狂风怒号造句写一句话简单的 (1)、(冬天的大地被雪花点缀的银装素裹;冬天的山川被寒冷描绘的冰封千里;冬天的人们被狂风怒号的穿棉裹袄。 (2)、(两个骑马的人渐行渐近,狂风怒号。 (3)、(地上便刮起了剧烈的风暴,顿时黄沙漫天,狂风怒号。 (4)、(长白山之巅,狂风怒号,砂石腾飞,冰霜满天,汇聚成一道硕大无朋的虚影在山巅疯狂翻悬,宛如妖龙肆虐,又如鬼神降世。 (5)、(场间的少年出手狠烈,攻势凌厉,如狂风怒号,暴雨倾泻。 (6)、(说话间,外边的大沙暴已经来了,狂风怒号,刮得天昏地暗,就算深处在堡垒里的我,我不免有些心惊肉跳。 (7)、(狂风怒号,巨浪时刻卷袭着,好似随时将倾覆。 (8)、(外面狂风怒号,细雪从罅隙里钻进来,寒气围攻着六个落难者的背脊。欧·亨利 (9)、(所幸,毒雾安守一隅,即便狂风怒号,也从不扩散。 (10)、(这天晚上,老天发怒,狂风怒号,电闪雷鸣,不一会儿下起了大雨。 (11)、(冬天的大地被雪花点缀的银装素裹;冬天的山川被寒冷描绘的冰封千里;冬天的人们被狂风怒号的穿棉裹袄。共2页:12下一页。 (12)、(祖奥冲过来,他手中狂风怒号,毁灭之锤带着无匹之威直接打碎了塔斯订购,在这千钧一发之际,女王终于是找到了幻术的弱点。 (13)、(忽然间阴云密布,狂风怒号,大雨倾注。 (14)、(凌云一人走在了路上,不知不觉中,天上下起了大雨,狂风怒号者,他仰天大喊一声:苍天啊,你对我不公!!!,为何我就不能过一个平常人的日子?!?! (15)、(西北,营县与许县之间,一道光秃秃的山岭横亘南北,如一条蛰伏的巨龙,狂风怒号,亦如一声声龙吟,震得人耳膜生疼。 狂风怒号造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、(天地源气爆发形成的狂风怒号尚未消散,石飞羽身体就以穿过了那只巨大的人形虚影,拳头旋即狠狠的砸在了王拓胸膛之上。 (1) before the roar of the explosion of heaven and earth source gas dissipated, Shi Feiyu's body passed through the huge virtual human figure, and his fist immediately hit Wang Tuo's chest. (2)、(刹那间,狂风怒号,惊涛万丈,大雨滂沱,整个天空好似发了疯,入了魔一样,无穷无尽的宣泄着。 (2) in a flash, the wind howled, the waves surged, and the rain fell heavily. The whole sky seemed to be mad and possessed, and it was endless venting. (3)、(在南林等人看不到的风壁之外,此时已是狂风怒号,鬼哭神嚎,以祭坛为中心,一根根房屋大小的龙卷风贯穿天地,仿若灭世。 (3) outside the wind wall that Nanlin and others couldn't see, the wind was howling and the ghosts were crying. With the altar as the center, tornadoes the size of houses ran through the sky and the earth, as if they were extinct. (4)、(她的笑声初时极小,如穿过林间的一缕轻风,随后忽地拔高,仿佛狂风怒号,又如金鼓齐鸣,万马奔腾!此时已入夜,密林已渐渐静默下来。 (4) her laughter was very small at first, like a light wind passing through the forest, then suddenly rising, like the roar of the wind, or like the sound of the golden drum and the galloping of horses! Now it's night, and the dense forest is gradually silent. (5)、(祖奥冲过来,他手中狂风怒号,毁灭之锤带着无匹之威直接打碎了塔斯订购,在这千钧一发之际,女王终于是找到了幻术的弱点。 (5), (Zoe rushes over, howls in his hand, and the hammer of destruction directly smashes the TASS order with unparalleled power. At this critical moment, the queen finally finds the weakness of magic. (6)、(穹顶之下狂风怒号,而男子的衣襟却分毫不动。 (6) the wind howls under the dome, but the man's skirt does not move. (7)、(西北,营县与许县之间,一道光秃秃的山岭横亘南北,如一条蛰伏的巨龙,狂风怒号,亦如一声声龙吟,震得人耳膜生疼。 (7) in the northwest, between Ying county and Xu county, a bare mountain ranges across the north and south, like a dormant dragon, the roar of the wind, like the sound of a dragon, shaking people's eardrums. (8)、(呼啦啦,呼啦啦,一时间天地昏暗,飞沙走石,那是虚日鼠与秦彝的战场,这时天地灵气忽然汇聚到一处,顿时狂风怒号沙土飞扬,巨石滚动,云雾消散。 (8), (hula, hula, for a moment, the sky and the earth were dark, and the sand was flying away. That was the battlefield between Xuri rat and Qin Yi. At this time, the aura of heaven and earth suddenly gathered together, and suddenly the wind roared, the sand was flying, the boulders were rolling, and the clouds were dispersing. (9)、(天上雷雨交加,狂风怒号,好似天地为之震撼。 (9) the sky is full of thunder and rain, and the wind is howling, as if heaven and earth are shocked by it. (10)、(凌云一人走在了路上,不知不觉中,天上下起了大雨,狂风怒号者,他仰天大喊一声:苍天啊,你对我不公!!!,为何我就不能过一个平常人的日子?!?! (10), (Ling Yun walked on the road alone, unconsciously, it rained heavily in the sky, and the wind howled, he looked up to the sky and yelled: God, you are unfair to me! Why can't I live an ordinary life 狂风怒号造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、(一阵阵狂风怒号,无情地袭来,让人无法睁开眼睛。 (二)、(西北,营县与许县之间,一道光秃秃的山岭横亘南北,如一条蛰伏的巨龙,狂风怒号,亦如一声声龙吟,震得人耳膜生疼。 (三)、(强大的魔法能量,撼动了这片海,顿时狂风怒号,大浪抛天,海面上一片黑暗。 (四)、(天上雷雨交加,狂风怒号,好似天地为之震撼。 (五)、(冬天的大地被雪花点缀的银装素裹;冬天的山川被寒冷描绘的冰封千里;冬天的人们被狂风怒号的穿棉裹袄。共2页:12下一页。 (六)、(说话间,外边的大沙暴已经来了,狂风怒号,刮得天昏地暗,就算深处在堡垒里的我,我不免有些心惊肉跳。 (七)、(在南林等人看不到的风壁之外,此时已是狂风怒号,鬼哭神嚎,以祭坛为中心,一根根房屋大小的龙卷风贯穿天地,仿若灭世。 (八)、(一声巨响,王枫被众多法术淹没,一时间引起四周狂风怒号,形成一股风暴,将沙石掀翻,而声势极为浩大。 (九)、(昏暗的天色下,闷雷滚滚狂风怒号,低沉得如一个泫然欲泣之人,在酝酿着情绪倾诉那壮烈的故事。 (十)、(两个骑马的人渐行渐近,狂风怒号。 (十一)、(祖奥冲过来,他手中狂风怒号,毁灭之锤带着无匹之威直接打碎了塔斯订购,在这千钧一发之际,女王终于是找到了幻术的弱点。 (十二)、(狂风怒号,电闪雷鸣一个接着一个。 (十三)、(大雨从天花板和窗户倾泻而入,外面狂风怒号。 (十四)、(凌云一人走在了路上,不知不觉中,天上下起了大雨,狂风怒号者,他仰天大喊一声:苍天啊,你对我不公!!!,为何我就不能过一个平常人的日子?!?! (十五)、(霎时间,狂风怒号,大雨如注,地面上洪水横流。 |