1、能快乐旅行的,一定是轻装旅行的人。 Travel to be happy, must be traveling light. 2、因为,一个人可以同时是忠实的,又是懒惰的。 Because, a person can be loyal, is lazy. 3、对我来说,这里是世界上最可爱,却也是最悲伤的一片土地。 For me, here is the world's most lovely, but also the most sad a piece of land. 4、使沙漠美丽的,是你不知道它在哪藏着一眼泉。 Makes the desert beautiful, is that you don't know where it is hidden springs. 5、如果你要驯服一个人,就要冒着掉眼泪的危险。 If you want to tame a person, will risk tears. 6、看东西只有用心才能看得见,肉眼是看不见重要的东西的。 To see only the heart can see, is invisible to the naked eye the important stuff. 7、当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落。 When a person depressed, he would especially like to watch the sunset. 8、当你被神奇的东西镇住时,你是不敢不听话的。 When you have been amazing things curb, you would not dare not obedient. 9、人少的地方太寂寞了,人多的地方也很寂寞! Less people place too lonely, anywhere there are a lot of people are very lonely! 10、我太年轻了,甚至不懂怎么去爱她。 I'm too young, don't even know how to love her. 11、只有用心灵才能看得清事物本质,真正重要的东西是肉眼无法看见的。 Only with the heart to see clearly, the essence is the naked eye cannot see what is truly important. 12、她不是普通的玫瑰。她是你的玫瑰。 She is no ordinary rose. Is she your roses. 13、只恨我当时年纪小,看不到她那小小花招背后的一片柔情。 Only hate I was young, can't see her little trick behind a piece of tender feelings. 14、很多路都得自己一个人走完。 Many have to myself a person walk the road. 15、大人们通常都是这样的,以貌取人。 Adults usually do judge a book by its cover. 16、星星真美,因为有一朵看不见的花。 The stars are beautiful, because of a flower that cannot be seen. 17、因为,一个人可以同时是忠于职守的,又是生性疏懒的。 Because, a person can be loyal to their duties at the same time, is by nature indolent. 18、正因为你在你的玫瑰上花费了很多时间,你的玫瑰才变得如此重要。 Because you spend a lot of time on your rose, your rose became so important. 19、如果让自己被驯化,就难免会流泪。 If you let yourself be tamed, hard to avoid can shed tears. 20、爱不仅仅是彼此相互凝视,而是两人看往同一个方向。 Love is not just gazing at each other, but two people look to the same direction. 21、当你抚平你的忧伤的时候,你就会是我永远的朋友,你要跟我一起笑。 When you heal your sorrow, you will be my forever friend, will you join me to laugh. 22、你知道吗,人在难过的时候就会爱上日落。 Do you know, people will fall in love with the sunset in the sad. 23、即使在有人的地方,我们依然孤单。 Even in some places, we're still alone. 24、生活才不是生命荒唐的编号,生活的意义在于生活本身。 Life is not life absurd number, the meaning of life is life itself. 25、一旦你驯服了什么,就要对她负责,永远的负责。 Once you have tamed, will be responsible for her, forever. 26、很简单:只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。 Is simple: only the heart can see clearly. Substantive things, with his eyes are invisible. 27、大人们都是这个样子,以衣冠取人。 The adults are like this, take people to the headgear. 28、对那些大人们,小孩子要尽量宽容一些。 For those who are adults, children should as far as possible some tolerance. 29、一个人只有用心灵才能看的真切,重要的东西用肉眼是看不见的。 It is only with heart one can see the real and important things with the naked eye is invisible. 30、当你抚平你的忧伤时,你就是我永远的朋友。 When you heal your sorrow, you are my friend forever. 31、如果选择被驯养,那就要承担一点哭泣的风险。 If you choose to be domesticated, that is about to assume the risk of a little cry. 32、你什么也不要说,话语是误会的根源。 You don't say anything, the words are the source of misunderstandings. 33、有一朵玫瑰,我想,她把我驯服了。 Have a rose, I think, she put her I tamed. 34、也许世界上也有五千朵和你一模一样的花,但只有你是我独一无二的玫瑰。 Maybe there are five thousand roses in the world and you the same flower, but only you are my unique rose. 35、所有的大人都曾经是小孩,虽然,只有少数的人记得。 All grown-ups were once a child, though, only a few people remember. 36、因为是心甘情愿地沉溺,即使死亡也无须被拯救。 Because be willingly indulge, even death also don't need to be saved. 37、是风把他们吹来的,他们没有根,这让他们很苦恼。 Is the wind blowing them, they have no root, it makes them very upset. 38、人难过的时候,总是爱看日落的。 People sad, always love to see the sunset. 39、一直朝前走,也走不了多远。 Go straight ahead, also can't walk far. 40、最大的问题不是长大,而是遗忘。 The biggest problem is not grow up, but forgotten. 41、把心爱的人放在心里,他便永远活在你的心中。 Put the one you love in the heart, he will live forever in your heart. 42、审判自己比审判别人难多了。如果你成功地正确审判了自己,那么你就是一个真正的智者了。 Judge oneself than to judge others more difficult. If you successfully trial right himself, then you are really a wise. 43、世界上有那么多的玫瑰花,但是只有你们是一直陪伴在我身边,我们相互灌溉。 There are so many roses in the world, but only you are always accompany in my side, we each other irrigation. 44、大人自己什么都不懂,总是要小孩来给他们解释,这让我觉得很累。 Adult oneself what all don't understand, always want a child to explain, it makes me feel very tired. 45、忘记朋友是可悲的,不是谁都有朋友。 Forget a friend is sad, is not who have friends. 46、当一个人炫耀他自己的智慧时,往往倒会误入歧途。 When a person is to show off his own wisdom, often wondered what it would be misguided. 47、使生活如此美丽的,是我们藏起来的真诚和童心。 Makes life so beautiful, it is our sincere and hide forever young. 48、要想结识蝴蝶,就得先忍受两三只毛毛虫的叮咬。 If you want to make a butterfly, you have to put up with two or three caterpillars bites. 49、向每个人提出的要求应该是他们所能做到的,权威首先应该建立在理性的基础上。 To request everyone should be all they can do it, the authority should be established on the basis of rational in the first place. 50、如果你打算有所牵绊,就得做好流泪的准备。 If you're going to have stumbles, ready to cry. 51、使沙漠显得美丽的,是它在什么地方藏着一口水井。 Make the desert appears beautiful, where is it hides a well. 52、我一直想跟别人分享他的故事,但始终未果,说不上为什么,也许是这个世界太像大人太成熟。 I've always wanted to share his story, but always failed, can't say why, may be the world too much like mature adults too. 53、你在你玫瑰花上所花的时间,使你一玫瑰变得重要。 You spent on your rose time, makes you a rose becomes important. 54、当你悲伤的时候,就会喜欢看落日。 When you are sad, you will love to watch the sunset. 55、审判自己要比审判别人难得多。一旦你能公正地审判自己,你就是真正睿智的人。 Judge oneself than to judge others more rare. Once you can judge yourself honestly, you are really wise man. 56、如果你要和别人产生羁绊,就要承受流泪的风险。 If you want to and others, will endure tears of risk. 57、你为你的玫瑰花费了时间,这才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要。 Time you spent for your rose that makes your rose so important. 58、只恨我那是年纪太小,看不透他那小小花招背后的柔情。 Only hate me that's age is too small, cannot see through his little tricks behind the tender feelings. 59、正是你为你玫瑰花所花费的时间,才让你的玫瑰花变得如此重要。 Is your roses the time it takes for you, that makes your rose so important. 60、村庄的温情不会外泄,想体会它的美丽,你不能匆匆走过。 Village of warmth will not leak, wanted to experience its beauty, you can't hurried by. 61、当他最后一次浇花时,准备把她好好珍藏起来。他发觉自己要哭出来。 When the last time he watering the flowers, ready to give her a good collection. He found himself to cry. 62、忘记朋友是一件令人伤心的事情,并不是人人都有朋友的。 Forget a friend is a sad thing, not everyone has a friend. 63、所有大人都曾是小孩,可惜只有少数人记得这件事。 All adults were once children, but only a few people remember it. 64、花朵是如此的天真无邪!可是,我毕竟是太年轻了,不知该如何去爱她。 Flowers are so innocent! But I, after all, is too young, don't know how to love her. 65、只有心灵才能洞察一切,最重要的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。 Only the mind can insight into all things, the most important thing, is invisible to the eyes. 66、所有的大人起先都是孩子,但愿我们都能记住这一点。 All of the adults are children at first, I hope we can keep that in mind. 67、生活中总有些东西会让你一见钟情。 In life there are always some things will make you fall in love at first sight. 68、时间会缓和所有的悲伤,当你的悲伤被安抚以后,你就会因为认识过我而感到满足。 Time will ease all the sadness and when your sorrow is calm after, you'll know because I feel satisfied. 69、真正重要的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。 The really important things, with his eyes are invisible. 70、眼睛是什么也看不见的,应该用心去寻找。 Eyes can't see anything, should be to look for it with all your heart. 71、我始终认为一个人可以很天真简单的活下去,必是身边无数人用更大的代价守护而来的。 I always think a person can be very naive simple live, countless people around will be used much more guarded. |