1、天空中最微弱的星,也有权力去追求光明。 The weakest star in the sky also has the right to pursue light. 2、等失望攒够了,不用你说,我自己走。 When disappointment is enough, don't mention it. I'll go by myself. 3、人生的路,就得自己找,路不平也得好好走下去。 The road of life, you have to find, road inequality also have to go well. 4、爱与恨,粘稠而匆匆,今我只想饮白水,做闲人。 Love and hate, sticky and in a hurry, now I just want to drink white water, idle. 5、人们希望你做的更好,但一般不希望你超过他。 People want you to do better, but generally don't want you to surpass him. 6、如果感情只是路过,又何必到此一游。 If the feelings are just passing by, why come here for a visit? 7、也许过程有些煎熬,但真的,熬过去就好了。 Maybe the process is a little hard, but really, just go through it. 8、不会再勉强自己逢场作戏了,该笑笑,该闹闹。 It's time to laugh, it's time to make a scene. 9、多数人的关系到最后就是:只走流量不走心。 In the end, most people's relationship is that they only take the flow but not the heart. 10、突如其来的脾气,往往是积攒很久了的委屈。 Sudden temper is often the grievance accumulated for a long time. 11、我不是广场上算卦的,唠不出那么多你爱听的嗑。 I'm not a square hexagram-teller. I can't tell you so much about what you like to hear. 12、哪有什么念念不忘不可原谅,时间一长,什么都好商量。 Where there is something unforgivable, a long time, everything is easy to discuss. 13、英语不行的男生前途无量,数学不好的姑娘光芒万丈。 Boys who can't speak English have great prospects. Girls who can't do math are shining brightly. 14、时间,渐渐带走了年少轻狂,也慢慢沉淀了冷暖自知。 Time, gradually took away the young frivolous, but also slowly precipitated the cold and warm self-knowledge. 15、等你辉煌的时候,谁会在意你那暗淡的曾经。 When you are brilliant, who cares about your dim past? 16、骄傲的活着,即使面对太阳也不眨眼。 Live proudly, even in the face of the sun. 17、很久之后,终于视你为平常,连看你一眼都感觉多余。 After a long time, finally regard you as ordinary, even look at you feel redundant. 18、不要指望谁陪你一辈子,没光的时候连影子都会离开你。 Don't expect anyone to accompany you for a lifetime, even the shadow will leave you when there is no light. 19、你的未来拿不出手,谁会听你凄惨的过去。 Who will listen to your miserable past if you can't get your future out of hand? 20、既然你不能一心二用,那就该用脑的时候别用心。 Since you can't use two things at once, don't use your mind at all. 21、只要不碰感情,齐天大圣都奈何不了我。 As long as I don't touch my feelings, the great sage of Qitian can't help me. 22、世界上,没有挤不出的时间,只有不想赴的约。 In the world, there is no time to squeeze out, only an appointment that you don't want to go to. 23、是好是坏,皆为经历,要无所畏惧,活得自由潇洒。 Whether it is good or bad, it is experience. We should live free and unrestrained without fear. 24、我知道强扭的瓜不甜,但是本人就是不喜欢吃甜瓜。 I know that strong melon is not sweet, but I just don't like to eat melon. 25、要么抱紧我,要么滚远些,别半死不活的拖着。 Either hold me tight, or go away, don't drag me half dead. 26、别以为掌声就是鼓励,蚊子也是这个待遇! Don't think applause is encouragement, mosquitoes are also treated like this! 27、没人会死在别人手里,都是死在自己的热爱里。 No one will die in the hands of others, all in their own love. 28、我可以笑着给你讲道理,也可以翻脸告诉你什么叫规矩。 I can laugh and reason with you, or turn my face and tell you what rules are. 29、我可以走一万步去见你,也愿意退一万零一步离开你。 I can take 10,000 steps to see you, and I'd like to take 10,000 steps back from you. 30、别人笑我孤身一人,我却可怜你沦落风尘。 Others laugh at me for being alone, but I pity you for falling into the dust. 31、生活就像我的歌声,时而不着调,时而不靠谱。 Life is like my song, sometimes out of tune, sometimes unreliable. 32、这座城市风很大,孤独的人总是晚回家。 The city is windy and lonely people always come home late. 33、一身的痞子味,成不了你的乖乖女。 You can't be a good girl with a ruffian flavor. 34、对未来的真正慷慨,是把一切都献给现在。 The true generosity to the future is to give everything to the present. 35、我是喜欢你,但我不能一辈子不要脸。 I like you, but I can't live without face. 36、你要堕落,神仙也救不了,你要成长,绝处也能逢生。 If you want to degenerate, immortals can't save you. If you want to grow up, you can live in nowhere. 37、大起大落谁都有,拍拍灰尘继续走。 Everyone has big ups and downs. Pat the dust and go on. 38、很高兴与你相遇,但你也已经走出我的生命里。 I'm glad to meet you, but you've come out of my life. 39、别指望我谅解,别指望我体会。 Don't expect me to understand. Don't expect me to understand. 40、过往不恋,未来不迎,当下不负,如此安好。 Past love, future not welcome, present not negative, so good. 41、现在什么让我累,我就想放弃什么,别讲道理。 Now what makes me tired, I want to give up what, do not reason. 42、你的自由,都给你了,今后的思念你别过问。 Your freedom has been given to you. Don't worry about your future thoughts. 43、我若不强大,又怎能爱你所爱,毁你至爱呢。 If I were not strong, how could I love you and destroy your beloved? 44、你对我访问受限,我让你黑名单见。 You have limited access to me. I'll let you see it on the blacklist. 45、太过考虑别人的感受,就注定自己不好受。 If you think too much about other people's feelings, you are doomed to feel bad. 46、记住你今天给我的伤,日后我定加倍还给你。 Remember the injuries you gave me today, and I will double them back to you in the future. 47、余生没那么长,请你忠于自己,活得还像自己。 The rest of your life is not that long. Please be loyal to yourself and live like yourself. 48、若你没有经历过我的旅程,就不要来批判我走的道路。 If you have not experienced my journey, do not criticize my path. 49、没人走过我的路,我何必大度。 Nobody has walked my way, why should I be generous? 50、先说爱的不爱,后动心的不死心。 First of all, love does not love, then the heart does not die. 51、我不是没素质,只是我的素质分人区别对待。 I am not without quality, but my quality is treated differently. 52、不要再委屈自己,余生从头酷到脚。 Stop wronging yourself, and be cool for the rest of your life. 53、很多人觉得自己活得太累,实际上他们只是比较晚睡。 Many people feel that they are too tired to live. In fact, they just go to bed late. 54、不用诠释,不用解释,我就是我。 No interpretation, no explanation, I am me. 55、一生都在错过,谈什么后不后悔。 I've missed all my life. I don't regret talking about anything. 56、自己选择的荆棘漫道,连滚带爬也要走到最终。 The thorn road of one's choice, even rolling and climbing, will come to the end. 57、你真的很难忘,因为回忆很甜,痛很深刻。 You really can't forget, because the memories are sweet and the pain is deep. 58、活着实在太不容易了,除了没人疼,其他哪都疼! It's not easy to live. Everything hurts except nobody. 59、我拧得开瓶盖,提得动箱子,有没有你都可以。 I can unscrew the cap of the bottle and lift the box. You can do it without me. 60、能遇到是缘分,分开是缘分不够,不强求。 Can encounter is fate, separation is fate is not enough, not forced. |