵感,给人奋起。 Music gives inspiration, to rise. 4、看啊,那都是歌中所有的。我用耳,也用眼,鼻,舌,身,听着;也用心唱着。我终于被一种健康的麻痹袭取了,于是为听歌所有。此后只由歌独自唱着,听着,听着;世界上便只有歌声了。 Look, it's all in the song. I use ears, but also with the eyes, nose, tongue, body, listening to the heart, but also with the heart to sing. I was a healthy stormed into paralysis, so as to all. Since then, only by singing alone, listen, listen; in the world there is only singing. 5、音乐是一种自由的、生气勃勃的艺术,一种充满新鲜空气的艺术。 Music is a kind of free and full of vitality of the art, an art full of fresh air. 6、音乐,让我在悲伤时感到一丝快乐,让我在感动时潸然落泪。音乐让我知道,人世间的各种欢乐,各种辛酸,各种痛楚;音乐让我知道,只要有音乐,我就不会孤独,不会寂寞。音乐,为我的生命注入了无穷的动力。 Music makes me feel a little joy in sadness, let me move moved to tears. Music let me know, all kinds of joy in the world, all kinds of bitterness, all kinds of pain; music let me know, as long as there is music, I will not be lonely, not lonely. Music, for my life into the infinite power. 7、音乐不仅仅只流行音乐,古典音乐也是受人们欢迎的一个种类。就让我们敞开心思来谈谈这两种音乐的含义。 Music is more than just pop music, classical music is a kind of popular. Let us open our hearts to the meaning of these two kinds of music. 8、音乐是人类的第二语言。 Music is the second language of mankind. 9、音乐无处不在,白鲸在危难中听到了音乐,才冲破了北极的冰层;奶牛在音乐的感染下,才产出更多的奶;小草在音乐的陶冶下会显得更加嫩绿;就连病危的病人听到音乐也会感到好了许多。假如没有音乐就没有眼前的这些景象。 The whale music everywhere, hear music in danger, just broke through the Arctic ice; cows infected in the music, to produce more milk; the grass will become more green in musicinfluencing; even the terminally ill patients will feel good to hear the music of many. If there were no music, there would not have had such a scene. 10、音乐让我有很了大的收获。喝一杯白开水,听着唐磊的丁香花,那优美的旋律,将我陶醉,那不快不慢的歌词,既潮流又有些琅琅上口。 Music makes me have a big harvest. Drink a cup of boiling water, listening to Tang Lei's lilac, the beautiful melody, I will be intoxicated, that is not fast nor slow lyrics, trendy and some easy to pronounce. 11、音乐仅供敬主悦人。逆主音乐即魔鬼的噪音和吵闹。 Music is for the Lord. The main music is the devil's noise and noise. 12、音乐是旅途上最好的充电器! Music is the best charger on the trip! 13、让人深在浮世中,却有皓月当空,清风徐徐之感。 Let a person deep in the ukiyo, has the bright moon in the sky, the breeze slowly feeling. 14、音乐是心灵的镜子,而且是铁面无情的镜子。 Music is a mirror of the soul, and is merciless mirror. 15、音乐信手拈来,不带走一丝云彩。 All music, do not take a cloud. 16、音乐的力量不可估量,让我们都来热爱音乐吧!让我们的生活充满音乐,让音乐为我们人类造福! The power of music is immeasurable, so we all love music! Let our life full of music, let the music for the benefit of mankind! 17、胡笳曲的旋律是那么悦耳动听,又是那么哀伤凄婉,就像是年老的慈母在呼唤久别的孩子,就像是年轻的妻子在思念在外的丈夫。 Hujia tune is so sweet, it is so sad sad, like the old mother call old child, like a young wife missing outside her husband. 18、宛如阳春白雪,天籁之音,真是此曲只应天上有,人间难得几回闻啊! A highbrow, soothing, really piece should only be the sky, earth rarely heard several times! 19、习惯一个人的音乐,一个人的音乐是心灵最深处地**。也许只有自己才听得懂,可是却依然希望自己听的音乐能把周围和未来打动。 Accustomed to a person's music, a person's music is the soul of the most deep groan. Maybe only their own to understand, but still want to listen to the music can be moved around and the future. 20、这首歌声音悠扬婉转,纯洁好听。 This song sounds melodious and sweet, pure and beautiful. 21、音乐,人类的灵魂,只有懂得音乐的人才懂得生活。 Music, the soul of mankind, only know the music of the people know how to live. 22、催人前进,达到意境合人,这就是音乐。 Push people forward, to achieve the mood of the people, this is the music. 23、艺术的真正意义在于使人幸福,使人得到鼓舞和力量。 The true meaning of art is to make people happy, to inspire and strength. 24、更如朗照松间的明月,清幽明净。 As more shining pine moon, clear and bright and clean. 25、音乐是流畅飘逸的绸带,让人心旷神怡。 The music is smooth and elegant ribbon, refreshing. 26、音乐就是记忆。 Music is memory. 27、动听的音乐就像是飞舞的蝴蝶在空中翩翩起舞,也像是叮咚的泉水在山间流淌,有时候,也像是璀璨的星辰,在夜空用闪烁。 Music is like butterflies dancing in the air, like the tinkling spring water flows in the mountains, sometimes, like bright stars, flashing in the night sky. 28、环境压力下,音乐是浮木。 Under ambient pressure, the music is driftwood. 29、音乐就是我的生命,感谢你们承认我的生命。 Music is my life, thank you for acknowledging my life. 30、音乐于我,重要的像是身体的一部分。 Music to me, it's important to be part of the body. 31、语言的尽头是音乐出现的地方。 At the end of the language is where the music comes in. 32、最初的时候,我很偏执,我的世界里除了摇滚就再也容不下其他了。很长一段时间,我的碟机里只会有一张碟,每次都是一张碟听很久再换成另一张。 At first, I was paranoid that I could not hold any other place in the world except rock and roll. For a long period of time, my CD player will only have a dish, each time is a dish for a long time to listen to another. 33、音乐多么美妙的符号,很单纯的声音,但听后让人舒服,音乐五彩缤纷花花绿绿,呈现自然微妙的旋律,宛如孩子的古灵精怪。 How wonderful the music symbols, sounds very simple, but after listening to soothing music, a riot of colours present natural melody brightly coloured, delicate, like a child's weird. 34、音乐是我疗伤最好的药,没有谁能陪我走过悲伤的海。 Music is the best medicine to heal me, no one can accompany me through the sad sea. 35、歌声余音绕梁,三日不绝,细细听来,一种深沉却飘然出世的感觉会理科占据认得心头,仿佛一切尘嚣都已远去,只有这天籁之音。 Three days without a break, the song The tune lingered in the room., listen carefully, but a deep feeling will occupy the floating born science recognize the heart, as if it all is gone, only the sound of nature. 36、谱写乐曲的是人类的心,而音乐展现的是人的心世界。音乐为何有这么大的魅力?聆听轻敲竹子产生的天籁之音,我想我找到了答案。 Composing music is the heart of man, and music shows the heart of man. Why does music have so much charm? Listen to the sounds of tapping bamboo, I think I found the answer. 37、最美妙的音乐能令我们陶醉其中而无法自拨,最激烈的音乐能令我们的身体不由自主的跟着手舞足蹈起来。 The most beautiful music can make us intoxicated and unable to dial, the most intense music can make our body can't help with dancing together. 38、音乐是比一切智慧、一切哲学更高的启示,谁能渗透我音乐的意义,便能超脱寻常人无以自拔的苦难。 Music is more than all wisdom, all philosophy of higher revelation, who can penetrate the meaning of my music, they can transcend the ordinary people to extricate themselves from the suffering of. 39、卡农的魅力在于百听不厌,让人心情舒畅,而且还可以缓解压力。因为它的曲调规律,让人感觉很理性,但是理性的同时又有种感性的冲动。无论心情好,心情不好,都可以听卡农,无论何时,它都能让人平静! Canon is the charm of flattery, let people feel comfortable, but also ease the pressure. Because of its melody, people feel very rational, but rational at the same time, there is a kind of emotional impulse. In good mood, bad mood, they can listen to the canon, whenever it can make people calm! 40、拥有阳光般温暖美好的歌曲。 Have a sunny, warm and beautiful song. 41、唱歌又唱戏,永远有朝气。 Singing and singing, always full of vigor. |
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