昼夜不息造句写一句话简单的 (1)、时间像河水一样流失,昼夜不息。 (2)、家乡的东河昼夜不息地流淌着它用它那甜美的乳汁养育了两岸的人们。我爱家乡的东河! (3)、工人又加了些水昼夜不息的工作最后他们都完成了任务。 (4)、长江以雷霆万钧之势,咆哮而下,滚滚东流,昼夜不息。 (5)、弱水外又有炎火之山,山上的火焰昼夜不息。 (6)、的武功,通过昼夜不息的驯良,摒弃皮肉,只剩筋骨,硬生生地将自己塞入山洞里。 (7)、浪涛拍岸昼夜不息粼粼波光闪动着些许疲惫;策马扬鞭万里平川不羁背影投印着丝丝倦怠。 (8)、那木房封闭的很严,下面挖了很深的地窖,地窖里昼夜不息的燃烧着木炭,木材,从中冒出的浓浓热气熏入这木房之中,才让这房中四季如春。 (9)、远望昼夜不息的江水我恍然大悟:那是一条永不枯竭的母亲河啊!一瞬间灵魂浸入了波涛滚滚的江水。 (10)、我昼夜不息地吐丝,吐出白练般的缕缕幽思,亦吐出三千丈的不倦与拼搏。 (11)、一路上,四个少年,如同乡巴佬进城,这里瞧瞧,那里望望,整个天南州城的道路上,川流不息,车水马龙,全都是人,昼夜不息。 (12)、满月之夜的这段江水,与平日的船来舟往、昼夜不息的景象截然的不同,是每月最为安静的时候。 (13)、清军不敢渡江,两岸互相炮击,枪声昼夜不息。 (14)、昼夜不息的奋战使得他们对星际的精髓又更加深入,对战术的理解也越加完善,对细节的处理和大局的把握也有了新的认识。 (15)、我们所看到的只是农民工在楼房进行豪华奢侈的装修时,在大款们进行灯红酒绿的玩乐时,在城市进行昼夜不息的喧闹时,造就这个繁华都市。 昼夜不息造句带有中英文翻译写一段话 (1)、等到东洛城城主将鲁堂之事上禀,唐帮再派人前往这三个小门派时,杜之土等人已经昼夜不息,趁着夜色偷偷摸摸赶到了东洛城。 (1) when the leader of Dongluo City reported the matter of Lutang and Tang Gang sent people to these three small sects, Du Zhitu and others arrived at Dongluo city secretly day and night. (2)、一边是用作临时停尸房的小屋死一般的寂静,一边是抢险设备昼夜不息的轰鸣,在什邡县蓥华中学被地震摧毁的校园里,生与死的两个世界,距离只有20米。 (2) on one side is the dead silence of the hut used as a temporary morgue, and on the other side is the incessant roar of rescue equipment day and night. In the campus of Yinghua middle school in Shifang County destroyed by the earthquake, the two worlds of life and death are only 20 meters away. (3)、老队长,您就别去了,看山要昼夜不息,您还是在家里帮我统筹吧。 (3) don't go there, old team leader. The mountains need to be seen day and night. You'd better help me to make an overall plan at home. (4)、然人之经脉,自分为十二天经及奇天八脉,血气奔腾其中,昼夜不息经年不止,故使人体生生不息也。 (4) however, the meridians of human beings can be divided into twelve day meridians and eight odd day meridians, in which the blood and Qi are surging, and the blood and Qi do not stop day and night for many years. (5)、赵化的身后,喧闹声不断;热闹的街市,昼夜不息。 (5) behind Zhao Hua, there is a lot of noise, and the busy market is around the clock. (6)、长江以雷霆万钧之势,咆哮而下,滚滚东流,昼夜不息。 (6) the Yangtze River roars down and flows eastward day and night. (7)、众人昼夜不息,连续攻打了三个昼夜,金霞仍是不见丝毫减弱。 (7) after three consecutive days and nights of attack, Jinxia still remained unchanged. (8)、一路上,四个少年,如同乡巴佬进城,这里瞧瞧,那里望望,整个天南州城的道路上,川流不息,车水马龙,全都是人,昼夜不息。 (8) along the way, four teenagers, like hillbilly, went to the city. Here and there, the whole road of Tiannan city was full of people, day and night. (9)、钢铁洪流构筑的都市中,汽笛声呜咽咆哮着昼夜不息,日升日落让人苍老与五行,同样也让每日的时间都过得如水般,时而平淡时而波涛汹涌。 (9) in the city built by the torrent of iron and steel, the sound of the siren is roaring day and night. The rising and setting of the sun makes people old and five elements, and also makes the daily time pass like water, sometimes flat and sometimes rough. (10)、曹麟把大军分成四波,每波二十万轮流攻城,昼夜不息,同时还打出了“投降不杀”。 (10) Cao Lin divided the army into four waves, with 200000 soldiers in each wave attacking the city in turn, day and night. At the same time, he also played "surrender without killing". 昼夜不息造句写一句话复杂的 (一)、一连数日,李默一心扑在闪电步上,焚膏继晷,昼夜不息,直到其终于步入了大成期。 (二)、而且,这里简直就是不夜之城,昼夜不息,哪怕是入夜了,整个城市的里里外外,也是灯火辉煌,灯火笼罩四方。 (三)、擂台赛昼夜不息,所以他们有五天都没休息了。 (四)、时间像河水一样流失,昼夜不息。 (五)、所以,杜鹏飞带领独狼最精英的二十人,昼夜不息,翻山越岭,直取八. (六)、老队长,您就别去了,看山要昼夜不息,您还是在家里帮我统筹吧。 (七)、杜府自知不敌我唐帮,所以派杜之土亲自前往武门求救,杜之土心急如焚,定然催促这涂老昼夜不息,方才能这么快赶到边境。 (八)、家乡的东河昼夜不息地流淌着它用它那甜美的乳汁养育了两岸的人们。我爱家乡的东河! (九)、一路上,四个少年,如同乡巴佬进城,这里瞧瞧,那里望望,整个天南州城的道路上,川流不息,车水马龙,全都是人,昼夜不息。 (十)、我们所看到的只是农民工在楼房进行豪华奢侈的装修时,在大款们进行灯红酒绿的玩乐时,在城市进行昼夜不息的喧闹时,造就这个繁华都市。 (十一)、弱水外又有炎火之山,山上的火焰昼夜不息。 (十二)、对于每一篇奏章,他都十分认真,精批细阅,亲力亲为,昼夜不息. (十三)、而灯火的映照下,数万壮丁在昼夜不息地劳作着,为这座城池挥洒着血与火凝结的汗水。 (十四)、的武功,通过昼夜不息的驯良,摒弃皮肉,只剩筋骨,硬生生地将自己塞入山洞里。 (十五)、数年后的一天,突然一股清泉从棺内向外汩汩流淌,从早到晚昼夜不息,年夏一年不绝如缕。 |