1、轻柔的小雪花飘飘悠悠地落下来。渐渐地,小雪花变大了,变厚了,密密麻麻的。 Soft little snowflakes drifted down. Gradually, the snowflakes became bigger, thicker and dense. 2、雪花朴实无华,雪花默默无闻,雪花从不计较名利,简简单单,快快乐乐,这就是雪花的精神。 Snowflakes are simple and unadorned. Snowflakes never care about fame and wealth. They are simple and happy. That is the spirit of snowflakes. 3、如此凄美的雪景,如此妩媚的月色,实在是使人难以忘怀。但也许是我太过于多情了。唉,残雪化蝶入梦飞,夜尽天明几时回? Such a beautiful snowscape, such a charming moonlight, is really unforgettable. But maybe I'm too passionate. Alas, when will the butterfly fly fly in its dream and return at night? 4、雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人们的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。 Snowflakes are white and pure. They make the earth pure and beautiful. I have a feeling that snow not only makes everything pure, but also makes people's hearts as beautiful and pure as it. 5、曾经,我们约定一起沐浴这个冬天的第一场雪,虽然第一场雪来的有点晚,但它还是来了,可是你却不见了,我们的约定被搁浅在了岁月里。 Once, we agreed to bathe in the first snow of this winter. Although the first snow came a little late, it still came, but you disappeared. Our agreement was stranded in the years. 6、看!多美的小雪花啊!一开始零零落落,小小的,又轻又柔,仿佛那高贵的白天鹅轻轻抖动着翅膀,一片片绒毛飘飘悠悠地落了下来。 Look! What a beautiful snowflake! At first scattered, small, light and soft, as if the noble white swan gently shaking its wings, a piece of fluff drifting down. 7、雪终于停了,茫茫的田野一片雪白,房舍、群山披上了银装。雪,像一团团松软的鹅毛,把白日里被搅得一片混乱的沙滩,又铺得格外平展。 The snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, the houses and mountains were covered with silver. Snow, like a group of soft goose feathers, stirred up a chaotic beach in the daytime, and spread out extraordinarily flat. 8、晶莹的小雪花落在我的手掌心上,看上去是透明的,慢慢地,它融化了。 The glittering snowflakes fell on the palm of my hand. They looked transparent. Slowly, they melted. 9、浮生一梦醉眼看,海如波,心如皓月,雪似天赐。你自妖娆,我自伴,永不相弃!春花哪堪几度霜,秋月谁与共寒光。 Drunken eyes of floating life, sea like waves, heart like bright moon, snow like a gift from heaven. You are enchanting, I am companion, never abandon! How many degrees of frost can spring flowers withstand? Who will share the cold light with autumn moon? 10、傍晚,大片大片的雪花,从昏暗的天空中纷纷扬地飘落下来。霎时间,山川、田野、村庄,全都笼罩在白蒙蒙的大雪之中。 In the evening, large snowflakes floated down from the dark sky. All of a sudden, mountains, fields and villages were covered in the heavy snow in the white. 11、公路旁、人行道上的积雪已经融化,只有背阳的屋顶上还留有残雪,就像戴着顶白色的小帽子。 The snow on the roadside and sidewalk has melted. Only the roof of the back sun has residual snow, like wearing a white cap. 12、晴空下,雪花漫天纷飞,像无数的雪精灵在空中漫舞着。看,它们是笑得是如此的快乐,好像是在向人们宣誓这个冬天不再悲伤。 Under the clear sky, snowflakes fly in the sky, like countless snow elves dancing in the air. Look, they are laughing so happily, as if they are swearing to people that they will not be sad this winter. 13、雪越下越大,就像撕碎的棉絮,慢慢地飘着。它落在草地上屋顶上马路上树枝上。不久,大地就被雪覆盖,变成白茫茫的一片。 The snowfall is bigger and bigger, like torn cotton floss, slowly drifting. It landed on the grass roof and on the branches of the road. Soon the ground was covered with snow and turned into a vast expanse of white. 14、如果有一个属于我命中注定的人的话,真希望那个人就是你。因为再也没有人比我更喜欢你了,只希望你能看穿这一点。 If there's someone who belongs to my destiny, I really hope that person is you. Because no one likes you better than I do, I just hope you can see through it. 15、一片片小雪花像烟一样轻,玉一样纯,银一样白,飘飘洒洒,纷纷扬扬,从天而降,亲吻着久别的大地。 Snowflakes are as light as smoke, as pure as jade, as white as silver, floating and sprinkling, falling from the sky, kissing the long-gone earth. 16、公路旁人行道上的积雪已经融化,只有背阳的屋顶上还留有残雪,就像戴着顶白色的小帽子。 The snow on the sidewalk beside the highway has melted. Only the roof of the back sun has residual snow, like wearing a white cap. 17、松树苍翠地站在白皑皑的雪地里,随着凛冽的西北风,摇晃着身子,发出尖厉刺耳的呼啸,像是有意在蔑视冬天。 Pines stand green in the white snow, swaying with the severe northwest wind, making a sharp and harsh whistle, as if intentionally contemptuous of winter. 18、雪中的景色壮丽无比,天地之间浑然一色,只能看见一片银色,好象整个世界都是用银子来装饰而成的。 The scenery in the snow is magnificent, the sky and the earth are all the same, only a piece of silver can be seen, as if the whole world is decorated with silver. 19、雨是心滴下的眼泪;雪却是心冷成冰,却又不忍失去柔软,而凝成的感伤。 Rain is the tear of the heart; snow is the cold heart, but can not bear to lose the soft, but condensate the sadness. 20、马路边,白雪给人行道盖上了白被子,被子上又留下了人们一串串的脚印。白雪给树们披上了白披风,使它们变得更加威武了。 By the side of the road, snow covered the pavement with white quilts, which left a string of footprints. Snow-white cloaks the trees and makes them more powerful. 21、弹指一挥间,流年不复返。风雪交错的夜里,月色显得有些苍茫,窗外的灯火也不似从前那般明亮。只有我依旧如此,欣赏着夜的凄美,品味着夜的芬芳。 A flick of a finger never returns. In the snowy night, the moonlight seems a little dim, and the lights outside the window are not as bright as before. Only I am still like this, enjoying the beauty of the night and savoring the fragrance of the night. 22、窗外飞舞着雪花,像千百只蝴蝶似的扑向窗玻璃,在玻璃上调皮地撞一下,又翩翩地飞向一旁。 Outside the window, snowflakes were flying like hundreds of butterflies, rushing towards the window glass, bumping skinningly on the glass, and flying to one side. 23、我想起了远处的大山,皑皑的白雪覆盖在她那温柔起伏的曲线上,将她银装素裹的包装。假如这时你进山赏雪的话,那就好比进了童话世界了! I thought of the mountains in the distance, the snow covering her gentle undulating curve, wrapping her in plain silver. If you go to the mountains and enjoy the snow, it would be like entering the fairy tale world! 24、我认出,那些雪地上凌乱闪烁的脚印,是诗;而被踩得黯淡板结的路,是散文。落在树上的雪,不是嫁接,而是塑造。披上雪纱的世界,终于出现了轮廓。 I recognized that the footprints glittering in the snow were poems, and the dim and rigid road trampled on was prose. Snow falling on trees is not grafting, but moulding. The world covered with snow gauze finally appears outline. 25、大雪纷纷扬扬落下,那一片雪花在空中舞动着各种姿势,或飞翔,或盘旋,或直直地快速坠落,铺落在地上。 The snowflakes were dancing in the air, flying, hovering, falling straight and fast, and laying on the ground. 26、雪,真大啊!地面上是白茫茫的一片,可雪还在不停的下着,好像仙女散花一般。你看那雪花,像白云,像棉花。它是那样的洁白,那样的耀眼。 Snow, how big! The ground was white, but the snow was still falling, like fairies scattering flowers. Look at the snow, like white clouds, like cotton. It is so white, so dazzling. 27、雪仙子,你总是悄悄地来,又匆匆地去,你把美丽的小雪花留在人间,给庄稼带来温暖。你是那么纯洁,无私的奉献,我从心底赞美你高尚的品格。 Snow fairy, you always come quietly and go in a hurry. You leave the beautiful snowflakes on earth and bring warmth to the crops. You are so pure and selfless. I praise your noble character from the bottom of my heart. 28、漫步于宁静的雪地,似乎屏息海洋深处,人感到自己在下潜。当你走向空旷的雪野,突然寻到了世界的尺度:自己的脚步。 Walking in the quiet snow, people seem to hold their breath deep in the ocean and feel they are submerging. When you walk into the open snow, you suddenly find the world's yardstick: your own footsteps. 29、在寒风中,雪轻盈地从天空飘落,像雨丝般落下来。一阵风吹来,像撒向天空的细盐,漫天飞舞,把整个城市装点成了童话般的冰雪世界。 In the cold wind, snow falls lightly from the sky, like a rain filament. A gust of wind, like fine salt sprinkled into the sky, flying all over the sky, decorated the whole city into a fairy-tale world of ice and snow. 30、雪仙子在尽情地挥舞着衣袖;在飘飘洒洒的弹奏中,天地河山,清纯洁净,没有泥潭。 Snow fairies are waving their sleeves heartily; in the drifting and scattering playing, heaven, earth, rivers and mountains are pure and clean, without mud. 31、我凝望天空,闭上我的双眼,任雪花与我娇柔地缠绵,我仿佛听到雪花在我的耳畔轻轻地吟唱,仿佛听到遥远的天际里传来的琴音。 I gaze at the sky, close my eyes, let the snow linger with me tenderly, as if I heard the snow singing gently in my ears, as if I heard the music from the distant sky. 32、忽然下的一场雪飘的那么纯洁,在一瞬间曾经所有的梦都幻灭,冰封了爱的期限却让痛成为永远。 Suddenly a snow drift so pure, in an instant all the dreams have been disillusioned, frozen the deadline of love but let the pain become forever. 33、四周山上的层层的松枝,戴着白绒般的很厚的雪,沉沉下垂,不时的掉下一两片手掌大的雪块,无声的堆在雪地上。 Around the mountains layers of pine branches, wearing a very thick white velvety snow, sinking, from time to time fell a pair of palm-sized snow blocks, silently piled on the snow. 34、雪后,那绵绵的白雪装饰着世界,琼枝玉叶,粉装玉砌,皓然一色,真是一派瑞雪丰年的喜人景象。 After the snow, the continuous snow decorating the world, Qiongzhi Yuye, powder-coated jade, Haoran uniform, is a happy scene of the rich years of Ruixue. 35、雪花纷纷扬扬,一刻不停的从空中飘落下来。其间,夹杂着一些小冰粒,与地上的水汇合后,渐渐地凝成了一层薄冰。 Snowflakes were flying in succession, falling from the air all the time. In the meantime, mixed with some small ice particles, and the water on the ground after convergence, gradually condensed into a thin layer of ice. 36、落光了叶子的柳树上,挂满了毛茸茸亮晶晶的银条儿;冬夏常青的松树和柏树,堆满了蓬松松沉甸甸的雪球。 The deciduous willows were covered with bright silver strips of fur; the evergreen pines and cypresses in winter and summer were covered with fluffy snowballs. 37、我凝望天空,闭上我的双眼,任雪花与我娇柔地缠绵,我仿佛听到了雪花在我的耳畔轻轻地吟唱,仿佛听到了遥远的天际里传来的琴音。 I gaze at the sky, close my eyes, let the snow linger with me tenderly, as if I heard the snow singing gently in my ears, as if I heard the music from the distant horizon. 38、雪,轻柔过我的脸颊,期待着雪中漫出的恬然与欢乐,真的出现,才懂得,那种幸福是一种聚在一起的满足,也许这一刻就是自己心中的分外妖娆! Snow, gently over my cheeks, looking forward to the snowy calm and joy, really appear, only to understand that happiness is a kind of satisfaction gathered together, perhaps this moment is the extraordinary enchantment in their hearts! 39、你把美丽的小雪花留在人间,给庄稼带来温暖。你是那么纯洁,无私的奉献,我从心底赞美你高尚的品格。 You leave the beautiful snowflakes on earth and bring warmth to the crops. You are so pure and selfless. I praise your noble character from the bottom of my heart. 40、洁白的雪,我爱你,我爱你的纯洁。你把大地装饰得一片银白,你把大地打扮得多么美丽。 White snow, I love you, I love your purity. You decorate the earth in silver, how beautiful you decorate it. 41、雪花像蝴蝶那么优雅,像蒲公英那么洁白,真是太美了! Snowflakes are as elegant as butterflies and as white as dandelions. It's so beautiful! 42、大地一片银白,一片洁净,而雪花仍如柳絮,如棉花,如鹅毛从天空飘飘洒洒。 The earth is white and clean, and the snow is still like willow catkins, cotton, goose feathers floating from the sky. 43、雪花落在树上,把树打扮的。雪花落在人们的身上,人好像变成了一个大雪人在地上站着。雪花落在地上,积成了一层厚厚的,像一个白色的地毯。 Snowflakes fell on the trees and dressed them up. Snowflakes fall on people. People seem to be standing on the ground like a snowman. Snowflakes fell on the ground, forming a thick layer, like a white carpet. 44、他走了不一会儿,从嘴里、鼻孔里喷出来的团团热气便凝成了一层层霜花儿,冻结在皮帽四周,恰似一顶银色的头盔戴在他那冻得通红的脸膛上。 After a short walk, the hot air from his mouth and nostrils condensed into a layer of frost, frozen around his leather cap, like a silver helmet on his red face. 45、窗外雪花依然在柔柔的飘洒,我微微的闭上双眸什么都不去想,静静的聆听飘雪的声音,只想让自己烦躁的尘心得到些许的安宁。 Outside the window, the snowflakes are still floating softly. I close my eyes slightly and don't think about anything. I listen to the sound of the snowflakes quietly, just want to get some peace in my restless heart. 46、雪花,你是一群群展翅纷飞的玉蝴蝶;雪花,你是那来自上苍的天使,把洁白洒向人间;雪花,你是湛蓝天幕上的一颗颗闪亮的星 Snowflakes, you are a group of flying jade butterflies; Snowflakes, you are the angel from heaven, sprinkle white on the earth; Snowflakes, you are shining stars in the blue sky. 47、雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。 Snowflakes are white and pure. It makes the earth pure and beautiful. I have a feeling that snow not only makes everything pure, but also makes people's mind as beautiful and pure as it. 48、雪花,是人间的神圣纯洁的代表。我喜欢雪花,喜欢它的晶莹剔透,喜欢它的洁白无瑕。 Snowflakes are the representatives of the holy purity of the world. I like snowflakes, like its crystal clear, like its flawless white. 49、像棉絮一般的雪,像芦花一般的雪,像蒲公英的带绒毛的种子一般的雪,在风中飞舞。 Snow, like cotton floss, like reeds, like dandelion's fluffy seeds, flies in the wind. 50、傍晚,大片大片的雪花,从昏暗的天空中纷纷扬地飘落下来。霎时间,山川田野村庄,全都笼罩在白蒙蒙的大雪之中。 In the evening, large snowflakes floated down from the dark sky. Suddenly, mountains, rivers, fields and villages were all shrouded in the snow. |