1、美啊,请为我停留! Beauty ah, please stay for me! 2、人在奋斗时,难免迷误。 People in the struggle, inevitably astray. 3、他的沉思便是他的痛苦。 His thought is his pain. 4、自我解嘲,却无法解惑。 Self mockery, but can not dispel doubts. 5、你能受,还要你真正能有。 You can also, you really have. 6、我要发现万有在你那虚无里。 I want to find that in your nothingness. 7、人只要努力,犯错误总归难免。 People make mistakes as long as you work hard, it is inevitable. 8、理论是灰色的,生命之树常青! The theory is grey, evergreen tree of life! 9、凡自强不息者,到头我辈均能救。 Where we are at the end of unremitting self-improvement, can save. 10、自由与命运只垂青每天努力的人。 Freedom and destiny only belongs to everyday people. 11、男人的尊严并不屈服于神的权威。 The dignity of man does not succumb to the authority of god. 12、谁都是过来人,却很少有人领悟。 Who is the person, but very few people. 13、不义之财对灵魂有损,对血液有害。 Ill-gotten gains are bad for the soul of harmful blood. 14、人类最大的两个敌人,恐惧和希望。 Two of mankind's greatest enemy, fear and hope. 15、谁今天不能飞升,就注定永远沉沦。 Who today can not up, doomed forever. 16、正因为不可能,才值得我们去相信。 Because is not possible, it worth us to believe. 17、理论都是灰色的,唯有生命之树长青。 The theory is grey, but the tree of life evergreen. 18、外貌只能徒耀一时,真美方能百世不殒! The appearance of only Yao time, really can not die the bes! 19、浮光只徒炫耀一时,真品才能传诸后世。 One only just to show off time, genuine can transmit to posterity. 20、理论全是灰色的,只有生命的金树常青。 All theory is grey, and only the golden tree of life is green. 21、我生前当及时享乐,死后哪管他洪水滔天。 When I was having fun, after the death of which he hongshuitaotian. 22、有为者巍然看定四周,这世界对他几曾沉默。 Who can stand around the world he had to silence. 23、善良的人或许会迷惘,但终将找到一条坦途。 Good people may be lost, but will eventually find a way. 24、就算要出卖灵魂,也要找个付的起价钱的人。 Even if you want to sell your soul, also want to find a person pay the price. 25、把心爱的人搂在怀里,乃是一种最好的天赐。 To put your loved one in your arms is one of the best. 26、人有两只手,一只用来夺走,一只用来给予。 People have two hands, one for taking and the one for giving. 27、黑暗孕育了光明,而光明却背离黑暗。诅咒黑暗。 Darkness breeds light, but light is a departure from the darkness. Curse the darkness. 28、美好的聚会已杳无踪迹,唉。最初的回响也寂然无声。 Good party has disappeared, alas. The first echoes were still. 29、我要纵身跳入时代的奔走,我要纵身跳入时代的年轮。 I want to jump into the era of running, I jumped into the era of the ring. 30、善良人在追求中纵然迷惘,却终将意识到有一条正途。 Good people in, they will eventually realize that there is a way. 31、停止抚慰你那苦痛吧,它像一只恶鹰吞噬着你的胸口! Stop comfort your pain, it is like a evil Eagle devoured your chest! 32、园丁也知道,小树只要发青,就会有花果点缀未来的岁月。 The gardener knows that as long as the green trees, flowers and fruits with the future there will be. 33、仍然拥有的彷佛从眼前远遁,已经逝去的又变得栩栩如生。 Still have it from the front of Yuandun, lost and become true to life. 34、粉碎无辜的对方,这是在走投无路时想出出气的暴君行为。 Crush innocent each other, this is come up with in the air when cornered tyrant behavior. 35、要放浪游戏,年纪未免太老,要心如死灰,年纪未免太轻。 To turn the game, age is too old to Xinrusihui, age is too light. 36、我感到我已有闯荡世界的勇气,去把人世间的苦与乐担当。 I feel I have the courage to go out into the world, the pain and joy in the world to play. 37、只有每天重新争取自由和生存的人,才配有享受二者的权利! Only a day to fight for freedom and the survival of the people, only with the right to enjoy two! 38、我所有的一切眼见暗淡而悠远,而消逝者又将现出来向我重演。 All I saw a dim and distant, and disappear and will now come to me again. 39、即使没有技巧,单凭悟性和正确的简介,也可以侃侃而谈;只要你真心诚意想说点什么,又何必寻章摘句? Even if there is no skills, understanding and correct profile alone can also be talking about; as long as you sincerely want to say something, why the discourse? 40、停止抚慰你那苦痛吧,它像一只恶鹰吞噬着你的胸口!最糟糕的人群都会让你感觉到你只是人类中的一员而已。 Stop comfort your pain, it is like a evil Eagle devoured your chest! The worst of the population will make you feel like you just a member of the human. 41、我在人世的日子会留下印记,人万代光阴飞逝页无法抹去。我在这种预感中欣喜无比,这是我人生中最崇高的瞬即。 I will leave an imprint in the world of the day, people can not erase the page generation time flies. I in this feeling in joy, this is my life the most noble instant. 42、我要纵身跳入时代的奔走,我要纵身跳入时代的年轮:苦痛,欢乐,失败,成功,我都不问,男儿的事业原本要昼夜不停。 I want to jump into the era of running, I should jump jumped into the era of rings: pain, joy, failure, success, I don't know, the cause of the hero originally it day and night without stopping. 43、今天做不成的,明天也不会做好。一天也不能虚度,要下决心把可能的事情,一把抓住而紧紧抱住,有决心就不会任其逃去,而且必然要贯彻实行。 Today do not, tomorrow will not do. One day can not be wasted, to things that might be determined to, grabbed and hugged, determined would not be allowed to escape, but also must implement. 44、有的时候,有一些话告诉一个与自己完全两个世界的人,会感觉格外安全。只有把那些苦痛告诉比自己还悲惨的人,我们才会心安理得。说到底,我们都还是自私懦弱的动物。 Sometimes, there is something to tell a fully two of the world's people, will feel very safe. Only the pain also told the miserable than their own people, we will be peace of mind. After all, we are still selfish cowardly animal. |
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