1、深不过真情,凉不过人心,美不过回忆,伤不过别离。 Deep but true feelings, cold but hearts, beautiful but memories, hurt but parting. 2、千万不要回头看,身后的千万盏灯火,都不是你的归处。 Never look back. The thousands of lights behind you are not your home. 3、愿公子事后遇良人,娶娇妻,共白首,也断我这相思忆。 May the prince meet his beloved, marry his wife, and have a white head in all. 4、不是每段故事都有快乐,更多的是无获而终。 Not every story has happiness, more is the end of nothing. 5、以前爱一个人,形影不离;现在爱一个人,放在心里。 In the past, I loved a person, but now I love a person in my heart. 6、从前的星星也不是特别好看,直到一不小心望进你的眼睛。 The stars used to be not particularly beautiful, until you accidentally look into your eyes. 7、一个人胜过千军万马,猛虎总独行,废物才群居。 One man is better than a thousand horses, the tigers always go alone, and the garbage can live in groups. 8、没有人能一路单纯到底,但要记住,别忘了最初的自己。 No one can go all the way to the end, but remember, don't forget the original self. 9、我喜欢你,喜欢到想象这样轻轻一闭眼,就能过完一辈子。 I like you. I like to imagine that you can spend your whole life with such a gentle close of your eyes. 10、你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。 You didn't come back as scheduled, and that's what parting meant. 11、我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。 If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, what will I do? 12、有些人不会忘,因为不舍得;有些人必需要忘,因为不值得。 Some people don't forget because they don't want to; some people have to forget because it's not worth it. 13、爱是三分温柔,七分暖。恨是三分冷漠,七分寒。 Love is three points gentle, seven points warm. Hatred is three parts indifferent, seven parts cold. 14、或许你的爱信手拈来,原谅我不敢赌上我的未来。 Perhaps your beloved letter comes and forgives me for not daring to bet on my future. 15、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 A person who knows why he lives can tolerate any kind of life. 16、四季又春秋,少女心不死。 Four seasons, spring and autumn, young girls never die. 17、冬天那么冷。地球是怎么做到的?我要向它学学。 Winter is so cold. How does the earth do it? I want to learn from it. 18、自己选择的路,跪着也要把它走完。 The way you choose, you have to go through it on your knees. 19、有时候失忆是最好的解脱,沉默是最好的诉说。 Sometimes amnesia is the best relief, silence is the best complaint. 20、如花美眷,似水流年,回得了过去,回不了当初。 Like a beautiful family, like a flowing year, back to the past, not back to the original. 21、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。 You are my chance, my chance, and my chance. 22、我也有委屈,只是从来不跟别人提起。 I have grievances, but I never mention them to others. 23、我是你转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎年华到天涯。 I am a passer-by who you forget when you turn around. How can I spend my time with you to the end of the world? 24、满街游走,打听幸福下落。 Walk around the street and inquire about the whereabouts of happiness. 25、世间安得两全法,不负如来不负卿。 The Tathagata is worthy of the two laws in the world. 26、未来,你只需要比一个人更好,那个人就是现在的你。 In the future, you just need to be better than one person, that person is you now. 27、你在,春华秋实夏蝉冬雪;你不在,春夏秋冬。 You are here, spring, summer, autumn, summer, cicada, winter and snow; you are not here, spring, summer, autumn and winter. 28、两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读电子书。 He listens to nothing out of the window and concentrates on reading only e-books. 29、镜中的雪越发耀眼,活像燃烧的火焰。 The snow in the mirror shines more and more like a burning flame. 30、每次喝多了都特别想你,后来我发现,不喝多也特别想你。 Every time I drink too much, I miss you very much. Later, I found that I miss you very much even if I don't drink too much. 31、空吟几句声声慢,仍望故人步步远。 The voice of empty chanting is slow, but I still look forward to the old man's pace. 32、你之所以讨厌特权,是因为特权不在你手上。 You hate privileges because they are not in your hands. 33、这世界就是个巨大的娃娃机,我站在橱窗周围,只想要你。 The world is a giant doll machine. I stand around the window and just want you. 34、这个冬天,没有惊喜,没有温度,没有关系。 This winter, no surprise, no temperature, no matter. 35、她的心是一座城,他是唯一的城民。 Her heart is a city, he is the only city people. 36、活在这珍贵的人间,太阳强烈,水波温柔。 Living in this precious world, you can feel both the heat of the sun and the gentle of water. 37、谈恋爱有什么意思,为了一个男人放弃一群男人,想想都亏。 What's the point of falling in love? If you want to give up a group of men for a man, you will lose everything. 38、哪里会有人喜欢孤独,不过是不喜欢失望。 Where will someone like loneliness, but do not like disappointment. 39、用整段青春去爱你,是我做过最奢侈的事。 To love you with all my youth is the most extravagant thing I have ever done. 40、有些人活着,你希望他死。有些人死了,你觉得便宜他了。 Some people live, you want him to die. Some people are dead. You think it's cheap for them. 41、我们有什么好怕的,我们来到这个世上,就没打算活着回去! What are we afraid of? When we come to this world, we have no intention of going back alive! 42、这一生你只能遇到我一次,劝你三思。 You can only meet me once in your life. Please think twice. 43、青春就像一卷卫生纸,看著很多,但用着用着就没了。 Youth is like a roll of toilet paper. It watches a lot, but it disappears when it is used. 44、自信旳抬起胸膛,傲然旳抬头视人。 Self-confidently raise your chest, proudly look up at people. 45、我在等一个人,一个可以陪我很久很久的人。 I am waiting for someone who can accompany me for a long time. 46、我喜欢你,像你的眉眼不行,像你的脾气不行,不是你不行。 I like you, like your eyebrows, like your temper, not you. 47、我肯定成不了最配你的人,可是我要用最好的我来配你。 I can't be the best person for you, but I'll match you with the best. 48、这个天地,我来过,我奋战过,我深爱过,我不在乎结局。 This world, I've come, I've fought, I've loved, I don't care about the end. 49、这世上没谁离不开谁,就算是一条鱼离开水,也能烤着吃。 No one in the world can live without anyone. Even if a fish leaves the water, it can roast and eat. 50、他不是你喜欢的那种人,却是你喜欢的那个人。 He is not the kind of person you like, but the one you like. 51、逃避不一定躲得过,面对不一定难受,转身不一定最软弱。 Escape is not necessarily avoidable, face is not necessarily uncomfortable, turn around is not necessarily the weakest. 52、好想去找你,然后抱紧你。和你说声我好想你。 Want to find you, and then hold you tight. I miss you so much. 53、在这个社会只有,有福同享有难不当。 In this society, it is difficult and improper to enjoy happiness with others. 54、光活着就很难了,为什么还要我快乐。 It's hard to live alone. Why do you want me to be happy? 55、你若不是可有可无,他又怎会对你忽冷忽热。 If you are not indispensable, how can he turn cold and hot to you? 56、未经失恋,不懂爱情,未经失意,不懂人生。 No love, no love, no disappointment, no life. 57、你是我猜不到的不知所措,我是你想不到的无关痛痒。 You're at a loss I can't guess. I'm a pain you can't imagine. 58、这一生,这一世,因为不再有你,所以爱情轰然老去。 This life, this life, because there is no longer you, so love suddenly old. 59、我大好的一个人,凭什么跑到别人的生命里去当插曲。 I am a good person, by what to run into other people's lives as an episode. 60、也许过程有些煎熬,但真的,熬过去就好了。 Maybe the process is a little hard, but really, just go through it. 61、小时候,快乐是件简单的事;长大后,简单是件快乐的事。 When I was young, happiness was a simple thing; when I grew up, simplicity was a happy thing. 62、从日月山河到皎皎星辰,都是我喜欢你的见证。 From the sun, moon, mountains and rivers to the bright stars, I like your testimony. 63、宁可胖的精致,也不要瘦的雷同。 Better be fat and delicate than thin and identical. 64、有的人最害怕生不逢时,而我最害怕的是生未逢你。 Some people are most afraid of not being born at the right time, and I am most afraid of not meeting you in my life. 65、清醒时做事,糊涂时读书,大怒时睡觉,独处时思考。 Do things when you are awake, read when you are confused, sleep when you are angry, and think when you are alone. 66、你从未驯服过她,她只是在爱你的时候才收起了獠牙。 You've never tamed her. She only tusks when she loves you. 67、不善于表达的人真吃亏,付出多,用情深,却没人说你好。 People who are not good at expressing themselves really suffer, pay a lot and use their hearts deeply, but no one says hello. 68、去找一个温暖如太阳的人,为你晒掉所有不值一提的悲伤。 Find a person who is as warm as the sun and sun all the worthless sorrow for you. 69、走千条路,只一条合适,遇万般人,得一人足够。 Take a thousand roads, only one is suitable, meet all kinds of people, one person is enough. 70、树的方向,风决定。人的方向,自己决定。 The direction of the tree is determined by the wind. Man's direction is determined by himself. |