1、秋天,你比春天更富有欣欣向荣的景象,你比春天更富有绚丽的色彩。 Autumn, you are more prosperous than spring, you are more colorful than spring. 2、金秋的夜晚是蟋蟀们歌唱的好日子。蟋蟀们提高嗓子尽情的歌唱。叶子沙沙的响好像在为蟋蟀伴奏。 The golden autumn night is a good day for crickets to sing. Crickets raise their voices and sing to their heart's content. The rustling leaves seemed to accompany crickets. 3、秋天,是一首静美而又婉转的诗,碧水映晴空,清夜画月明,盈一怀婉约,将一笺心语吟成满纸风情,让斑驳的印记诉说着秋水长天的故事。 Autumn is a quiet and graceful poem, with clear water reflecting the sky, clear night painting the moon, full of grace and restraint. It sings a note of heart into a paper style, so that the mottled mark tells the story of the long autumn. 4、秋也许就藏在金灿灿的稻穗上,也许藏在火通通的柿子里,也许藏在绿油油菜地间。 Autumn may be hidden in golden rice ears, persimmons, rapeseed fields. 5、周围的梧桐树已经换上了一身黄色的衣服,走近去一看,梧桐树的叶子是半青半黄的,好象披上了一件夏天的绿装不愿脱掉似的。 The surrounding plane trees had changed into yellow clothes, and approached to see that the leaves of the plane trees were half green and half yellow, as if they were in a summer green suit and would not take off. 6、秋天是浓的化不开的水,似能捧起又从指尖流过。秋天是乱的解不开的结,似能解开却又重新纠结。秋天是甜的舍不下的蜜,似能戒掉又经不住索取。 Autumn is a dense water that cannot be melted. It seems to be lifted up and flowing through the fingertips. Autumn is an inextricable knot of chaos, which seems to be able to be unraveled but is again entangled. Autumn is a sweet honey that can't be given up and can't stand to ask for. 7、前几天还酷暑难耐,不知不觉间秋姑娘就来到了我们的身边,她把炎热带走把凉爽送来。 A few days ago, the summer was too hot to bear. Before she knew it, the autumn girl came to us. She took the hot tropics to bring the cool. 8、清风涤荡你的肺腑,天籁拨动你的心音。一泓流水,一弦丝竹之音和鸣,你便知道,你该去看看秋天了。 The wind cleanses your lungs and hearts, and the sounds of heaven stir your heart. As soon as the water flows, the sound of silk bamboo strings and the sound of song, you will know that you should go and see autumn. 9、金秋,小草从那枯黄死去的母体旁站了出来,嫩绿嫩绿的,又短又细,像是几根很短的绿丝线簇成,仿佛那么弱不禁风,一口气都会吹倒一样。 In the golden autumn, the grass stood out beside the withered and yellow dead mother. It was green and tender, short and thin, like a few short green silk threads clustered together, as if it were so weak that it would blow down in one breath. 10、纵算水尽山穷,叶落成空,那老去的年华依旧可以风姿万种。纵算岁月朦胧,天涯西东,依然可以觅寻当年遗落的影踪。 Even though the water is exhausted and the leaves are empty, the old age can still be varied. In spite of the hazy years, we can still find traces of the past. 11、爱上秋天,却不能拥有她到永远,总是飘然而至,又每每不辞而别。总是因她的来而欢欣鼓舞,也总是因了她的离去万般寂寥。 Fall in love with autumn, but can not have her forever, always drift to, and often leave without saying goodbye. Always rejoiced by her coming, and always lonely by her departure. 12、黄澄澄的稻穗垂着沉甸甸的穗头,棉桃像小树,绽了鸡蛋似的花絮。啊,不是稻田,是黄金的大海。不是棉田,是白银的世界。 The yellow and clear ears of rice hang heavy ears, cotton and peach like small trees, blooming like eggs. Ah, not paddy fields, but the sea of gold. It's not a cotton field, it's a silver world. 13、一些繁盛,从夏的那一片绿色中滑落,走进了秋的诗行,微风,漫过了小草上的清露,在林间流动,那些路边的小花儿开的也不再张扬。 Some flourishing, from the green in summer, into the autumn poetry, breeze, overflowing the dew on the grass, flowing in the woods, those roadside flowers are no longer open. 14、秋收时节,天特别高,特别蓝,云朵格外白柔娴静,阳光格外明媚和煦,风也显得格外轻漫清香。 The autumn harvest season, the sky is particularly high, especially blue, the clouds are particularly white and quiet, the sun is particularly bright and warm, the wind is particularly light and fragrant. 15、秋啊,早就离开了。在初雪即将到来的时候,秋的生命结束了,因为它从来就这么短暂。她走了,什么都没有带走,也什么都没有留下。 Autumn, left early. When the first snow is approaching, autumn's life is over, because it has never been so short. She left without taking anything or leaving anything. 16、季节流转,终会留下惆怅和感怀,一念花开,一念花落,于秋风中,轻拾一地阑珊,体味着秋的况味,感受着秋意绵长。 Seasonal circulation, will eventually leave melancholy and feelings, as soon as the flowers blossom, as soon as the flowers fall, in the autumn wind, light pick up a languid, taste the situation of autumn, feel the long sense of autumn. 17、小草说,秋天是黄色的;松树说,秋天是绿色的;花儿说,秋天是红色的;梨子说,秋天是黄色的。而那被落叶装扮了的大地说,秋天是绚丽多彩的。 The grass says autumn is yellow; the pine says autumn is green; the flower says autumn is red; the pear says autumn is yellow. And the earth dressed up with fallen leaves says that autumn is gorgeous and colorful. 18、秋天就像是一位魔法师,给大自然带来了丰收,给我们带来了既新鲜又美味的瓜果蔬菜,也为我们送来了一个色彩缤纷的世界。 Autumn is like a magician, bringing harvest to nature, fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables, as well as a colorful world for us. 19、飘落的叶子澄澄的稻穗垂着沉甸甸的穗头,棉桃像小树,绽了鸡蛋似的花絮。啊,不是稻田,是飘落的叶子金的大海;不是棉田,是白银的世界。 Floating leaves, clear ears of rice hang heavy ears, peaches and cotton like small trees, blooming eggs like florets. Ah, it is not a paddy field, it is a sea of falling leaves and gold; it is not a cotton field, it is a world of silver. 20、秋天到了,果子熟了。黄澄澄的是梨,红通通的是苹果,亮晶晶的是葡萄。 Autumn is coming and the fruit is ripe. Pears are yellow, apples are red, and grapes are shining. 21、秋天到了,天空一碧如洗,好像用清水洗过的蓝宝石一样。 When autumn comes, the sky is as clear as a sapphire washed in clear water. 22、秋你的到来,给人们带来了长年的欢笑,他多么希望你能多停留些日子,让他们之间的友谊更加深厚! The arrival of autumn brings people laughter for many years. How he wishes you could stay longer and make the friendship between them deeper! 23、又是一个落叶飘零的季节,飘落在秋风里的叶子总是挂满着忧伤。是不是当叶子泛黄枯萎了就会飘落下来,那些散了一地的忧伤显得那么的苍白。 It's also a season of falling leaves. The leaves falling in the autumn wind are always full of sadness. Whether when the leaves turn yellow and withered, they will float down, those scattered sadness appears so pale. 24、金秋的阳光温馨恬静,侗乡的秋风和煦轻柔,蓝天白云飘逸悠扬。 The golden autumn sunshine is warm and quiet, the autumn wind is gentle and gentle in Dong Township, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious. 25、走出咖啡厅,望着无际的蓝天,心情舒畅多了,不在那么,不再那么忧郁。买了枝粉色的鲜花,名叫百合,代表我此刻的心情。 Out of the cafe, looking at the endless blue sky, feeling much more relaxed, not so, no longer so melancholy. I bought a pink flower named Lily, which represents my mood at the moment. 26、手中生花,每一片叶子的叶脉都有神迹,她记录了我们的人生轨迹,有的叶子陨落枯萎,有的叶子重新生长,也许人也是这样! Flowering in hand, every leaf vein has a miracle, she recorded our life trajectory, some leaves fell and withered, some leaves grow again, perhaps the same is true of people! 27、不经意间散落在一池秋水里,拨弄满池的秋晕,轻叩一帘心事,秋雨缠绵,雨打芭蕉声声不息。 Inadvertently scattered in a pool of autumn water, playing with the autumn halo of the pool, tapping a curtain of mind, autumn rain lingering, rain banana sound. 28、走进田野,就像置身于金色的海洋。在阳光的照耀下,闪闪发光,天与地也融为一体,到处都是金黄一色。 Walking into the fields is like being in the golden ocean. In the sunshine, shining, the sky and the earth are also integrated, everywhere is golden and yellow. 29、秋天,杨树叶子黄了,挂在树上,好像一朵朵黄色的小花;飘落在空中,像一只只黄色的蝴蝶;落在树旁的小河里,仿佛是金色的小船。 In autumn, poplar leaves turn yellow and hang on trees like small yellow flowers; they float in the air like yellow butterflies; they fall in rivers beside trees like golden boats. 30、秋姑娘来到公园,她吹醒了桂花,吹醒了秋菊,桂花的香味使过路人止步往返,秋菊的绚丽令大家陶醉不已。 Autumn girl came to the park, she woke up sweet-scented osmanthus and autumn chrysanthemum. The fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus made passers-by stop to and fro, and the splendor of autumn chrysanthemum made everyone intoxicated. 31、虽说入秋已久,但今年盛夏酷暑那整天泡在臭汗中的滋味,那随手一摸,一手滚烫的感觉却刻骨铭心,似乎盛夏的余威还迟迟不退却。 Although autumn has been a long time, but this summer hot day soaked in the odor of sweat all day taste, that touch, the feeling of a hot hand is etched in my heart, it seems that the aftermath of summer is still lingering. 32、秋风并非是想象中的刽子手,原来它只是在叶子生命的最后一刻,让它体会到爱的缠绵,飞翔的滋味。 Autumn wind is not an imagined executioner, it is only in the last moment of leaf life, let it experience the lingering love, the taste of flying. 33、一走进果园,随风飘来一股果肉的香气,啊!真香!你看那红彤彤的柿子、黄澄澄的大鸭梨、绿油油的橘子都成熟了! As soon as I entered the orchard, there was a pulp aroma in the wind, ah! Really sweet! Look at that red persimmon, yellow pear, green orange are ripe! 34、叶儿在风中飘飘,云儿在天空悠悠,那是一种温馨的画面,一种久违的气息,生命中,一个季节,抑或一个心动的人,转瞬走远。 Leaves floating in the wind, clouds in the sky, it is a kind of warm picture, a long-lost breath, life, a season, or a heart-beating person, a moment away. 35、夏的画卷,总是太妩媚,而秋的素描,就多了份内涵,那一抹有些厚重的色彩,便是季节书写的美感。 Summer's picture scrolls are always too charming, while autumn's sketch has more connotation, and that touch of some heavy color is the aesthetic feeling of seasonal writing. 36、最近你还好吗?挣扎和思念,都怕你听见,如何遮掩,对你痴痴地爱恋,一颗温柔的心跳在黑夜里独眠,想你,是我永远的语言。 How have you been lately? Struggle and yearning, are afraid of you to hear, how to hide, infatuated with you, a gentle heart in the night sleeping alone, think of you, is my eternal language. 37、秋高气爽,蓝蓝的天像擦拭得一尘不染的玻璃,绵绵的云朵雪白雪白,如奶汁一般。 The autumn is cool, the blue sky is polished to a spotless glass, the clouds are snow-white, like milk. 38、天空中,换装的叶子在翩翩起舞。山涧里,叮咚的清泉在随舞轻歌。他们是在默默地为秋花祝福吗?还是与秋花一起在享受这静美的温情时刻? In the sky, the changing leaves are dancing. In the mountain stream, the tinkling spring is dancing and singing. Are they silently blessing the autumn flowers? Or with the autumn flowers in the enjoyment of this quiet warm moment? 39、深秋的天空异常肃穆而爽朗,在自习过后,天空一片漆黑,让人感到很神秘,高高的天空有几颗星星来点缀,让人猜测:别的星星都到哪里去了? The late autumn sky is unusually solemn and bright. After studying, the sky is dark and mysterious. There are several stars in the high sky to decorate, which makes people guess: Where are the other stars? 40、九月浅秋,时光阑珊而过,岁月匆匆流逝,回首一段往事,如梦似幻,如烟飘散,一切都不过随风远去。 In the late autumn of September, time passes by, time passes by in a hurry, looking back on a period of past events, like dreams, like smoke, everything just goes away with the wind. |