1、树愈静而风不止,我愈恋而他不在。 The trees are still and the wind is blowing, the more I love him, he is not in the. 2、用嘻哈的蓝调精神来过二胡一样的生活。 With the spirit of hip-hop Blues came to life like erhu. 3、我又不是人民币,怎么能让人人都喜欢我? I am not the RMB, how can let everyone like me? 4、苦笑的确可以令人放松,放松到老泪纵横。 Smile can really relax, relax to the The old man wept bitterly. 5、没有医保和寿险的,天黑后不要见义勇为。 No medical insurance and life insurance, not courageous after dark. 6、我又不是人民币,怎么能让人人都喜欢我? I am not the RMB, how can let everyone like me? 7、念了十几年书,想起来还是幼儿园比较好混! Read more than ten years, think it is better to have a good kindergarten mix! 8、阳光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老去? The sun warm, quiet years, you still don't come, how can I get old? 9、喝药递瓶,上吊给绳,跳楼的挥着小手绢送行。 Drink the medicine delivery bottles, hanging to the rope, jumping off a small handkerchief. 10、你有什么不开心的事?说出来让大家开心一下。 Do you have anything that is not fun? Tell them to make you happy. 11、间歇性郁闷症发作期间,生人勿扰,熟人勿找。 Intermittent depression during an attack, strangers if you do not find acquaintances. 12、我以神的姿态,闪耀在这美的瞬间,凡人勿扰。 I in God's attitude, shine in this beautiful moment, man not faze. 13、请不要把我对你的容忍,当成你不要脸的资本。 Please do not put me on your tolerance, as you shameless capital. 14、阳光温热,岁月静好,你还不来,我怎敢老去? The sun warm, quiet years, you still don't come, how can I get old? 15、旅游,是去放松心情。而旅行,是去邂逅心灵。 Travel, is to relax. And travel, is to meet the soul. 16、作为一个怪兽,我的愿望是至少消灭一个奥特曼。 As a monster, my wish is to destroy at least one Altman. 17、多看娱乐可以让自己思维更活跃,注意要跟上潮流。 Watching more entertainment can make their thinking more active, pay attention to keep up with the trend. 18、我以为我很颓废,今天我才知道,原来我早报废了。 I thought I was very decadent, today I just know, originally my morning paper waste. 19、执子之手,将子拖走。子说不走,好吧,关门放狗! Holding the hand of the son, the son will be towed away. Son said not to go, all right, close the door to put the dog! 20、水的清澈,不是因为它不含杂质,而是在于懂得沉淀。 The water is clear, not because it does not contain impurities, but is to understand the precipitation. 21、小时候,微笑是一种心情,长大后,微笑是一种表情。 When I was young, smile is a kind of mood. When I grow up, smile is a kind of expression. 22、我是你转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎年华到天涯? I am you turned forget a passer-by, with what accompany you waste time to the end? 23、目的地是哪里并不重要,重要的是感受过程和放松心情! Where the destination is not important, it is important to feel the process and relax! 24、诸葛亮出山前也没带过兵啊,你们凭啥要我有工作经验。 Zhu Geliang didn't take out before the soldier ah, you work with what I have experienced. 25、幸福是什么幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。 Happiness is what happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, watching others chew bones. 26、生活就像宋祖德的嘴,你永远都不知道下一个倒霉的会是谁。 Life is like Song Zude's mouth, you never know who will be the next one. 27、少年不胡作妄为,大胆放肆,试问老年时哪来的题材话当年。 The young do not Hu, audacity, ask old age in which subjects words. 28、思念不能自已,痛苦不能自理,结果不能自取,幸福不能自予。 Miss lose self-control, pain can not take care of themselves, the results can not himself, not to the happiness. 29、铁杵能磨成针,但木杵只能磨成牙签,材料不对,再努力也没用。 Iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but the wooden pestle can be ground into a toothpick, not material, then it was no use trying to. 30、有空学风水去,死后占个好墓也算弥补了生前买不起好房的遗憾。 Feng Shui to learn to learn, after the death of a good tomb also make up for the regret that he can not afford to buy a good room before. 31、心情不好的时候,不吵不闹,听听音乐,放松心情,然后睡一觉。 When you are in a bad mood, don't quarrel, listen to music, relax, and then sleep. 32、有车有房是稳定的基础,是腾达的契机,抓住了继续加速的前行。 There is a car room is a stable foundation, is an opportunity to seize the opportunity to continue to accelerate the advance of Tengda. 33、如果你注定不能给予我期待的回应。那么就保持在安全距离之外吧! If you are not destined to give me a response. Then keep it at a safe distance! 34、父母更年期陪他一起度过,且宽容的看待一切,你也会有这么一天。 Parents spend the day with him, and tolerance of all, you will have such a day. 35、于是在这个人群满满的偌大都市,我们以同样的心情固执的孤单着。 So in this crowd full big city, we are in the same mood stubborn lonely. 36、仇恨永远不能化解仇恨,只有慈悲才能化解仇恨,这是永恒的至理。 Hatred is never overcome hatred, only compassion can overcome hatred, this is an eternal truth. 37、过去是经历,现在是尝试,未来是期待。经历过,尝试着,就有期待。 The past is experience, now is to try, the future is looking forward to. Experience, try, there is hope. 38、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而更难过的是你还要装作你不在乎。 Being particularly concerned about people ignore, will be very sad, and even more sad is that you have to pretend that you do not care. 39、世界上最远的距离,不是爱,不是恨,而是熟悉的人,渐渐变得陌生。 The farthest distance in the world, is not love, not hate, but familiar with people, gradually become unfamiliar. 40、我们用双手紧紧地握别,让感觉在手中轻轻撩过,共享一份难忘的温馨。 We shake hands firmly with both hands, let the feeling in the hands gently brushed, sharing an unforgettable warmth. 41、年轻的时候,我们常常冲着镜子做鬼脸;年老的时候,镜子算是扯平了。 When young, we often make a face in the mirror; when you are old, the mirror is even. 42、我早已能勇敢地面对失去你的生活,早已习惯在一个人的夜晚微笑着想你。 I have been brave enough to face the loss of your life, have long been accustomed to a person's night smile think of you. 43、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道没结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。 True love is not a moment of goodwill, but clearly know no results, but also want to stick to the impulse. 44、很多人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但是能够入土为安的爱情总比暴尸街头要好。 Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love can be laid to rest is better than storm the streets. 45、有时候,直到一些珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才会真正意识到它的价值所在。 Sometimes, until some precious time becomes a memory, you will realize the value of it. 46、据说,人只有两个选择,忙着死或是忙着活,我想我有了第三种选择:忙着等死。 It is said that there are only two choices, busy dying or busy living, I think I have third options: busy waiting for death. 47、放弃与放手的区别:放弃是牺牲本来属于你的,而放手是放下那些从来不是你的。 The difference between giving up and letting go is that giving up is sacrificing what is yours, and letting go is to let go of those things that are never yours. 48、别离的泪水,为记忆的长河增添新的浪花;别离的祝福,为再一次相聚拉开了序幕。 Parting of the tears, for the long river of memory to add a new spray; parting blessing, for once again together began a prelude. 49、西游记告诉我们:凡是有后台的妖怪都被接走了,凡是没后台的都被一棒子打死了。 Journey to the West tells us: those who have the background of the monsters have been picked up, those who have no background and killed by a stick. 50、小时候我以为自己长大后可以拯救整个世界,等长大后才发现整个世界都拯救不了我。 When I was young, I thought I could save the whole world when I grow up, and when I grow up, I find that the whole world can't save me. 51、挤公交是包含散打、瑜珈、柔道、平衡木等多种体育和健身项目于一体的综合性运动。 Crowded bus is a comprehensive sport including Sanda, yoga, judo, balance beam and other sports and fitness projects in one. 52、我们不得不分离,轻声地说声再见,心里存着感谢,感谢你曾给过我一份深厚的情谊。 We have to separate, quietly say goodbye, thank you in my heart, thank you once gave me a deep friendship. 53、如果你准备结婚的话,告诉你一句非常重要的哲学名言,你一定要忍耐包容对方的缺点。 If you are ready to get married, tell you a very important philosophical saying, you must bear with each other's shortcomings. 54、在这个纷绕的世俗世界里,能够学会用一颗平常的心去对待周围的一切,也是一种境界。 In the secular world, can learn to use a normal heart to treat all around, is also a kind of realm. 55、有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。 Some of the encounters between people is like a meteor, sudden spark of envy, but is being in love with you. 56、向鱼问水,向马问路,向神佛打听我一生的出处,而我呀,我是疼在谁心头的一抔尘土。 Asked the water to fish, to the horse for god Buddha to ask me about my life. And I, ah, I am who pain in the heart of a pile of dust. 57、不成熟男人的标志是可以为了理想壮烈的牺牲,成熟男人的标志的可以为了理想卑贱的活着。 Not the mark of the mature man is the ideal heroic sacrifice for, the mark of the mature man can to ideal vile live. 58、最大限度的学习赚钱的本领,钱是一个人活着的根本,是做人的尊严,没有钱是万万不能的。 To maximize the ability to learn to make money, money is a fundamental human life, is the dignity of human life, no money is absolutely not. 59、多想某天醒来睁开眼,发现自己坐在小学教室的课桌椅上。老师掷来的粉笔头正好打在额头上。 I want to wake up one day to open my eyes and find myself sitting on the desk and chair in the primary school. The teacher threw the chalk head just right on his forehead. 60、再过几十年我们来相会,送到火葬场全部烧成灰你一堆我一堆谁也不认识谁全部送到农村做化肥。 After a few years we have to meet, sent to the crematorium all burning ash a bunch of you I a bunch of who also don't know who all sent to the countryside to make the chemical fertilizer. 61、当生活心怀歹毒地将一切都搞成了黑色幽默,我顺水推舟把自己变成了一个受过高等教育的流氓。 When life spiteful everything into black humor, I yielded to themselves into a highly educated rogue. 62、听人家说话要有耐心,再不愿意听也不要随意打断人家的诉说,也许你能从别人的诉说中获得教训。 Listen to others talk to be patient, do not want to listen to and do not want to interrupt others at will, maybe you can learn from others to get a lesson. 63、用善意的心情去理解别人的话,会让世界单纯美好容易。世界如此之大,我却能幸运地遇见一些人。 With good intentions to understand other people's words, will make the world a better and easier. The world is so big, I can be lucky to meet some people. |
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