1、雪飘漫天,冰封万里,凛冽的寒风呼啸南北,枝头一只乌鸦蜷缩着脑袋,瑟瑟发抖。 Snow is blowing all over the sky, ice is covered for thousands of miles, the cold wind is blowing north and south, a crow on the branch is curling up its head, shivering. 2、一年有着四个季节,立冬就是冬天的开头了,走进立冬,天气就渐渐冷了,它告诉我们冬天来了。 There are four seasons in a year. The beginning of winter is the beginning of winter. When we enter the beginning of winter, the weather is gradually cold. It tells us that winter is coming. 3、人工湖结上了一层很厚的冰,一些调皮的小同学在湖上嬉戏打闹,从湖面上不时地传来阵阵欢声笑语。 The artificial lake is covered with a thick layer of ice. Some naughty schoolmates are playing on the lake. From time to time, there are lots of laughter. 4、过了一会,有人或者汽车来了,他们会成群或者自己飞走,树上的雪就会陡然间落下来,落到地上,地上的雪就又会厚一层。 After a while, when someone or a car comes, they will fly away in groups or by themselves, and the snow on the tree will fall suddenly, and the snow on the ground will be thick again. 5、冬天,雪花象晶莹透明的小精灵,调皮的翻着跟斗飘落在山腰上,落在大地上。 In winter, snow like a crystal clear elf, naughty somersault fell on the hillside, fell on the ground. 6、一夜大雪,城市的房顶上积起了一层厚雪,站在高楼的平顶上望出去,就像连绵起伏的雪山。 It snowed all night. A thick layer of snow accumulated on the roof of the city. Standing on the flat roof of the tall building, you can see it like a rolling snow mountain. 7、轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大了,变厚了,密密麻麻的。 The soft little snowflakes drifted down. Gradually, the small snowflakes become larger, thicker and dense. 8、没有雪的冬天,总是不够唯美,不够浪漫,不够灵动。 The winter without snow is always not beautiful, romantic and flexible enough. 9、淘气的北风吹着口哨来了,想吹落雪大衣,想吹跑雪被子。 The naughty north wind whistled. It wanted to blow the snow coat and the snow quilt. 10、渐渐的,夕阳收敛起他最后的光芒,还来不及说一声再见,便垂下头去,合上了双眼,静静地睡去了。 Gradually, the setting sun converged his last light. Before he could say goodbye, he lowered his head, closed his eyes and fell asleep quietly. 11、冬天,这里的天总是阴沉沉、灰蒙蒙的,太阳好像很怕冷似的,从东边向西边一滑就过去了。 In winter, the sky here is always overcast and gray. The sun seems to be afraid of the cold. It slides from the east to the West. 12、冬是四季中,一个宁静无声的季节,它用翩翩白雪,表达着心中沉淀的那一卷内容。 Winter is the four seasons, a quiet and silent season, it uses the white snow to express the content of the volume deposited in the heart. 13、刺骨的寒风丝毫不讲情面地刮去了人们丰收的喜悦,鹅毛大雪覆盖了一切喧嚣,同时也覆盖了晴朗的心情。 The biting cold wind blows away the joy of people's harvest without any emotion. The snow covers all the noise, but also covers the sunny mood. 14、冬天下雪了,漂亮,白雪皑皑,太阳照射,阳光灿灿! It snowed in winter, beautiful, snowy, sunny and sunny! 15、一层薄薄的白雪,像巨大的轻软的羊毛毯子,覆盖摘在这广漠的荒原上,闪着寒冷的银光。 A thin layer of snow, like a huge soft wool blanket, covered the vast wasteland, shining cold silver. 16、来到了山北的竹树旁,只见它们毅然挺立在草地上,北风吹过,它们摇了摇头,似乎不怕这冷冷的寒冬。 When I came to the bamboo trees in the north of the mountain, I saw them standing on the grass resolutely. When the north wind blew, they shook their heads, as if they were not afraid of the cold winter. 17、刺骨的寒风呼呼地吹着,不时地向我袭来。偶尔会有顽皮的小雪花纷纷扬扬地落下来,就像跳舞一样。 The biting cold wind was whistling to me from time to time. Occasionally there will be naughty little snowflakes falling, just like dancing. 18、去年的冬日异常寒冷,滴水成冰。出行的人们不得不捂着口罩,呼出的热气立刻结霜。 Last year's winter was extremely cold, with water dripping into ice. People on the road had to cover their masks, and the hot breath immediately frosted. 19、冬天泡一杯淡茶,坐在院子里细细品味。温暖的阳光轻轻地射在大地上,坐一会儿真是人生的一大快事! Make a cup of light tea in winter and sit in the yard to savor it. The warm sunshine gently shoots on the earth. Sitting for a while is really a great pleasure in life! 20、雪变小了植物像是吸足了营养,渐渐地。向雪不断招手,以感谢对自己的恩赐。 The snow has become smaller and the plants seem to have absorbed enough nutrition, gradually. Wave to snow to thank you for your gift. 21、阳光透过淡薄的云层,照耀着白茫茫的大地,反射出银色的光芒,耀得人眼睛发花。 Through the thin clouds, the sun shines on the vast white earth, reflecting the silver light, dazzling people's eyes. 22、寒冷冬天来了,一场大雪过后,整个东方红都成了粉妆玉砌世界。柳树上挂满了银条,草坪也披上了银装。 Cold winter came, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become a world of makeup. The willows were covered with silver strips, and the lawn was covered with silver. 23、冬天是残酷的,它冷藏了太阳的万丈光芒;冬天是无情的,它脱掉了草木的华美衣裳;冬天是寂静的,它禁锢了江河的喧闹奔放。 Winter is cruel, it refrigerates the sun's rays; winter is merciless, it takes off the colorful clothes of plants and trees; winter is silent, it imprisons the noisy and unrestrained rivers. 24、冬天大雪纷飞,小雪花像一个个小精灵一样,蹦蹦跳跳的落了下来,给人们带来了一丝丝寒意。 In winter, there is a lot of snow, and the little snowflakes are like little elves, jumping and falling down, which brings a little chill to people. 25、不过,冬天也能给我们带来无限的欢乐和快乐。远远望去那些纯白的雪,就像是给大地披上了一件雪白雪白的大衣。 However, winter can also bring us infinite joy and happiness. Looking at the pure white snow from afar, it's like putting a white coat on the earth. 26、这时候正是早上八九点钟,明亮的阳光在树叶上涂了一圈又一圈金色银色的光环。 It was eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and the bright sunlight had painted the leaves with gold and silver rings. 27、又是一场大雪过后,天空一样蔚蓝,并且比海蓝得更晶莹剔透。千峰万岭,极目一望,尽是白色,闪耀着一片连接不断的银光。 After another heavy snow, the sky is as blue as before, and more crystal clear than the sea blue. Thousands of peaks, thousands of mountains, at a glance, are all white, shining with a continuous connection of silver light. 28、冬天的阳光是和蔼可亲的,淡淡的,舒舒的,不带一点暴戾、骄横,尤如兰花幽幽飘散着淡雅芳香,将你的身体拥着,软酥酥的。 The sunshine in winter is amiable, light and comfortable, without a little violence and arrogance, especially like the orchid with a faint fragrance, holding your body, soft and crisp. 29、看着那一片片飘落的雪花,我落泪了,不知是感动还是迷惘,因那心久久不能淡定,无法自拔的思念。 Looking at the falling snowflakes, I shed tears. I don't know whether I am moved or lost, because my heart can't be calm for a long time, and I can't extricate myself from missing. 30、雪仙子在尽情地挥舞着衣袖;在飘飘洒洒的弹奏中,天地河山,清纯洁净,没有泥潭。 The snow fairy is waving her sleeves to her heart's content; in the flowing and scattering playing, the world is pure and clean without mire. 31、雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好像整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。 The scenery in the snow is magnificent. There is only one silver between the heaven and the earth. It seems that the whole world is decorated with silver. 32、冬天,这里的天总是阴沉沉的、灰蒙蒙的,太阳好像怕冷似的,从东边向西边一滑就过去了。 In winter, the sky here is always overcast and gray. The sun seems to be afraid of cold. It slides from the east to the West. 33、冬天悄悄地降临了,光秃秃的树枝和庄严耸立的建筑物,也都蒙上了一层冷色。 Winter came quietly, and bare branches and stately buildings were all covered with a cold color. 34、送走了五谷丰登的秋天,雪花飞舞的冬天终于来临了。 Sent off the harvest of autumn, the snow flying winter finally came. 35、寒冷的冬天来了,一场大雪过后,整个东方红都成了粉妆玉砌的世界柳树上挂满了银条,草坪也披上了银装。 The cold winter has come, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become the world's Willow decorated with silver, and the lawn is covered with silver. 36、公园里,人烟稀少,白雪皑皑的场地旁,一间屋子里冒出了热气。人们都躲在家里,没人出来了。啊,冬天真冷啊! In the park, next to the sparsely populated and snowy ground, a room was steaming. People were hiding at home, no one came out. Ah, it's cold in winter! 37、最炫目的飞蛾扑火,虽不如花开花落,但扑火的瞬间,带着对火的深情带着美丽悄然坠落火海,只留下火无奈的悲伤和叹息! The most dazzling moth to put out the fire, although not as beautiful as flowers, but the moment of putting out the fire, with deep love for the fire and beauty quietly falling into the sea of fire, leaving only the helpless sadness and sigh of the fire! 38、冰封雪盖:到处都是白茫茫一片,四周被冰雪覆盖,地面上都结成冰了,头顶上还下着雪。 Ice cover: it's white everywhere. It's covered with ice and snow. The ground is frozen. There's snow on the top of the head. 39、冬天最美的,莫过于星空。躺在阳台上,望着天空,那淘气的星娃娃向你眨眨眼睛,一会儿又变了个魔术,消失得无影无踪。 The most beautiful thing in winter is the starry sky. Lying on the balcony, looking at the sky, the naughty star doll winked at you, then changed a magic, disappeared without trace. 40、松树苍翠地站在白皑皑的雪地里,随着凛冽的西北风,摇晃着身子,发出尖厉刺耳的呼啸,像是有意在蔑视冬天。 Pine trees stand in the white snow, with the cold northwest wind, shaking their bodies, making a sharp and shrill roar, as if they were deliberately contemptuous of winter. 41、傍晚,大片大片的雪花,从昏暗的天空中纷纷扬地飘落下来。霎时间,山川田野村庄,全都笼罩在白蒙蒙的大雪之中。 In the evening, large snowflakes fluttered down from the dark sky. In a moment, the mountains, fields and villages were all covered in white snow. 42、冬天,户外那粘满霜雪柳树上尽是树挂,像是一根根银条悬挂在树上,格外壮观。 In winter, the outdoor willow trees covered with frost and snow are covered with tree hanging, like a piece of silver hanging on the tree, especially spectacular. 43、松树葱翠地站在白皑皑的雪地里,随着凛凛的东南风,摇摆着身子,收回尖厉难听逆耳的咆哮,像是故意在鄙视冬天。 The pine tree stands in the white snow, swaying with the strong southeast wind, and takes back the sharp and unpleasant roar, as if it is deliberately contemptuous of winter. 44、下雪了,一片片雪花从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,地上树上房顶上都变成白色的了。 It snowed, and flakes of snow fell from the sky. Soon, the roofs of trees on the ground turned white. 45、一丝愁绪,几抹悲凉,日落黄昏晓。温一壶酒,在冬日的黄昏里,把心事付诸瑶琴,唱弹一曲渐黄昏,千丝万缕,点滴凄凉意。 A trace of melancholy, a few touch of sadness, sunset dusk dawn. Warm a pot of wine, in the winter dusk, pay attention to the Yao Qin, sing and play a song gradually dusk, countless, a little bit sad and cool. 46、晚秋了,太阳懒洋洋地挂在天上,像个老公公露着笑脸在打瞌睡。 Late autumn, the sun languidly hung in the sky, like a husband with a smiling face dozing off. 47、冬天来了,小草没有了,草地上铺了条白白的雪被子。河里冻上了冰。 Winter has come, the grass is gone, the grass is covered with a white snow quilt. The river froze with ice. 48、冬天来啦!冬天来啦!冬姑娘披着一身洁白的衣裳,左手拿着一把剪刀,右手拿着一把扇子,匆匆地来了。 Winter is coming! Winter is coming! Winter girl dressed in a white dress, with a pair of scissors in her left hand and a fan in her right hand, came in a hurry. 49、寒冬腊月天,雪堵着窗户,冰溜子像透亮的水晶小柱子,一排排地挂在房檐上。 On a cold winter day, snow is blocking the windows, and ice skates are like crystal pillars, hanging on the eaves row by row. 50、冬天下雪了,一片片雪花从天上飘落下来,不一会儿,地上树上房顶上都变成白色的了。 It snowed in winter, and snowflakes fell from the sky. Soon, the roofs of trees on the ground became white. |
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