1、把你的爱、定格在这一秒钟,拥有永久的幸福。 Put your love in this second, with permanent happiness. 2、阳光刺痛灵魂,也不停止思念你。 The sun hurt the soul, do not stop missing you. 3、恋爱是结婚的过程;结婚是恋爱的目的。 Love is the process of marriage; marriage is the purpose of love. 4、希望有一天牵着你的手陪你一起散步,浪漫。 I hope that one day I will hold your hand and walk with you. 5、你的笑一把扣住我的心喉从不失手。 You laugh a withhold my heart never missed throat. 6、你拥有照亮整个城市的笑容。 You have a smile that lights up the whole city. 7、一辈子住在一个地方,一辈子睡在一个人身边。 Live in a place for a lifetime, sleep in one's life. 8、世界上最幸福的三个字就是:在一起。 The three happiest words in the world are together. 9、沿着记忆的轨迹,寻找你的足迹。 Follow the path of memory, find your footprints. 10、爱情,一只脆弱华丽的蝴蝶。 Love, a delicate butterfly. 11、因为我们面对着的,是更多的消失和告别。 Because we face, is more disappear and farewell. 12、向日葵面对着太阳,所以注定爱上阳光。 Sunflower facing the sun, so doomed to fall in love with the sun. 13、在这,守候着你,谁会了解,我的孤独。 Here, waiting for you, who will understand, my loneliness. 14、用一生坚守自己许下的承诺,这就是爱。 With a lifetime to stick to their promise, this is love. 15、茫茫人海中,如何奢求你明白,我的爱。 In the vast sea of people, how to expect you to understand, my love. 16、爱情老手,通常不会轻易将恋爱谈出结果! A veteran of love, usually not easy to talk about the results of love! 17、但无法失去**和沉沦的快乐。 But can not lose the passion and sink of happiness. 18、我始终带着你爱的微笑一路寻找遗失的美好。 I always take your love smile all the way to find the lost. 19、你给的世界,满满的都是爱。 You give the world, full of love. 20、离开,是自由的追逐,还是她的不挽留。 Leave, is the pursuit of freedom, or she does not retain. 21、左手握着幸福,右手握着回忆,花开不败。 The left hand holding the happiness, the right hand holding the memory, the flower. 22、白色像没有遮掩的伤口,**裸的,所以很疼。 White like no cover wounds, naked, so very painful. 23、你说,越爱越在乎,越在乎越患得患失。 You say, the more love more care, more care about the more worry about personal gains and losses. 24、好听的话谁都会说,却不是谁都会这么做。 Good words who will say, but not everyone will do so. 25、爱情能创造奇迹,填平鸿沟,摧毁藩篱。 Love can create miracles, fill the gap, destroy the barriers. 26、男生可以不帅,但对媳妇好那才是必须的! Boys can not handsome, but a good wife that is necessary! 27、没关系。爱你这么久。都是。所以没关系。 No problem。 Love you so long. All are. So it doesn't matter. 28、男人彻底懂得一个女人之后,是不会爱她的。 A man who doesn't love her until she knows a woman. 29、爱情实话 爱情谎话=爱情神话。 Love love lie = love myth. 30、我是该有多幸运,才能够认识了你。 How lucky I was to get to know you. 31、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。 Love is never only two outcomes, not the way, is the same. 32、一个久伴你的损友,胜过无数狗友。 A long time with your friends, more than thousands of dog friends. 33、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。 Do you also remember how long did not say love me. 34、不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏。 Do not love the love, will never go bad. 35、你的心里有一面墙,推开就能看见天堂。 There is a wall in your heart, you can see heaven. 36、开始的时候,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we knew that there would be an end. 37、所谓思念,只是一个人的一厢情愿。 The so-called miss, just a person's wishful thinking. 38、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。 Habit is everything, even in love. 39、我想做永远吃不胖的吃货。 I want to do forever do not eat fat chowhound. 40、时间终究要比爱强悍,忘记什么都不难。 After all, time is stronger than love, forget what is not difficult. 41、我和他私奔海角天涯,我们的爱多完美无瑕。 I ran away and we love him far-off regions, flawless. 42、不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 No lingering sentiments, but enduring as the universe. 43、没有阳光花儿不香,没有爱情生活不甜。 There is no sunshine flowers are not fragrant, no love life is not sweet. 44、只有你知我的情绪,也只有你能带给我情绪。 Only you know my emotions, and only you can bring me emotions. 45、我说过我爱你,但没说我只爱你。 I said I love you, but I did not say I love you. 46、如果可以选择的话,不要用恨来结束一段爱。 If you can choose, do not use hate to end a love. 47、不是幸福太短,是我们对疼痛太过敏感。 Happiness is not too short, we are too sensitive to pain. 48、有的时候、睡觉也是一种享受。 Sometimes, sleep is also a kind of enjoyment. 49、下辈子我们能做的,只是不让我们擦肩而过。 Next life we can do, just don't let us pass. 50、遇见你,不再朝朝暮暮,已是此生最美。 I met you, no longer is the most beautiful life every morning and evening. 51、我的生活,在每个微笑里幸福。 My life, happy in every smile. 52、爱是帆情是船,爱是深沉执着明白! Love is a feeling of love is a boat, love is deep understanding! 53、你许了我一米的阳光,却给了我一世的沧桑。 You promised me a meter of sunshine, but gave me the vicissitudes of life. 54、现代小孩的爱情三部曲:牵手、亲嘴、打炮。 Children's love Trilogy: hand in hand, kiss, fire. 55、因为我们同样都飞不过沧海。 Because we also fly but the sea. 56、待得百花成蜜后,为谁辛劳为谁甜。 After the flowers into honey, for whom hard for whom sweet. 57、治疗爱的创伤唯有加倍地去爱。 There is no remedy for love but to love more. 58、可以量深浅的爱情是贫乏的。 Can measure the depth of love is poor. 59、女人总是先被说中要害,最先倒下的却是男人! Women are always said to be the key, the first fall is a man! 60、道德中最大的秘密是爱。 The greatest secret of morality is love. 61、一只鸡蛋可以画无数次,一场爱情能吗。 An egg can be painted many times, a love can do. 62、谢谢你给我的安定,稳稳的一颗心。 Thank you for giving me the stability of a heart. 63、大姨夫管好你媳妇,别让她欺负我媳妇。 Uncle you and your wife, don't let her bully my daughter-in-law. 64、最痛的,不是离别,而是离别后的回忆。 The most painful, not to leave, but after the memories. 65、有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了! Some people can not tell where good, but who can not be replaced! 66、爱情是一个甜蜜的梦,而婚姻却是一只闹钟。 Love is a sweet dream, but marriage is an alarm clock. 67、我爱你,生生世世都要和你在一起。 I love you, generation after generation will together with you. 68、你所在的城是我思念的源泉。 Your city is the source of my thoughts. 69、爱情使人心的憧憬升华到至善之境。 Love makes the vision of the human heart sublimate to the realm of good. 70、因为你,我懂得了成长,可你,依旧是我的伤。 Because of you, I know how to grow up, but you, is still my injury. 71、彼此恋爱,却不要**的系链。 Love each other, but don't make love bond. 72、最暖心的晚安来自最爱的人。 The warmest heart from the best loved ones. 73、我堵上所有时光只爱你一个人。 I love you all the time. 74、热得快的爱情,冷得也快。 Hot love is soon cold. 75、你那么讨人喜欢,叫我怎么不爱你。 You are so cute, how can I not love you. 76、只想用我自己的方式爱你。 Just want to love you in my own way. 77、勇气如爱情,需要希望来滋养。 Courage, like love, needs hope to nourish. 78、爱情不仅丰富多彩,而且还赏心悦目。 Love is not only rich and colorful, but also pleasing to the eye. 79、我还在原地,傻傻的等你回来。 I'm still in situ, silly waiting for you to come back. 80、在充满黑暗的世界,演绎着充满谎言的爱情。 In a world filled with darkness, love is full of lies. |