1、送你一件大衣:平安是帽子,如意是领子;吉祥是袖子,幸福是扣子;健康是口袋,装满祝福与友谊;请你穿上它,幸福快乐就会伴你一辈子。 Send you a coat: safety is a hat, Ruyi is a collar; auspiciousness is a sleeve, happiness is a button; health is a pocket, full of blessings and friendship; please put it on, happiness will accompany you for life. 2、真挚的祝福不因时光而改变,心中的关怀不因季节而变迁,对你的心意说也说不完,只想告诉你,我是你一辈子的朋友。 Sincere blessings do not change with time, the care in your heart does not change with seasons, and I can't tell you my heart. I just want to tell you that I am your friend for life. 3、我代表中央,代表地方,还有春天的白菜帮帮,夏天的西瓜秧秧,秋天的菠菜汤汤,冬天的篓子筐筐,致以亲切的问候,祝你幸福快乐每一天! On behalf of the Central Committee, the local government, the cabbage gang in spring, the watermelon seedling in summer, the spinach soup in autumn, and the basket basket in winter, I would like to extend my cordial greetings to you and wish you happiness every day! 4、岁月流逝,将逝去的日子酿成一壶浓浓的酒,斟入我深深的思念,流入你暖暖的心田,饮下一份企盼,盼你幸福到永远。 As time goes by, I will turn the lost days into a pot of thick wine, pour it into my deep thoughts, flow it into your warm heart, drink a piece of expectation, and hope you will be happy forever. 5、冬季养生有六宜,一宜微微出汗水,二宜手脚要保暖,三宜锻炼防流感,四宜多喝白开水,五宜调养精气神,六宜太阳常常晒。 There are six ways to keep healthy in winter, one is to sweat a little, the other is to keep warm, the third is to exercise to prevent flu, the fourth is to drink more boiled water, the fifth is to nourish the essence, the sixth is to keep in the sun. 6、你来,打开了我尘封的记忆;你走,留下了我对你无尽的思念;我不会怪你,在我的记忆里你是我永远的回忆,珍重,朋友! You come, opened my dusty memory; you go, left my endless missing for you; I will not blame you, in my memory you are my forever memory, treasure, friend! 7、人生离不开友谊,但要得到真正的友谊才是不容易;友谊总需要忠诚去播种,用热情去灌溉,用原则去培养,用谅解去护理。 Life is inseparable from friendship, but it is not easy to get true friendship; friendship always needs loyalty to sow, enthusiasm to irrigate, principles to cultivate, understanding to care. 8、朋友如歌,另类的调调;朋友如画,奇迹的颜色;朋友如诗,赏心的词句;朋友如景,不暇的感动。祝快乐如歌、幸福如画! A friend is like a song, in a different tone; a friend is like a picture, the color of a miracle; a friend is like a poem, a word of appreciation; a friend is like a scene, unable to move. I wish you happiness like a song and a picture! 9、只希望每一个脚印旁都有你的脚印陪伴,只希望每一个眼神都能得到你的回应,只希望夕阳下你我相拥的身影! Only hope that every footprints are accompanied by your footprints, only hope that every look can get your response, only hope that you and I embrace each other in the sunset! 10、说我们亲密,我们却很久没有联系。说我们疏离,一个招呼就似婴儿连体。人都说这是真正的友谊,呵呵,照顾好自己,我想你。 Say we are close, but we haven't been in touch for a long time. To say that we are alienated is like a baby's conjoined body. People say it's true friendship. Ha ha, take good care of yourself. I miss you. 11、新的一周,知你忙碌,不想打扰你,知你辛苦,不忍吵醒你,现在,对你的挂念实在关不住,只想告诉你,新的一周开始了,要开心啊! In the new week, I know you are busy, I don't want to disturb you, I know you are hard, I can't help waking you up. Now, I can't stop worrying about you. I just want to tell you that the new week has begun, and I want to be happy! 12、卸去忧郁,花儿芬芳;抛掉烦恼,灿烂春光;愿你生活如翱翔的小鸟,高飞云端;愿我的祝福如飞舞的柳絮,绕你身旁! Remove the melancholy, the fragrance of flowers, the worry, the brilliant spring light, wish you live like a flying bird, flying high in the clouds, wish my blessing like flying catkins, around you! 13、生活是平淡的,犹如蓝天下碧蓝的湖水生活也可以是诗,在一路的奔腾中高歌只要用心对待,每一个日子都是幸福周末快乐! Life is plain, just like the blue lake life under the blue sky can also be poetry, singing in the galloping all the way as long as you treat it with your heart, every day is happy weekend! 14、新年的脚步迈,祝新年的钟声,敲响你心中快乐的音符,幸运与平安,如春天的脚步紧紧相随!春华秋实,我永远与你同在! New year's step, I wish the new year's bell, ringing in your heart happy note, luck and peace, such as the footsteps of spring closely follow! I will always be with you! 15、送祝福送关心送如意,愿你时时刻刻都顺利,送问候送思念送鼓励,愿你分分秒秒都欢喜,朋友倾情叮嘱,记得常联系! Send blessings, send concerns, send Ruyi, wish you all the best, send greetings, send thoughts, send encouragement, wish you happy every minute, and remember to contact with friends! 16、周末了,祝你快乐是我最重要的事:愿明朗的天空沉淀你一周忙碌的心情;愿透明的阳光温暖你一周疲惫的心灵。周末快乐! Weekend, I wish you happy is my most important thing: May the bright sky precipitate your busy mood of the week; may the transparent sunshine warm your tired heart of the week. Happy weekend! 17、不要再频频回头了,离开的脚步再坚定些吧!去寻找你的梦想,让心头的眷恋长成奋斗的翅膀!我们会在岁月里轻轻地遥望,愿你安好。 Don't look back again and again. Let's stay firm! To find your dream, let the heart grow into the wings of struggle! We will look at you gently in the years, wish you well. 18、早起父母问早,邻居见面问好,同学碰面微笑,工作交谈礼貌,生活健康没烦恼,祝天天开心! Early rise parents ask early, neighbors meet to say hello, classmates meet smile, work talk politely, life is healthy without worry, I wish every day happy! 19、拥一分自信、快乐;挟一分宽容、真诚;守一分宁静、祥和;执一分温暖、感恩,恋一分浪漫,神秘;朋友,愿你幸福! Hold one point of self-confidence and happiness; hold one point of tolerance and sincerity; keep one point of peace and tranquility; hold one point of warmth and gratitude; love one point of romance and mystery; friends, wish you happiness! 20、人生中有了友谊,就不会感到孤独,日子就会变得丰富多彩。因为友谊是梦的编者,它在人生中绽放亮丽的青春,释放迷人的芬芳。 With friendship in life, you will not feel lonely, and the days will become colorful. Because friendship is the editor of dream, it blooms bright youth and releases charming fragrance in life. 21、剥开层层花瓣,收集缕缕芬芳;搜索段段记忆,点亮片片思念;酝酿丝丝情意,送出深深祝福;承载字字关爱,祝愿青春花开永不败! Peel off the layers of petals, collect the continuous fragrance; search the segment memory, light up the missing pieces; brew the sentimental feelings, send the deep blessing; carry the love words, wish the youth flowers will never fail! 22、若快乐能异地存取,愿将快乐存入你的账户;若幸福能打包邮寄,愿将幸福邮给你;若健康能标价出售,愿买下一生健康送给你! If happiness can be accessed from other places, you are willing to deposit happiness into your account; if happiness can be packaged and mailed, you are willing to post happiness to you; if health can be sold at a price, you are willing to buy a lifetime of health to you! 23、把我的一份温馨的问候,把我的一份深深的祝福,都托寄给满天的星星。祝福你!拥有每一个无限美好、无限快乐的明天。 Send my warm greetings and my deep blessings to all the stars. Bless you! Have every infinite good, infinite happy tomorrow. 24、时光勿勿而去,友谊不曾变色,思念日益加巨,牵挂从未间断,送去祝福一片,愿你幸福相伴,如意围绕身边,顺便提示一句,常常保持联系! Do not leave time, friendship has not changed, missing is growing, concern has never stopped, send a blessing, wish you happiness, around the side, by the way, always keep in touch! 25、花开如梦,风过无痕,一路上有你,陪我欢喜陪我忧,这分真诚的友谊,我会一辈子地珍惜。 Flowers bloom like a dream, the wind has no trace, along the way you, accompany me happy accompany me worry, this sub sincere friendship, I will cherish forever. 26、家是避风的港湾,朋友是侥风的海岸。家遮挡了苦雨风霜,朋友送来艳阳里一瓣心香。无家透心凉,有友透心亮。 Home is a harbor from the wind, and friends are a shore from the wind. Home shelter from the bitter rain and frost, friends sent sunshine in a flap. No home, no heart, no friend. 27、一周劳累筋疲力尽,一到周末甜来苦尽。快把烦恼全都散尽,再把快乐一网打尽。朋友问候一言难尽,愿你幸福取之不尽,美好生活无穷无尽! A week of tiredness and exhaustion, a weekend sweet to the bitter. Let go of all your troubles and all your happiness. Greetings from friends are endless. I wish you endless happiness and endless good life! 28、我不知道离别的味道是这样凄凉,我不知道说声再见要这么坚强。只有分离,让时刻去忘记这一份默契。 I don't know the taste of parting is so sad, I don't know to say goodbye so strong. Only separation, let the moment to forget this tacit understanding. 29、感谢你陪我闯过那些风那些雨,感谢在最无助的时候有你鼓励,感谢在孤独的时候至少还有你,亲爱的朋友,想说真得很谢谢你! Thank you for accompanying me through the wind and rain. Thank you for encouraging me when I'm most helpless. Thank you at least when I'm lonely. Dear friends, I really want to thank you! 30、随心,悠然;随性,淡然;随缘,怡然;随意,了然;随遇而安,泰然;随心所欲,超然。周末到,祝福绝不随便,愿你快乐如影随形。 Follow one's heart, leisurely; follow one's nature, indifferent; follow one's destiny, happy; at will, clear; be at ease, calm; follow one's will, detached. When the weekend comes, I wish you happiness. 31、人生无需惊天动地,快乐就好;友谊无需甜言蜜语,想着就好;金钱无需车载斗量,够用就好;朋友无需遍及天下,有你就好! Life doesn't need to be earth shaking, happiness is good; friendship doesn't need sweet words, thinking is good; money doesn't need a car, enough is good; friends don't need to be all over the world, you are good! 32、春季天气反复且多雨,出门请备好雨伞,及时关注天气情况,适当增减衣物,天气晴朗多参加户外活动,身心,亲近自然,祝您心身健康! The weather in spring is repeated and rainy. Please prepare an umbrella when you go out, pay attention to the weather situation in time, increase or decrease clothes appropriately, and take part in outdoor activities in sunny days. You are close to nature physically and mentally. I wish you good health! 33、新的一年,我一如既往的二话不说经三寸之舌,送你四季平安,助你五谷丰登,借你六六顺意,享有七星高照,总是八九不离十,万事大吉! In the new year, I will, as always, give you peace in four seasons, help you to have a good harvest. I will give you six good wishes and enjoy Seven Star High photos. Everything will be fine! 34、时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,心情因祝福而花开灿烂,当你打开信息时,愿祝福让你轻松此时此刻!周末愉快! Time is shining with blessings, air is fragrant with blessings, and mood is blooming with blessings. When you open the message, may blessings make you relaxed at this moment! Have a great weekend! 35、早上空气清新,叫你事事顺心;上午阳光明媚,祝你薪水翻倍;下午小风娇好,愿你青春不老。新的月份,新的开始! In the morning, the air is fresh and everything goes well; in the morning, the sun is shining and I wish you double your salary; in the afternoon, Xiaofeng is lovely and I wish you youth. New month, new start! 36、人之所以快乐,不是因为得到的多,而是计较的少;财富不是一辈子的朋友,而朋友却是一辈子的朋友!能认识你真好! People are happy not because they get more, but because they care less; wealth is not a friend for life, but a friend for life! How nice to meet you! 37、找朋友就得找我这样的,空间变了,但想念不变;时间变了,但祝福不变;不常见了,但问候常在。朋友,愿你一切都好! To find a friend, you have to find me. The space has changed, but the miss has not changed. The time has changed, but the blessing has not changed. It is not common, but the greetings are always there. Friend, I wish you all the best! 38、允许我,送你一朵玫瑰花,让我真心真意祝福你,虽然长得不那么帅气,但我只想见到你!请让我在快乐中找到你手握紧! Allow me, send you a rose, let me sincerely bless you, although not so handsome, but I just want to see you! Please let me find you hand in hand in happiness! 39、美丽的新娘好比玫瑰红酒,新郎就是那酒杯,就这样二者慢慢品。恭喜你,酒与杯从此形影不离;祝福你,酒与杯从此恩恩爱爱! The beautiful bride is like rose wine, and the bridegroom is the glass, so they taste it slowly. Congratulations, wine and cup are inseparable from each other; bless you, wine and cup will love you from now on! 40、走过重重叠叠的足迹,模糊重重叠叠的画面,度过重重叠叠的时光,积蓄重重叠叠的思念,重阳节,祝您及家人福寿安康! Through the overlapped footprints, blurred overlapped pictures, spent the overlapped time, accumulated the overlapped thoughts, the Double Ninth Festival, I wish you and your family a happy life! 41、轻松一下,留一个笑脸给自己;休闲一下,留一个空间给自己;宽容一下,留一份简单给自己;放纵一下,留一份快乐给自己。祝你周末愉快! Relax, leave a smile for yourself; relax, leave a space for yourself; forgive, leave a simple for yourself; indulge, leave a happy for yourself. Have a nice weekend! 42、和自己说声对不起,是自己在鼓励自己。和自己说声对不起,让自己对生活充满勇气。和自己说声对不起,成功的喜悦一定会属于你。加油! To say sorry to yourself is to encourage yourself. Say sorry to yourself and let yourself have courage in life. Say sorry to yourself, the joy of success will surely belong to you. Come on. 43、想象富丽堂皇,装得下天堂,装得下梦想,装得下周末闲暇和快乐,装得下一颗疲惫的心,装得下我的祝福,祝您周末有个美丽的好心情。 Imagine magnificence, put on heaven, put on dream, put on weekend leisure and happiness, put on a tired heart, put on my blessing, I wish you a beautiful weekend in a good mood. 44、我愿把浅薄向你透露,我愿把弱点让你了解;草木需要阳光,禾苗渴望雨水。忠实的朋友,我盼望你的指点。 I would like to reveal the shallowness to you, and I would like to let you know the weakness; plants need sunshine, and seedlings are eager for rain. Faithful friend, I look forward to your advice. 45、饮一杯好茶,卸掉心上的压力;听一首好歌,去掉身上的疲累;读一本好书,开阔心灵的视野;交一个好朋友,慰藉孤单的心情。 Drink a good cup of tea, let go of the pressure on your heart; listen to a good song, let go of your tiredness; read a good book, broaden your mind's vision; make a good friend, comfort your loneliness. 46、周一到周五如爬山,风景不同有万千,最美风景在周末,快乐逍遥都在舞。祝朋友周末开开心心,心情美好舞翩翩。 From Monday to Friday, there are thousands of different sceneries. The most beautiful sceneries are on weekends. They are dancing happily. I wish my friends a happy weekend and a good mood. 47、感谢秋晨的风,让我惦念你冷不冷;感谢秋夜星辰,让我牵挂你睡得甜不甜;感谢你明澈的笑,让我沉醉于你的幸福快乐! Thank you for the wind in autumn morning, let me think about you cold or not cold; thank you for the stars in autumn night, let me care about you sleeping sweet or not sweet; thank you for your clear smile, let me indulge in your happiness! 48、亲爱的朋友,思念不常流露,却在心里常驻。追随岁月的脚步,咱俩相伴一路。在这个灿烂的季节,托风捎去我的祝福,祝一生平安。 Dear friends, missing is not always revealed, but always in my heart. Follow the pace of the years, we are together. In this splendid season, I wish you all the best in your life. 49、生命是黑暗的,除非有了激励;激励是盲目的,除非有了知识;知识是徒然的,除非有了工作;工作都是虚空的,除非是有了爱。 Life is dark, unless there is encouragement; encouragement is blind, unless there is knowledge; knowledge is futile, unless there is work; work is void, unless there is love. 50、送你一杯晚茶,以芬芳的祝福为叶,以温柔的叮咛做花,再用沸腾的热情为水,宽厚的包容当杯!喝出你一天的好心情和一生的幸福! Send you a cup of evening tea, with fragrant blessing as the leaf, with gentle exhortation as the flower, and then with boiling enthusiasm as the water, generous tolerance as the cup! Drink out the good mood of your day and the happiness of your life! |
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