1、我养成了一个坏习惯,一个会经常想起你的坏习惯。 I have developed a bad habit, one that will often remind me of you. 2、你不在的时候,一句话都让我想念。 I miss every word when you are away. 3、用一朵花开的时间相遇,在我最美好的年华里,用我最美好的姿态,遇见你。 Meet you in a blooming time, in my best years, in my best posture. 4、去的尽管去了,来的尽管来着,去来的中间,又怎样地匆匆呢? What haste is there between going and coming? 5、我愿放下我所有的骄傲,可是敌不过你对我的冷淡。 I would like to lay down all my pride, but the enemy is your indifference to me. 6、原谅我生性倔强,不愿相信你就是南墙。 Forgive me for being stubborn and unwilling to believe that you are the South Wall. 7、这个世界上最深的伤害,不是背叛也不是不喜欢,而是极致深爱之后的逐渐冷漠。 The deepest injury in the world is not betrayal or dislike, but gradual indifference after the deepest love. 8、爱情是真实的,是持久的,是我们所知道的最甜也是最苦的东西。 Love is real, lasting, the sweetest and bitterest thing we know. 9、山中有路,鹿有孤独,头上有角,心中有梦,梦中有你。 There is a road in the mountains, a deer is lonely, a horn on the head, a dream in the heart, and you in the dream. 10、说不清为什么爱你,但你就是我不爱别人的理由。 I can't tell why I love you, but you are the reason why I don't love others. 11、就让缘分跟着走,相濡以沫到最后。 Let fate follow you, and let each other in the end. 12、在所有不被想起的快乐里,我最喜欢你。在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。 Of all the joys that are not remembered, I like you best. Of all the scenes where personnel are no longer available, I like you best. 13、一朵花开,一梦今生。一朵花谢,一念随风。云在天上,你在我的心上。 A flower blossoms, a dream of this life. One flower fades, one thought follows the wind. Clouds in the sky, you are in my heart. 14、如果有机会让我回到过去,我不会回去,因为我现在还有你。 If I had the chance to go back to the past, I would not go back, because I still have you. 15、我在你的世界输的一塌糊涂,然后了然一身孤寂离开。 I lost a mess in your world and left alone. 16、你说你爱我,又说不爱我,我怎样敢留恋什么。 You say you love me and you don't love me. How dare I miss something? 17、我没来得及说的情话,全都说不出口。 I can't say all the love words I have not had time to say. 18、爱不如宠,宠不如懂。宠的多了就会放肆,忍的多了就会怨恨,所以爱要懂得分寸。 Favourite is better than love. Favourite is better than understand. More spoiled will be wanton, more tolerant will resent, so love to know how to measure. 19、爱一个人就是把他的信藏在皮包里,一日拿出来看几回,哭几回,思念几回。 To love a person is to hide his letter in his purse, take it out several times a day, cry several times, and miss several times. 20、年轻时我们放弃,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是一生。 When we were young, we gave up thinking that it was just a relationship. Later, we realized that it was really a lifetime. 21、真正的爱,从来无关热闹。最爱你的人,是陪你一起耐守平淡。 True love has never been lively. The person who loves you the most is to accompany you to be patient and insipid. 22、下一次,可不可以换你,褪去一身骄傲,喜欢我到疯掉。 Next time, can you change your pride and like me crazy? 23、这一生,这一世,因为不再有你,所以爱情轰然老去。 This life, this life, because there is no longer you, so love suddenly old. 24、荒芜年华,你会是谁的过客,挽留的人一厢情愿。 In the barren years, whose passers-by you will be, the wishful thinking of the people you will retain. 25、我为你做的事,是我这一辈子只会为你做的。 What I do for you is what I will do for you all my life. 26、抱紧着你决不放手,让快乐伴随你左右。 Hold on to you and never let go. Let happiness be with you. 27、选择你所喜欢的,爱你所选择的。 Choose what you like and love what you choose. 28、如若你我只是一场戏,我愿只演绎这一次与你邂逅的剧集,不离不弃。 If you were just a play, I would like to play only the play I met with you this time, and I will never give up. 29、你若是死了,我就陪着你,我答应你,永远也不让你孤单! If you die, I will accompany you, I promise you, never let you alone! 30、到底爱情是什么,你让我现在都没走出那个东西。 What is love? You have not let me out of that thing now. 31、最甜美的是爱情,最苦涩的也是爱情。 The sweetest is love, and the bitterest is love. 32、最合适的感情,永远都不是以爱的名义互相折磨,而是彼此陪伴,成为对方的阳光。 The most suitable feeling is never torturing each other in the name of love, but accompanying each other and becoming each other's sunshine. |
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