1、选山攀崖!量力而为! I choose the mountain! act according to one's capability! 2、你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 You are not brave, no one for you to be strong. 3、你快回来,我一人忽悠不来。 You come back, I'm not a flicker. 4、没有伞的孩子必须努力奔跑! No umbrella child must strive to run! 5、什么也是假的,只有钱是真的。 What is false, only real money. 6、岂能尽人如意,但求无愧于心! How can make people well, but worthy! 7、性格决定命运,选择改变人生。 Character determines destiny, chooses to change life. 8、做对的事情比把事情做对重要。 To do the right thing is more important than to do things right. 9、念起,万水千山;念灭,沧海桑田。 Read, read out the passage, the trials of a long journey. 10、爱的反义词不是不爱而是以前爱过。 The opposite of love is not love but loved before. 11、生子当如孙仲谋,找爹就找金日成。 Son when such as Sun Zhongmou, looking for Dad to find Kim Il-Sung. 12、信心来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。 Confidence comes from strength, strength comes from hard work. 13、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 Their choice of road, kneeling also want to finish it. 14、路见不平一声吼,吼完继续往前走。 At the sight of injustice with a roar, roar end go on. 15、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 All of his wise men, all of them fools. 16、不在课堂上沉睡,就在酒桌上买醉。 Don't sleep in class, get drunk on the wine table. 17、拿望远镜看别人,拿放大镜看自己。 Take binoculars to see other people, take a magnifying glass to see their own. 18、这辈子,你是来放债的还是来还债的? In this life, you are lending money or to pay off debts? 19、成功决不喜欢会见懒汉,而是唤醒懒汉。 Success will never love meet the lazy, but lazy to wake up. 20、奋斗没有终点,任何时候都是一个起点。 There is no end to the struggle, at any time is a starting point. 21、天再高又怎样,踮起脚尖就更接近阳光。 No matter how high the sky is, standing on tiptoe is closer to the sun. 22、我只在意我在意的,你,不在这个范围! I only care about what I care about, you, not in this range! 23、我从来都不存钱,因为我从来就没有过钱。 I never save money, because I never had any money. 24、你没有那么多的观众,别那么操心那么累。 You don't have that much audience, don't worry so much. 25、好多人做不好自己,是因为总想着做别人! A lot of people do not good, because they always want to do other people! 26、出发之前永远是梦想,上路之后永远是挑战。 Before departure is always a dream, after the road is always a challenge. 27、瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。 Falls across the steep cliff, it becomes all the more majestic. 28、感谢上苍我所拥有的,感谢上苍我所没有的。 Thank God I have, thank God I do not have. 29、生活就像超级女声,撑到最后的都是纯爷们。 Life is like Super Girls, the last is pure man. 30、对前途要看得乐观些,对人心要看得达观些。 In the future to look optimistic, for people to look for something better. 31、如果说美貌是推荐信,那么善良就是信用卡! If beauty is a letter of recommendation, then the good is a credit card! 32、人生重要的不是所站的位置,而是所朝的方向。 The important thing in life is not the position of the station, but the direction of the. 33、明天只是今天的继续,明天承继着今天的委屈。 Tomorrow is just a continuation of today, tomorrow a continuation of today's grievance. 34、再好的种子,不播种下去,也结不出丰硕的果实。 A good seed will not sow, nor will it bear fruit. 35、沉湎于希望的人和守株待兔的樵夫没有什么两样。 Indulge in the hope of the people and for the no what two. 36、拒绝严峻的冶炼,矿石并不比被发掘前更有价值。 Refuse to be severe smelting, ore is not more valuable than before being excavated. 37、一夜之间红起来的货色,断定会在一夜之间暗下去。 Overnight red up the goods, the judge will be dark down overnight. 38、树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。 Saplings if Patong and refused to trim, you will never grow. 39、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。 Strong faith will win a strong man, and then make them stronger. 40、让脚步像风一样,让心灵像海一样,让头脑像光一样。 Let the pace of the wind, let the mind like the sea, let the mind like a light. 41、相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。 Believe is strong, doubt will only inhibit ability, and faith is power. 42、人生,有时候就是在不断的选择中慢慢地成长起来的。 Life, sometimes is in the constant choice of slowly growing up. 43、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one can conquer fate without contempt, suffering and struggle. 44、试金可以用火,试女人可以用金,试男人可以用女人。 Can fire assay, a woman may try to use gold, men may try to use a woman. 45、不要自卑,你不比别人笨。不要自满,别人不比你笨。 Do not feel inferior, you are not stupid than others. Don't be complacent, others are not stupid. 46、岁月安静的流淌,我们却再也寻不回那个梦开始的地方。 Years quietly flowing, but we can not find the place to return to the beginning of the dream. 47、生命力的意义在于拚搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 The life significance lies in the struggle, because the world itself is an arena. 48、所有的胜利,与征服自己的胜利比起来,都是微不足道。 All the victories, compared with the conquest of their own, are insignificant. 49、茫茫人海,只有敢于和魔影抗争的人,生活才有滋有味。 The vast sea of humanity, and people only dare to struggle in the dark, life flavor. 50、不从泥泞不堪的小道上迈步,就踏不上铺满鲜花的大路。 Do not move from the muddy path, can not ride on the flowers road. 51、你匍匐在地上仰视别人,就不能怪人家站得笔直俯视你。 You look up to others on the ground, you can not blame people standing straight looking down on you. 52、豆汁摊上,咸菜鲜丽得象朵大花,尖端上摆着焦红的辣椒。 Douzhi stalls, pickles as colorful as flowers, stood on the tip of coke red pepper. 53、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 Successful people are learning experience with others, the failure of the people only with their own learning experience. 54、一片人声,整街的汗臭,礼教之邦的人民热烈的爱看**呀。 A voice, the whole street dancers, warm love to kill people of the land of ethics. 55、跟你很熟吗?没事弹个视频,你当是你家电视啊,按就出人。 Is it familiar to you? Nothing to play a video, you when it is your home TV, according to the people. 56、多少情真,多少醉,一剪寒梅;细雨翡翠,芳菲菲,魂牵梦回。 How much love really, how many drunk, a Samuume; rain jade Fang Feifei, the soul led dream. 57、我不是为了钱,我是因为生活。我不是要上床,我是因为爱你。 I'm not for money, I'm living. I'm not going to bed, because I love you. 58、能够说出的委屈,便不算委屈;能够抢走的爱人,便不算爱人。 Can say the grievance, will not be wronged; to take away the love, will not be considered a lover. 59、要想成为强乾,决不能绕过挡道的荆棘也不能回避风雨的冲刷。 If you want to be strong and dry, you can never avoid the wind and rain. 60、生命对某些人来说是美丽的,这些人的一生都为某个目标而奋斗。 Life is beautiful for some people, who are striving for a goal in life. 61、再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。 A long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach. 62、把力气都砸在别人的肉上,他见了光明,太阳好象特别的亮起来。 He saw the light, and the sun was shining brightly. 63、学会改变生活,学会品味沧桑,方可无悔青春,无憾岁月的消逝。 Learn to change life, learn to taste the vicissitudes of life, be no regrets, no regrets the passage of time. 64、如果在乎的没有那么多,想要的没有那么多,生活便会简单得很多。 If care is not so much, want not so much, life will be much simpler. 65、太理智的人必须会错过误入歧途的机会,以及错误带来的沿途美景。 Too sensible people must have missed the opportunity to go astray, and bring along the wrong views. 66、愚蠢的人总是为昨天悔恨,为明天祈祷,可惜的是少了今天的努力。 Foolish people are always regret for yesterday, for tomorrow's prayer, but unfortunately, today's efforts are less. 67、成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。 Success is not in the future, but from the moment it is decided to do it, it will continue to accumulate. 68、人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。 Stage of life at any time can open the curtain, the key is that you are willing to perform, or choose to avoid. 69、嘲讽是一种力量,消极的力量。赞扬也是一种力量,但却是积极的力量。 Irony is a force, a negative force. Praise is also a force, but it is a positive force. 70、如果缺少破土面出并与风雪拚搏的勇气,种子的前途并不比落叶美妙一分。 If the lack of ground surface and the snow fight with courage, the seed's future is a wonderful than leaves. 71、那辆车是他的一切挣扎与困苦的总结果与报酬,像身经百战的武士的一颗徽章。 The car is all his struggles and hardships of the total results and rewards, like a badge of a veteran in battle. 72、宁愿跑起来被拌倒无数次,也不愿规规矩矩走一辈子。就算跌倒也要豪迈的笑。 Would rather run away numerous times, also don't want to rule the moment to take a lifetime. Even if the fall also proud smile. 73、假若祥子想不起孔圣人是什么模样,那就必应当象曹先生,不管孔圣人愿意不愿意。 If Xiangzi could not think of a hole in the saints is what appearance, it must be like Mr. Cao, no matter the hole saints willing to. 74、我越来越相信,这就是所有爱情、友情和亲情的全部要义:谢谢你陪我度过的时光。 I believe more and more, all this is all the essence of love, friendship and kinship: Thank you to accompany me to spend time. 75、每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所粉饰,被时光所迷离,被惰性所消磨。 Everyone has the potential energy, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, whitewash, and eroded by laziness. 76、人生希望一帆风顺,却常常有暴风骤雨袭击。只有主动迎接的人,人生才会活得精彩。 The hope of life is often a mighty storm hit Everything is going smoothly.. Only the people who take the initiative to meet, life will be wonderful. 77、爱上一个人,有的时候,只需一刹那,一刹那的心动,一刹那的心跳,一刹那的心疼。 Fall in love with a person, sometimes, just a moment, a moment of heart, a moment of heartbeat, a moment of love. 78、新时代的女性,上的了厅堂,翻的了围墙,斗的了**,打的了流氓,就是下不了厨房。 Women of the new era, the hall on the wall, over the bucket, playing a rogue, mistress, is not under the kitchen. 79、我曾给过你闭上眼睛捂起耳朵的信任,就算全世界都说你有错,只要你否认,我就相信。 I have given you close your eyes to cover their ears of trust, even if the whole world that you are wrong, as long as you deny, I believe. 80、安静的守候在来时的路上,如烟旧事依然让人在独醉,洗尽铅华,有一种超然物外的感觉。 Quiet waiting for in the road, news like smoke still lets a person in drunk alone, Xijinqianhua, has the feel of an aloof. |