1、小的时候人们都讨厌平凡,可是长大后却努力地想实现平凡。以前认为理所当然的事情,现在却梦寐以求。 People hate being ordinary when they are young, but when they grow up, they try to be ordinary. What used to be taken for granted is now a dream. 2、我们对年龄的恐惧,其实并不在于年龄增长所带来的苍老,而是恐惧随着年龄的增长,我们仍然一无所得。 Our fear of age does not lie in old age, but in fear that as we grow older, we still get nothing. 3、人生充满选择:选择了宁静,就选择了孤独;选择了高山,就选择了坎坷;选择了执着,就选择了磨难! Life is full of choices: choose tranquility, choose loneliness; choose mountains, choose frustration; choose persistence, choose suffering! 4、有人心疼时,眼泪才是眼泪,否则只是带着咸味的液体;被人呵护着,撒娇才是撒娇,要不然就是作死。 When someone is distressed, tears are tears, otherwise they are only salty liquid; when they are cared for, they are spoiled, or they are killed. 5、把自己最美好的品德和最擅长的技巧,无私地传承给需要它的人,这种美德比拥有任何财富都永恒。 The virtue of selflessly passing on one's best virtues and skills to those who need them is more eternal than possessing any wealth. 6、踏入社会的时候,该收一收你那性格了。不要什么话都跟别人讲,你说的是心里话,他们听的是笑话。 When you enter society, it's time to accept your personality. Don't tell anyone anything, you're talking in your heart, they're listening to jokes. 7、生命太短,一分钟都不能留给那些让你不快的人或事。一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。 Life is too short to leave a minute to those who make you unhappy. Be good to yourself when you are alone, and be good to one another when you are together. 8、不要执著于令自己痛苦的事物,不要去惦记再也回不去的曾经。有些事,放弃得越早,未来就会越好。 Don't stick to the things that make you miserable, don't think about the past that you can never go back to. Some things, the sooner you give up, the better the future will be. 9、快乐有四要素:可以改变的去改变,不可改变的去改善,不能改善的去承担,不能承担的就放下。 Happiness has four elements: change what can be changed, improve what cannot be changed, undertake what cannot be improved, and let go what cannot be borne. 10、品味生活,完善人性。存在就是机会,思考才能提高。人需要不断打碎自己,更应该重新组装自己。 Taste life and perfect human nature. Existence is opportunity, thinking can improve. People need to constantly break themselves, but also should reassemble themselves. 11、伤害你的人,不是比你强大就是比你弱小。如果他比你弱小,宽恕他;如果他比你强大,宽恕自己。 People who hurt you are either stronger or weaker than you. If he is younger than you, forgive him; if he is stronger than you, forgive yourself. 12、真正的坚韧,应该是哭的时候要彻底,笑的时候要开怀,说的时候要淋漓尽致,做的时候不要犹豫。 Real toughness should be thorough when crying, happy when laughing, incisive when speaking, and not hesitant when doing. 13、生命太短,没留时间给我们每日带着遗憾醒来。所以去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人。 Life is too short to wake up with regret every day. So love those who are good to you and forget those who don't value you. 14、有的人活在过去的记忆中,有的人活在对未来的痴想中,只有活在今天的人,是把自己的一生掌握在手中。 Some people live in the memory of the past, some people live in the fantasy of the future, only those who live in today, are in the hands of their own life. 15、人要学会过不同的生活,而学会过不同生活的标准是,无论碰上哪一种生活,都能够在其中找到快乐。 People should learn to live different lives, and the standard of learning to live different lives is that no matter what kind of life they encounter, they can find happiness in it. 16、寂静在喧嚣里低头不语,沉默在黑夜里与目光结交,于是,我们看错了世界,却说世界欺骗了我们。 Silence bows its head in the noise, silence knows its eyes in the dark, so we see the world wrong, but say that the world deceives us. 17、“斗志”就是一种敢于拼搏的精神,如果你拥有顽强的斗志,那你所做的每一件事都能获得圆满结果。 "Fighting spirit" is a spirit of daring to fight, if you have a strong fighting spirit, then everything you do can achieve a satisfactory result. 18、一切总是会过去的。人之所以是能够感到“幸福”,那不是因为生活得舒适,而是因为生活得是有希望。 Everything will pass. The reason why people can feel "happy" is not because they live comfortably, but because they live hopefully. 19、人生往往这样,你以为的希望,其实是让你陷得更深的绝望;而你认为无尽的绝望,在一拐角却满眼希望。 Life is often like this, you think hope, in fact, let you fall deeper into despair; and you think endless despair, but in a corner full of hope. 20、令人难过的往往不是失望本身,而是在失望之前曾经心生的那些期望,像飞到半空再被狠狠跌落,生疼。 It's not disappointment itself that makes people sad. It's the expectations they had before they were disappointed, like flying into the air and falling down hard, causing pain. 21、人多时,管住嘴。话多、错多、是非多,自找麻烦;人少时,管住心。妄念、妄想、痛苦多,自找烦恼。 Keep your mouth shut when there are too many people. More words, more mistakes, more right and wrong, ask for trouble; when people are small, take care. Delusions, delusions, pains, self-seeking troubles. 22、若只是初见,一切美好都不会遗失。很多时候,初见,惊艳。蓦然回首,却已是物是人非,沧海桑田。 If it was only a first sight, all the good things would not be lost. Many times, first sight, amazing. Suddenly looking back, it is a matter of human rights, vicissitudes of life. 23、人生无尽的悲欢离合,不过是不同的心路。有遇见,就有分别;有惊喜,就有遗憾。与其抱怨,不如祝愿。 Life is endless joys and sorrows, but different ways of thinking. If you meet, you will be different; if you have surprises, you will have regrets. Better wishes than complaints. 24、只有在别人困难的时候,毫不犹豫地伸出救援的双手,在我们遭遇困难时,我们才能得到更多的帮助。 Only when others are in trouble, do not hesitate to reach out to help, when we encounter difficulties, we can get more help. 25、一个软弱的人不可能找到坚强的理由,只能找到软弱的理由;而一个坚强的人不需要坚强的理由。 A weak person can not find a strong reason, only a weak reason; and a strong person does not need a strong reason. 26、你总是仰望别人的幸福,一回头,却发现自己正被羡慕着。只要你愿意拥抱生活,幸福从来都很简单。 You always look up to the happiness of others, and when you look back, you find that you are being envied. Happiness is always simple as long as you are willing to embrace life. 27、简单安静的生活其实不幸福,所以我只拥抱刹那,绵延持久的感觉根本不快乐,所以我只信仰瞬间。 Simple and quiet life is actually unhappy, so I only embrace the moment, lasting feeling is not happy at all, so I only believe in the moment. 28、感情里,总会有分分合合;生命里,总会有来来去去。学会:浅喜欢,静静爱,深深思索,淡淡释怀。 Feelings, there will always be pision and closure; life, there will always be come and go. Learn: Shallow like, quiet love, deep thinking, light relief. 29、所有人和事,自己问心无愧就好,不是你的也别强求,反正离去的,都是风景,留下的,才是人生! All people and things, their own conscience is good, not you also do not force, anyway, the departure of the scenery, leaving, is life! 30、人,来到这个世界上,总会有许多的不如意,也会有许多的不公平;生活容不容易,关键看你怎么活。 People, come to this world, there will always be many unsatisfactory, there will be many unfair; life is not easy, the key depends on how you live. 31、人和人真是说不清的劫数,你为了一个人辗转反侧夜不能寐,那个人又为了别人神魂颠倒食不知味。 People and people are really indescribable doom, you toss and turn for a person can not sleep at night, that person also for other people's soul upside down. 32、如果一件东西的维护成本大于它本身的价值,最好的办法就是扔掉。日常用品是这样,人的感情也是这样。 If a thing's maintenance cost is greater than its own value, the best way is to throw it away. This is the case with daily necessities and human feelings. 33、是你的,就是你的,越是紧握,越容易失去,我们努力了,珍惜了,问心无愧,其他的,交给命运。 It's yours, it's yours. The more you hold on, the easier it will be to lose. We worked hard, cherished, have a clear conscience, and give the rest to destiny. 34、每个人的心里都潜藏着一条悲伤的河流。你有你的疼痛,我有我的艰辛,并非不懂,只是无暇顾及。 There is a sad river lurking in everyone's heart. You have your pain, I have my hardships, not do not understand, but have no time to take into account. 35、用一颗美好之心看世界风景,用一颗快乐之心对生活琐碎,用一颗感恩之心感谢经历给我们的成长。 With a beautiful heart to see the world scenery, with a happy heart to trivial life, with a grateful heart to thank the experience for our growth. 36、没有人是生来就无情的,都是经历并看到了太多自己不想看到的,而最终选择了关上自己的某扇门。 No one is born merciless. They all experience and see too much that they don't want to see, and finally choose to close one of their doors. 37、陌歌祭,相思不泣,别是忧愁,恰是忧愁,一缕心伤,半生寻觅,咫尺不相见,天涯忘不尽,何其思量 Mou Song Festival, Acacia do not weep, not sadness, but sadness, a wisp of sadness, half a lifetime to find, close to each other, the horizon never forget, how to think 38、回忆是你擎在掌心的一抔水,无论你如何虔诚,它总会在指缝中溜走,最后那些水渍也会被时间蒸发 Memory is the water you hold in your palm. No matter how pious you are, it will slip through your fingers and eventually the water will evaporate by time. 39、得势时,朋友多,真的少;失势时,朋友少,真的多;得势离你最近的人,就是你失势时离你最远的人。 When you are in power, you have more friends, you really have fewer; when you are in power, you have fewer friends, you really have more; when you are in power, the nearest person is the one who is farthest away from you. 40、尽管做不了更多华丽的事情,去不了更远的地方,但我们可以用一生的年华,来守候年轻时的梦想。 Although we can't do more magnificent things or go farther, we can use our lifetime to keep our dreams when we are young. 41、事事不能太精,太精无路;待人不能太苛,太苛无友。懂得退让,方显大气;知道包容,方显大度。 Things can not be too precise, too precise no way; treat people can not be too harsh, too harsh without friends. Know how to concede, show the atmosphere; Know tolerance, show magnanimity. 42、快乐好比一只蝴蝶,你若伸手去捉它,往往会落空;但如果你静静地坐下来,它反而会在你身上停留。 Happiness is like a butterfly. If you reach out to catch it, you will often lose it. But if you sit down quietly, it will stay on you. 43、做人别太装,分清铁和钢。时代变迁快,早晚要受伤。做人别揭短,打人不打脸。今日得罪人,明天有风险 Don't dress up too much. Distinguish iron from steel. Time changes fast, sooner or later will be injured. Don't expose shortcomings and beat people in the face. Today's offender, tomorrow's risky 44、世间的期待有一千种,最好的那种叫明日可期。人生中谎言也有一千种,最大的那种叫来日方长。 There are a thousand kinds of expectations in the world. The best one is called Tomorrow. There are also a thousand kinds of lies in life, and the biggest one is called the future. 45、世界以痛吻我,我却报之以歌,知世故而不世故,看透人性却又宽恕人性,眼前黑暗而内心却亮的耀眼。 The world kisses me with pain, but I reward it with song, knowing the world but not the world, seeing through the human nature but forgiving the human nature, the darkness in front of my eyes and the brightness in my heart. 46、对别人说狠话,不如对自己下狠手;扛得住艰难,才能配得上梦想;不想苦一辈子,就要苦一阵子! It's better to say cruel words to others than to do it to yourself. Only when you have to bear hardships can you deserve your dreams. If you don't want to suffer for a lifetime, you have to suffer for a period of time! |
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