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(1) then they "competed with each other happily, and the result was that they were both panting and sweating.

(2) I've been admiring Mr. Qin for a long time, and I want to compare my literary talent with Mr. Qin.

(3) when it comes to happy girls' day, I compare girls. You are like a spring breeze blowing on people's face, and the spirit of youth is hard to suppress; you are like a flower blooming, beauty and vitality are the first; you are like a snowflake falling on the world, pure and romantic. Wish you a more beautiful holiday, happy smile never leave!

(4) let's see whose heart is more stubborn. Anyway, life is still so long. Naxia
(5) please take the physical examination form and compare with your good friends to see who is heavier and who is lighter.

(6) compare the two fish. Who is handsome is tomorrow's dish.

(7) in the early 1990s, when ham sausage was just on the market, the slogan we put forward was "compare, taste, Jinluo ham sausage.".

(8) you can swim in a place like this. You can swim in the water faster than anyone else. You don't have to worry about drowning.

(9) on the lawn on the west side of the South Gate of Wukesong Gymnasium, there stands a bronze statue in proportion to Marbury's one-to-one ratio, which is based on the image of holding the supreme tripod over its head when it won the championship.

(10) if a woman hears about her beauty, she will feel more sad than anything if she doesn't see it with her own eyes. If she is a beautiful woman, she will have to see and compare. Jin Yong



(i), cela nous rend plus têtus que de voir qui a le c?ur, de toute fa?on la vie est si longue.Cet été


(Ⅱ), ? au début des années 1990, les saucisses de jambon venaient tout juste d'être mises sur le marché, et notre slogan était ? comparer, go?ter, Saucisses de jambon Gong doré ?.


(3), et ils ont été "plus douloureux qu'un" et ont été plus essoufflés et transpirants que deux personnes.


(4). Tout le monde nage dans un endroit comme celui - ci. Il faut plus de temps que quiconque pour retenir son souffle. Il n'y a pas besoin de s'inquiéter de l'inondation.


(v). J'ai comparé les filles à la fête des filles.Vous êtes comme le vent de printemps qui souffle sur le visage des gens, l'air de la jeunesse ne peut pas se retenir; vous êtes comme les fleurs fleurissent, la beauté et la vitalité d'abord; vous êtes comme les flocons de neige tombant sur la terre, pure et romantique fascinant.Que les gens de vos vacances soient plus beaux, heureux et souriants pour toujours!













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