1、长颈鹿跑起来,前后两腿同时向一边摆动,一上一下的,简直像个钟摆,但跑得飞快。 The giraffe runs up and down, swinging its legs to one side at the same time. It's like a pendulum, but it runs very fast. 2、河马的一对下门牙,不是向上长的,而是向前方平行探出,好像两把铲子一样。 A pair of lower incisors of hippos do not grow up, but stick out parallel to the front, like two shovels. 3、蝙蝠很像一个风筝,从前肢、后肢,一直延伸到尾巴,都覆盖着一层强韧的薄皮膜,犹如风筝木架上的糊纸。 Bats are like kites. They stretch from forelimbs, hind limbs to tails, covered with a strong thin skin film, like paste paper on kite wooden shelves. 4、这只鳄鱼是宽吻鳄,鳄鱼披着盔甲像个战士,尾巴长长的像一条辫子。 This crocodile is a broad alligator. It wears armor like a soldier and has a long tail like a braid. 5、大象为防止苍蝇的叮咬,两只大耳朵总是在不停地扇动,就像扇动两把大芭蕉扇一样。 In order to prevent the bite of flies, the elephant's two big ears are always fanning, just like two big banana fans. 6、那黑牛性子暴烈、凶恶,两眼大如乒乓球,红如火焰,头上两只尖角,利如锋刃。 The black bull was fierce and ferocious, with eyes as big as table tennis, red as fire, and two sharp horns on his head as sharp as a blade. 7、那只青蛙两条后腿一蹬,一纵身,敏捷地将后腿一蜷,跳起老高,舌头一伸,就像吸尘器一样把飞虫吸住了。 The frog kicked its hind legs, curled up its hind legs with agility, jumped high, and stretched its tongue, sucking the flying insects like a vacuum cleaner. 8、看鸡抢食的作风,令人厌恶,前蹬后刨,左挤右踹,唯恐自己不能独吞似的贪婪的心肠暴露无遗。 Look at the style of chicken grabbing food, disgusting, front and back paving, left and right kicking, lest they can not swallow like greedy heart exposed. 9、小羊羔胖乎乎,白生生;蜷曲的毛,像一团团绒球贴在身上。 The lamb was plump and white; its curled hair was like a ball of velvet on its body. 10、燕子飞行的时候,漂亮极了。那狭长的翅膀,那分叉的尾巴,都像由最高明的画家画出来的,没有一个姿势不美。 Swallows fly beautifully. The long narrow wings and the forked tail are all painted by the wisest painter, and none of them has a bad posture. 11、小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。 The cat's long tail sways from side to side like a whip. 12、蝈蝈儿们扇动着背上的鞍翅,得得叫个不停,像个不大不小的乐班,合奏着一支悦耳的曲儿。 Scorpions flutter their saddle wings on their backs, and they have to scream all the time, like a large music class, playing a melodious song together. 13、金丝猴全身金黄色,背毛很长,宛如肩披一件金黄色的蓑衣,鼻子向前翘着;它的爪子很尖,有一根长长的尾巴。 The golden monkey is golden in color, with long back hair, like a golden castor coat on its shoulders, with its nose tilted forward; its claws are very sharp, and it has a long tail. 14、那条小狗一身金黄色的毛,闪闪发亮,像刚刚擦过油似的。 The puppy was shining with golden hair as if it had just been polished with oil. 15、看,这只鸽子,它撑起自己的右翅,弯下腰,再扭过脖子,真不知道它这一超高难度的"瑜伽"动作是怎么完成的。 Look, this pigeon, it holds up its right wing, bends down, and twists its neck. I really don't know how it accomplishes this extremely difficult "yoga" movement. 16、大群大群的企鹅在波浪中整齐地排列成队伍,在波浪中逐流进退,好似一群竞赛的游泳健将。 Crowds of penguins lined up neatly in the waves, moving forward and backward in the waves, like a group of competitive swimmers. 17、螳螂的上树动作比下树动作更高明,那动作有力、轻松和漂亮,真令人咋舌。 Mantis's action on the tree is more intelligent than that on the tree. It's powerful, relaxed and beautiful. It's amazing. 18、小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿。 The cat's head is round, with a pair of small pointed ears. Its big green eyes stare like two small green ones. 19、小猫眼睛小,眼圈发红,眸子发灰。有种上了年纪的人褪尽光泽而黯淡的眼神。 The kitten has small eyes, red circles and grey eyes. There is an old man's faded and gloomy eyes. 20、春天到了,小燕子匆匆忙忙地赶回来报信。 Spring arrived, and the little swallow hurried back to report the letter. 21、暴风雪越来越猛,刮得羊群像棉花团似的滚动着。 The snowstorm grew stronger and stronger, causing sheep to roll like cotton balls. 22、玲珑素雅的凤蝶,成双成对地在花间盈盈地飞逐,尾翼长如丝带,临风飘动,舞姿真是优美潇洒极了。 The exquisite and elegant Phoenix butterfly flies in pairs among the flowers. Its tail is like a ribbon, fluttering in the wind. Its dancing posture is really beautiful and unrestrained. 23、这匹高头大马,浑身的每个部分都搭配得那么得当,每块肌肉都显示出力量,让人一看就觉得那么柔和,那么健美。 This tall horse, every part of the body is so well matched, each muscle shows strength, let a person feel so soft, so healthy at first sight. 24、海鸥闪电般从云端俯冲下来,在接近水面的一刹那,突然像羽毛一样轻盈地飘落。 The seagulls ped down from the clouds like lightning, and suddenly fluttered lightly like feathers as they approached the surface of the water. 25、金翅雀唱着、跳跃着,有时也扑打着,像一群不知疲倦的孩子,给这幽静的山庄更增添了情趣。 Goldfinches sing, jump, and sometimes pound, like a group of tireless children, to add more interest to the quiet villa. 26、一对画眉,翅膀抖动着,灵巧的小头转动着,显出十分得意而陶醉的样子。那婉转的歌声,像银铃似的在林中荡漾。 A pair of thrushes, wings shaking, smart little head rotating, showing a very proud and intoxicated look. The melodious song ripples in the forest like a silver bell. 27、太阳鸟的嘴巴生得十分奇特,很像一把锥子,又尖又长,略微有点弯曲。 Sunbird's mouth is very strange, like a cone, sharp and long, slightly curved. 28、小花猫那圆圆的脸上嵌着一双又大又圆的眼睛,如果在黑夜里看,像两盏明亮的灯。 The cat's round face is embedded with a pair of big and round eyes. If you look at it in the dark, it looks like two bright lights. 29、丹顶鹤雪白的头上顶着鲜红的肉冠,像白金王冠上嵌着一颗夺目的红宝石。 Red-crowned cranes have bright red meat crowns on their snow-white heads, like platinum crowns with a dazzling ruby. 30、天鹅时而挺脖昂首,神气如同将军;时而曲颈低头,闲雅胜似仙子。 Swans sometimes raise their necks and look like generals; sometimes they bend their necks and bow their heads. They are more elegant than fairies. 31、突然,苍鹰发现一只正啄食草根的野鸡,便将身子一抖,像一颗炮弹一样射将下去。 Suddenly, the eagle found a pheasant pecking at the grass roots and shook itself down like a shell. 32、白鹭无论是飞行,还是漫步,向来是从容不迫,姿态优雅斯文,好像一位披着白纱的斯文少女。 Whether flying or walking, egrets are always calm and graceful, as if they were a girl dressed in white yarn. 33、大象有影壁似的身体,柱子似的腿,蒲扇似的耳朵、玉石树枝似的大牙,什么都给人一种大得出奇的感觉。 Elephants have shadow-walled bodies, pillar-like legs, pufan-like ears, and jade tree-like teeth. Everything gives people a surprisingly big feeling. 34、一群麻雀在夕照中飞翔,像朵朵随风散落的火焰。 A flock of sparrows flies in the sunset like flames scattered in the wind. 35、小燕子又黑又亮的羽毛像是抹了油,白肚皮就像是穿着一件白衬衣。 The little swallow's black and bright feathers seem to be oiled, and its white belly is like wearing a white shirt. 36、这只雄马鹿比母马鹿更漂亮,它那两只角就像是两棵美丽的珊瑚树。 The male wapiti is more beautiful than the female wapiti. Its horns are like two beautiful coral trees. 37、这些专食水果的蝙蝠,一只只倒挂在果树上休息时,就像挂着的一只只果子。 These fruit-eating bats, hanging upside down on fruit trees to rest, are like hanging fruit. 38、那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严老练,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。 The black dog did not roar and did not bark. He was like a knight of great stature, dignified and sophisticated. He squatted there motionlessly, and the male straightened out the long hair on his chest. 39、你别看蜘蛛的样子笨重,当它沿着一根细长柔软的丝爬行时,恐怕比杂技演员走钢丝还要灵巧呢。 You don't think spiders look bulky. When they crawl along a long, soft silk, they are probably more dexterous than acrobats when they walk on tightropes. 40、山顶上有两只上下翻飞的云雀,它们一会儿翅膀贴着岩壁,一会儿蹿向高天,叽叽喳喳,像在庆贺什么喜事。 On the top of the hill there are two skylarks flying up and down. They cling to the rock wall for a while, and then leap up into the sky, chirping, as if celebrating something happy. |
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