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50、Friendship, what is it? He is just an emotion, a harvest.




54、Because the other hand has my ugly picture, so be a lifelong friend.





59、Friends are the people who follow you even when you know you are silly!

60、Only you will listen to my nonsense, only you will understand my silence.



63、Lovers are not beautiful but sincere. Friends are not in quantity but in quality.

64、Openness and friendship with friends should not be measured by the length of time.

65、It's not when I met you at the best time, it's when I had the best time with you.

66、Brothers don't want to be so bullish, so rich, just give me an arm when I need you.

67、Friendship, it is a kind of thing that can only be obtained by paying the same share.

68、The best thing in the world is to have a few friends who are honest in mind and heart.

69、Friendship can ask for nothing, but it has a kind of warmth that we can all experience.

70、I am afraid that after graduation, there will be fewer crazy people who can make me laugh.

71、Someday, if you stand out, don't forget the brothers who accompanied you through the storm!

72、True friends, even quarrels do not affect feelings, fake friends, even play hey is only acting.

73、Love is demanding, because demanding and short. Friendship is tolerant, for tolerance lasts long.

74、The so-called friendship, first and foremost, is sincerity and a mistake in criticizing comrades.

75、Friends, must be confident, because the lonely heart, need warm tacit understanding and dependence.

76、Friendship can never be a trade; on the contrary, it requires the most thorough sense of non-profit.

77、Knowing each other depends on knowing each other; knowing each other depends on knowing one's heart.

78、Because you are all my backing, even if there are thousands of troops in front of me, I am not afraid.

79、Friendship in my past life is like a beacon, shining through my soul, making my life a little glorious.

80、I cherish everyone who can let me call him a friend, because that is where the wandering heart can stop.

81、True friendship requires a certain distance. Distance makes respect; respect makes friendship last forever.

82、Friends'feelings can make people work together. Friends' feelings can make people's lives full and colorful.

83、Good brothers are rich and poor, good friends are men and women, and good relationships are not time-consuming.

84、When it comes to fame, honor, happiness and wealth, they are all dust when compared with friendship of friends.

85、Richness has nothing to do with friendship, but poverty is the best test for friends to hate the true and false.

86、Be cautious in choosing friends! True selfishness will put on the mask of friendship, but set up traps to pit you.

87、Seeing a friend crying and not wanting to pass her tissues, I wanted to give her sunglasses to make her still cool.

88、Some things, not the thicker the better, to be just right. Deep words, we say shallowly, the long road we take slowly.

89、Those who can't get friendship will be poor loners for life. A society without friendship is just a prosperous desert.

90、Friendship can last forever. Friendship can be destroyed at any time. So let's cherish friendship and treasure it forever.

91、People who have good friends around don't know how much happiness they have than people who are singing all over the place.

92、The best feeling between two people is that they dislike each other on the surface and never abandon each other in the heart.

93、Walking with you, recalling the common ideals we had, breaking up with you and looking forward to the revelry of our reunion.

94、Several years of classmates, I have forged a deep friendship with you, I hope you and I will exchange hearts and minds forever.

95、Your sadness I share, your happiness I share, good friends always in your side of the continuation of friendship from the soul.

96、We have less contact after graduation, but you are like every song I like. I can recognize it as soon as I listen to the prelude.

97、Among people, the most painful thing is that where you think you deserve goodwill and friendship, you suffer from harassment and damage.

98、A true friend is one who cares not about your appearance, gender, poverty or wealth, but is willing to wait for you silently all his life.

99、No friendship of a friend lasts forever. People come and go in your life. Sometimes the friendship process of friends is short and limited.

100、Friendship is the most holy spiritual thing. She will not only take root and germinate in the same sex, but also blossom and bear fruit in the opposite sex.

101、Friends are a feeling. Some people will not become friends after decades of living together. Some people know that they will be friends as soon as they meet.

102、When your long skirt falls to the ground, I will match the short skirt. In the future, in addition to your lover, I still want to accompany you to grow old slowly.

103、Don't think that if you don't see each other often, your feelings will fade away. Tell you, just because of our friendship, I dare to run wild in your life for a lifetime.

104、We are about to enter a new life. There is still a long way to go. Let's cherish the youth and friendship we have today and water the buds of friendship with our true feelings.

105、Sisters are like that: Noise today, laugh tomorrow, get bored, think far. I miss you when I don't see you. I hate you when I see you. I can bully myself. Others can't bully me.

106、Friendship is the lamp, the brighter the dial; friendship is the river, the deeper the flow; friendship is the flower, the more beautiful the blossom; friendship is wine, the older the fragrance.

107、Usually, communicate with your friends more. Don't wait until you need their help to think of contacting them. When you get to the society, you will know how difficult it is to know a true friend.

108、Friendship is the intersection of two hearts, friendship is not rewarding, friendship is no worries, friendship is a warm embrace, friendship is accompanied by old age. Friendship is your happy smile!

109、Being the poet's volunteer secretary and being loved by the poet is like being caressed by a speculator for his first shareholder. This kind of partnership is similar to friendship when it first appears.

110、Friends have changed their meanings in today's materialistic society, which is full of intrigue. It has become a synonym for wealth, for good or bad results, and its changes have polluted people's minds.

111、The sky is beautiful because of clouds, mountains and rivers, flowers are beautiful because of green leaves, and life is beautiful because of you. Thank you, my best friend. May my friendship last forever.

112、True friends, when you succeed, are happy for you, not flattering. When you encounter misfortune or sadness, it will give you timely support and encouragement. When you have shortcomings and may make mistakes, it will give you correct criticism and help.

113、Pick a snowflake, sprinkle it on your heart, accompany you with happiness; sprinkle a seed of happiness, sow it into your heart, grow happiness around you; make a cotton-padded clothes, put it on your shoulders, plant it in your heart, wish you sweet winter!

114、Friends are the fate of a lifetime, meet by chance, and live forever in life. Winter is coming again. The weather is getting colder and the temperature drops sharply. Only the best wishes are as usual. May you take care of your health and live a happy and healthy life.

115、Friends are apartments for collecting thoughts, bags for saving feelings! No matter how many storms there are on your way to life, friends like umbrellas accompany you in the clear sky. No matter where you are and how far apart you are, may your friends be happy every day!

116、The ideal relationship between friends is that they will not be embarrassed under any circumstances, not to please each other, not to worry about guessing each other because they have not seen for a long time, not to stab you in the back, not to think about it deliberately, because they have never forgotten.

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