1、在磨砺中成长,人生回味无穷,生命因此而绚丽,它使人坚韧与顽强,让我们茁壮成长。 Grow up in the grind, life is endless aftertaste, life is so gorgeous, it makes people tough and tenacious, let us grow up. 2、小时候,不会走路,摔疼的是脚,哇哇大哭;长大了,会走路了,摔疼的是心,忍着不哭。 When I was a child, I couldn't walk, but when I fell, I cried. When I grew up, I could walk, and when I fell, I could not cry. 3、我走出剧院,满脸灿烂的笑容,可以赛过阳光的妩媚,花儿为我摇摆,溪水为我歌唱,成长是多么快乐! I walked out of the theatre, with a bright smile, can beat the charm of the sun, flowers sway for me, streams sing for me, how happy it is to grow up! 4、成长,有人为它感到快乐,无比期待;有人却为它感到烦恼,无比厌恶。 Growth, some people feel happy for it and expect it very much; others feel annoyed and hate it. 5、我们像一棵棵小树苗,在知识的海洋中,接受春风雨露的滋润,吸取更多更好的知识,茁壮成长。 We are like seedlings, in the ocean of knowledge, to accept the moisture of the spring rain and dew, to absorb more and better knowledge, and to thrive. 6、滚滚红尘中,我有一刻宁静的心,喜欢在音乐和文字中游离,只愿世间多一些完美的爱情。 I have a quiet heart for a moment in the world. I like to be free from music and words. I only wish there were more perfect love in the world. 7、成长是放在床头的那一摞摞的武侠小说。英雄美人,侠客伴侣,一部一部惊心动魄,荡气回肠。 Growth is a pile of swordsman novels placed on the head of the bed. Heroic beauty, chivalrous companion, a soul stirring and thrilling. 8、如果记忆像钢铁般坚固,我是该微笑、还是哭泣?如果钢铁像记忆般腐蚀,那这里是欢城,还是废墟? If memory is as strong as steel, should I smile or cry? If steel is corroded like memory, is this the city of joy or ruins? 9、这个孩子长大以后会是一个可怜的人,对他而言最聪明的事情就是**,千万别长大成人。 The child will be a poor man when he grows up. The smartest thing for him is to commit suicide. Never grow up. 10、自信是永不枯竭的源泉,自信是奔腾不息的波涛,自信是急流奋进的渠道,自信是真正的成功之母。 Confidence is the source of inexhaustible, self-confidence is the surging waves, self-confidence is the channel of rapid progress, self-confidence is the mother of true success. 11、世界上,成功的有两种人,一种人是傻子,一种人是疯子。傻子是会吃亏的人,疯子是会行动的人。 In the world, there are two kinds of people who are successful, one is a fool, the other is a lunatic. A fool is a man who will suffer. A madman is a man who can act. 12、年轻时我们放弃,以为那只是一段感情,后来才知道,那其实是一生。 When we were young, we gave up and thought it was only a sentiment. Later we realized that it was actually a lifetime. 13、小时候我以为自己长大后可以拯救整个世界,等长大后才发现整个世界都拯救不了我。 When I was a child, I thought I could save the whole world when I grew up, and when I grew up, I realized that the whole world couldn't save me. 14、小时候,看着满天的星斗,当流星飞过的时候,却总是来不及许愿,长大了,遇见了自己真正喜欢的人,却还是来不及。 When I was a child, I looked at the stars all over the sky. When the meteors flew by, I was always too late to make a wish. When I grew up, I met the person I really liked, but it was still too late. 15、年少的时候,我觉得孤单是很酷的一件事。长大以后,我觉得孤单是很凄凉的一件事。现在,我觉得孤单不是一件事。 When I was young, I felt lonely was a cool thing. After growing up, I feel lonely is a very desolate thing. Now, I feel lonely is not a thing. 16、谈恋爱是什么感觉呀?我也会长大,也会想谈恋爱嘛。而且只有你有谈恋爱的经验,我想跟你讨教讨教。 How does it feel to be in love? I will grow up and I will want to be in love. And only you have experience in dating, I want to ask you for advice. 17、成长是一条很曲折的路,很难走,长着很多的荆棘,因为成长的路上需要挑战和坚持的太多,所以成长路上无捷径。 Growth is a very tortuous road, it is difficult to walk, grow a lot of thorns, because the growth of the road needs to challenge and adhere to too much, so there is no shortcut on the way to growth. 18、她从来没要求过我长大成人这样的宽厚简直像大地一样深远在这个满目别离的季节里我真切的感到自己如果渺小如此亏欠着她。 She had never asked me to grow up to be so generous as the earth was so far away in this season of separation that I really felt that I owed her so little. 19、成长是锁在抽屉里那带锁的日记本,记录了喜怒哀乐,苦辣酸甜,记录了青春的烦恼和喜欢的那个男孩。 Growth is the locked diary locked in a drawer, recording the joys, sorrows, bitters, bitters and sweets, the troubles of youth and the boy who likes it. 20、成长是色彩的变幻。不见了童话书上多彩的封面,看到的是教科书一脸的严肃。 Growth is a change of color. Missing the colorful cover of the fairy tale book, seeing the seriousness of the textbook face. 21、我就是这么长大的。我不觉得有什么好抱怨,我相信命运,但我不相信任何人。 That's how I grew up. I don't think there's anything to complain about. I believe in fate, but I don't trust anyone. 22、成长是一次次的野外拉练。跌倒了再爬起,没有埋怨,没有气馁,没有停留。 Growth is a field practice. Fall and climb again, no complaints, no discouragement, no stopping. 23、越长大越孤单,越长大越不安,也不得不打开背后你的降落伞,也突然间明白未来的路不平坦,难道说这改变是必然? The older you get, the more lonely you get, the more uneasy you get, the more you have to open your parachute behind you, and suddenly realize that the road ahead is not smooth. Does that mean the change is inevitable? 24、成长是每个孩子必须要经历的,时间不会偏袒任何人,重要的是你对长大的态度,这是儿童与成人之间的一个过渡。 Growing up is a must for every child. Time does not favor anyone. The important thing is your attitude towards growing up. This is a transition between children and adults. 25、我和他之间是纯洁的友谊,我们没有缘分光着**长大一起长大,也不可能光着**变老,但我们可以穿着演出服变老。 I had a pure friendship with him. We didn't grow up naked, and we couldn't grow old naked, but we could grow old in costumes. 26、如果你不快乐,那就出去走走。世界这么大,风景很美机会很多,当阳光穿过树林,折射出绚烂的彩虹,你会惊叹生活的美好。 If you are unhappy, go out for a walk. The world is so big, the scenery is very beautiful many opportunities, when the sun through the woods, refracting a brilliant rainbow, you will marvel at the beauty of life. 27、正确对待成长,你会发现,成长实际上是一种境界!有了它这个世界可能不再完美,但若没有它,这个世界肯定不完美。 To treat growth correctly, you will find that growth is actually a realm. The world may not be perfect without it, but without it, the world is certainly not perfect. 28、也许你害怕失去,总是患得患失,不管是该珍惜的还是不该珍惜的,其实应该学会顺其自然,是自己的总不会溜走。 Perhaps you are afraid of losing, always have gain and loss, whether it should be treasured or not, in fact, should learn to let nature take its course, is their own will not slip away. 29、也许每个人出生的时候都以为这世界都是为他一个人而存在的,当他发现自己错的时候,他便开始长大。 Maybe everyone was born thinking that the world existed for him, and when he found out he was wrong, he began to grow up. 30、成长中,不可能缺少爱。爱是人成长的关键。同时,我们也要学会去感恩,去回报别人的恩情! There is no lack of love in growing up. Love is the key to human growth. At the same time, we must learn to be grateful and repay the kindness of others. 31、所谓长大成人,就是不断的聚了散,散了又聚,为了让彼此不会受伤害而保持一个适当的距离! The so-called adult, is constantly gathered, scattered and gathered, in order to let each other not hurt and maintain a proper distance! 32、成长是一次漫长的旅途,旅途中拥有快乐,因为快乐所以幸福,因为幸福所以享受,因为享受,所以我的生活充满阳光。 Growth is a long journey, the journey has happiness, because happy so happy, because happy so enjoy, because enjoy, so my life is full of sunshine. 33、一起长大的约定,那样清晰,打过勾的我相信。说好要一起旅行,是你如今,唯一坚持的任性。 The agreement of growing up is so clear, I believe that I have played the hook. It's your only persistence to say that you want to travel together. 34、为什么我们越长大,越孤单,越不安,越不快乐?因为我们在追求快乐的过程中,离真实的自己越来越远了。 Why do we grow older, lonely, uneasy and unhappy? Because in the pursuit of happiness, we are getting farther and farther away from our true self. 35、年轻的情怀,喜欢一个人,爱一朵花,其实并没有错,在我们长大过程中;只要爱过,喜欢过就是美丽的。 Young feelings, like a person, love a flower, in fact, is not wrong, in our growing up process; as long as love, like is beautiful. 36、一个人的长大是敢于惨烈地面对真实的自己:在选择前,有一张真诚坚定的脸;在选择后,有一颗不抛弃不放弃的心。 One grows up daring to face one's true self tragically: before choosing, one has a sincere and firm face; after choosing, one has a heart that never abandons or gives up. 37、当你看到别人在笑,不要以为世界上只有你一个人伤心,其实别人只是比你会掩饰。 When you see someone laughing, don't think you're the only one in the world who's sad. In fact, others just hide it from you. 38、努力奋斗,天空依旧美丽,梦想仍然纯真,放飞自我,勇敢地飞翔于梦想的天空,相信自己一定做得更好。 Strive hard, the sky is still beautiful, the dream is still pure, free yourself, bravely fly in the dream of the sky, I believe I will do better. 39、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有的伤悲和疲惫,所以人总有那么一段时间要学会自己长大。 Everyone will be tired, no one can bear all the sadness and fatigue for you, so people always have a period of time to learn to grow up. 40、他们都在磨砺中成长,如果没有磨砺,他们可能默默无闻。让我们一起在磨砺中成长,把自己的人生磨成耀眼的珍珠吧! They all grow up in grinding. If they are not hardworking, they may be obscure. Let's grow together in the grinding process and turn our life into dazzling pearls. 41、我们都已成长大,不再是可以相守宠溺的娃娃。我们要面对那么多艰难,还要学会含笑饮砒霜。 We have all grown up and are no longer able to be spoiled dolls. We have to face so many hardships and learn to drink arsenic with laughter. 42、年轻时我们总是在开始时毫无所谓,在结束时痛彻心扉。而长大后成熟的我们可能避免了幼稚的伤害,却也错过了开始的勇气。 When we are young, we always start with nothing at all and end up with pain. When we grow up and mature, we may avoid naive injuries, but we also miss the courage to start. 43、征服畏惧、建立自信的最快最确实的方法,就是去做你害怕的事,直到你获得成功的经验。 The quickest and surest way to conquer fear and build self-confidence is to do what you fear until you have a successful experience. 44、成长中的岁月,如去摘一枝美丽的玫瑰,鲜艳夺目使人忘了那扎手之痛,她又像一杯浓浓的咖啡,微微苦涩后能享甘甜之味。 Growing years, such as picking a beautiful rose, bright and dazzling people forget the pain of the tie hands, she is like a cup of strong coffee, slightly bitter and bitter can enjoy the sweet taste. 45、笑迎坎坷,一蓑烟雨助成长。朋友们,让我们在磨砺中成长,在磨砺中坚强把! Laugh at the ups and downs. Friends, let us grow in grinding, and be strong in grinding. 46、成长是摘抄本上的一首首小诗。或欢快或哀怨,开心时高声吟唱,低落时黯然泪流。 Growth is the first poem in this book. Or cheerful or sad, happy to sing loudly, low down when the tears. 47、小时候,我们无知,所以可以什么都不怕;长大后,明白了有些东西会慢慢失去,所以胆子越来越小。 When we were young, we were ignorant, so we could be afraid of nothing; when we grow up, we realize that something will be lost slowly, so the courage is getting smaller and smaller. 48、蔚蓝的天空下,阳光普照,让我们沐浴和煦的阳光,共同分享成长的苦与乐。让我们一起,祝福青春,把握青春,享受青春。 Under the blue sky, sunshine, let us bathe in the warm sunshine, share the growing pain and joy. Let us together bless youth, seize youth and enjoy youth. 49、拿着包子,我忽然想到了,长大了,到我该面对这硬绷绷、未必可以做梦,未必那么好笑的世界的时候,我会怎么样呢? Holding the steamed bun, it suddenly occurred to me that as I grew up, what would happen to me when I should face this world of stiffness, not necessarily dreaming, not necessarily so funny? 50、以前以为,世界就这么大;长大是个好东西;勾过手指就永远在一起,却不想,在落叶飘摇的夕阳下,一个转身,就错过。 I used to think that the world is so big; growing up is a good thing; hook a finger forever together, but do not want to, in the setting leaves fluttering, a turn, miss. 51、成长的方式有很多种,有人在挫折中成长,也有人在等待中成长。或许,在卡通中成长是最快乐的一种方式吧! There are many ways to grow up, some grow up in setbacks, others grow in waiting. Perhaps growing up in cartoons is the happiest way. 52、路是自己选的,所以即使以后会跌倒,会受伤,也都要学会自己承受,自己疗伤。我们都是这样,学会长大的。 The road is their own choice, so even if the future will fall, will be injured, but also learn to bear their own, their own healing. We all grow up like this. 53、小时候爱唱歌是我兴趣所在,长大了爱唱歌总想比赛,今天的你今天的我十分可爱,乐乐,五百万,乐乐五百万! When I was a child, I was interested in singing. When I grew up, I always wanted to compete in singing. Today, you and I are very cute, happy, 5 million, happy 5 million! 54、记得儿时好,跟随阿娘去吃茶。门前磨螺壳,巷口弄泥沙。而今人长大,心事乱如麻。 I remember when I was a child, I went to tea with her. In front of the mill, the silo is silting up. But when people grow up, things are chaotic. 55、成长中的种种困惑如石头般吵我砸来,处在迷茫中的我,来不及躲闪。只好带着遍体伤痕,独自去品尝身心的痛楚。 All kinds of puzzles in growing up are like stones quarrelling, I am confused, and I am too confused to dodge. We have to take the wound around the body and taste the pain of body and mind alone. 56、学会一个人生活,不论身边是否有人疼爱。做好自己该做的,有爱或无爱,都安然对待。 Learn to live alone, whether or not there is someone around you. Do well what you should do, love or loveless. 57、小时候,即使自己玩,也仿佛拥有全世界;长大后,即便拥有全世界,也总像是一个人! When I was a child, even if I played by myself, it was as if I had the whole world; when I grew up, even if I had the whole world, it was always like a person! 58、船长大人,我来跟你汇报谋反的人的名单吧。我能扳着指头数出来,一个个名字报给你听。 Captain, let me report to you the list of rebellious people. I can count my fingers, and I will report them to you one by one. 59、如果真诚是一种伤害,请选择谎言;如果谎言是一种伤害,请选择沉默;如果沉默是一种伤害,请选择离开。 If sincerity is a kind of injury, please choose a lie; if a lie is a kind of injury, please choose silence; if silence is a kind of injury, please choose to leave. 60、成长是一次次的蜕皮。蜕皮是痛苦,是流血,有风险,有失败;但也是对未来的憧憬和期待,变得成熟与美丽。 Growth is a succession of molting. Molting is painful, bleeding, risky and unsuccessful, but it is also a vision and expectation of the future, becoming mature and beautiful. 61、成长是无尽的阶梯。一步一步的攀登,回望来时路,会心一笑;转过头,面对前方,无言而努力的继续攀登。 Growth is an endless ladder. Step by step climbing, looking back on the road, will smile; turn around, face the front, silent and hard to continue climbing. 62、我们要勇敢地手牵手,相爱地抱在一起,相互诉说与抚慰,然后把孤独慢慢治愈,把孤独慢慢忘记。 We have to bravely hold hands, love each other to hug together, mutual talk and comfort, and then slowly cure the loneliness, slowly forget the loneliness. 63、把自己当成大树,便时时有被狂风刮倒的忧愁;把自己当作棵幼苗,便时时会享受阳光雨露。青涩,便成长;熟透,便腐烂。 Think of yourself as a tree, and you will have the worry of being blown down by the wind from time to time; Think of yourself as a seedling, and you will enjoy the sun and rain from time to time. Green will grow, ripe and rotten. 64、成长的过程就是破茧为蝶,挣扎着褪掉所以的青涩和丑陋,在阳光下抖动轻盈美丽的翅膀,闪闪的,微微的,幸福的颤抖。 The process of growing up is to break the cocoon into a butterfly, struggling to fade the so green and ugly, shaking the light and beautiful wings in the sun, shining, slight, happy trembling. 65、青春如酒,成长正酣,所有美好的,都将被分享,所有错误的,都将被原谅,而所有不够成熟的,都可以,慢慢等待。 Youth is like wine, growth is strong, all the good, will be shared, all the wrong, will be forgiven, and all the immature, can, slowly wait. 66、在童话中长大的人,是脆弱的。长大后,她必将经历至少一场劫难。因为生活比童话残酷一百倍。 Those who grow up in fairy tales are fragile. When she grows up, she will experience at least one disaster. Because life is one hundred times more cruel than fairy tales. 67、成长,带给我们的是什么?是坚持、是震惊、是感动、是悲伤。成长的路上没有什么?成长路上没有长短,成长路上无捷径。 What does growth bring to us? It is persistence, shock, emotion and sadness. Nothing on the road to growth? There is no shortcut to growth. There is no shortcut to growth. 68、在尝试中成长。退缩时,怀想每一次木棉花开,每一次破茧成蝶。在尝试中成长,就能看到,自己的人生,春暖花开。 Grow in trying. When you shrink back, remember every time the kapok blossoms, and every time you break your cocoon into a butterfly. In the attempt to grow, you can see that your life is blooming. 69、成长也是这样,我们也是需要涅磐的凤凰,同样只有经过困难、痛苦的锻造之后,才能来到一个新的境界,获得成长。 Growth is the same, we also need the Phoenix of Nirvana, the same only after difficult, painful forging, to come to a new realm, to grow. 70、酸是成长的本味,甜是短小的插曲,让成长不再乏味。正因为酸,桔子就有了耐人寻味的回味。也让成长更让人想去回味。 Acid is the essence of growth. Sweet is a short interlude, which makes growth no longer dull. Because of acid, oranges have an interesting aftertaste. It also makes growth more desirable. 71、成长的路,充满青春的气息;成长的路,演奏着夏的音符;成长的路,透露着秋的喜悦;成长的路,歌颂着冬的深沉与纯洁。 The road of growth, full of youth; the road of growth, playing the notes of summer; the road of growth, revealing the joy of autumn; the road of growth, singing the deep and pure winter. 72、小时候觉得永远不会改变,永远学不会虚伪;长大了才发现虚伪是门必休课。只有修炼到炉火纯青,生活这门课才能及格。 When I was a child, I felt that I would never change and never learn to be hypocritical. When I grew up, I realized that hypocrisy was a must. Only through practice can we pass the course of life. 73、父母是真正对你好的人,不要只是没钱时,才想起你要打电话给他们。 Parents are really nice to you. Don't just think that you have to call them when they have no money. 74、我更相信,成长教会我们的不仅仅是宽容与感悟,它是一种信念,让我们知道,凋零的可以是花,但绝不会是春天! I believe that growth teaches us not only tolerance and understanding, but also a belief that flowers can wither, but never spring! 75、成长是一篇等待谱写的乐章,等待着我们谱写出一个个扣人心弦的乐符。 Growth is a movement waiting to be written, waiting for us to compose a thrilling musical note. 76、一年一年,风吹一阵,雨落几场,等草木从裂缝里长出来,盖满了群山,你就长大了。 Every year, the wind blows, the rain falls, and when the trees grow out of the cracks and cover the mountains, you grow up. 77、我们狂欢无羁的时光,我们轻愁淡薄的岁月,被风吹走的啫喱泡沫,空气中飘散的香气,一阵阵,和往事并肩离开今天的掌心。 We reveled in unrestrained time. We were worried about the thin years, the foam that was blown away by the wind, the fragrance that was floating away in the air. 78、伴随着成长的历程,知识也在不断地增长,当我飞快地解答出一道道难题时,我体会到了知识的力量,也尝到了成功的快乐。 Along with the process of growth, knowledge is also growing, when I quickly solve a difficult problem, I feel the power of knowledge, but also taste the joy of success. 79、年轻的时候,爱情特美好,还触手可及。后来长大了,爱情依然美好,自己的手却脏了,一捧起它就感到沉重。 When you were young, love was wonderful, and it was within reach. Later, when I grew up, my love was still beautiful, my hands were dirty, and I felt heavy when I picked them up. 80、人生最快乐的时间是我们的童年,我们在快乐中健康的成长!而我要与大家一起分享我的快乐! The happiest time in life is our childhood. We grow up healthily in happiness. And I want to share my happiness with you. |
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