1、觉得有个对象好麻烦,可是看到街上的人成双成对的最在一起又羡慕。 Feel the object good trouble, but to see the man in the street the most envied together in pairs. 2、说说你爱的人吧,毕竟他像一颗种子在你心里扎了根,而且还发了芽。 I: tell me something about the person you love, after all, he is like a seed in your heart the root, but also sprouted. 3、这个世界上没有公平与不公平,再多的不公平也只能证明你能力不行。 No fair and unfair in the world, more unfair also can prove your ability. 4、一样花开一千年,独看沧海化桑田一笑望穿一千年,几回知君到人间。 Like one thousand flowers, only to see the sea change kuwata laugh around one thousand, a few back to know you to the earth. 5、如果你觉得我是不会喜欢破洞牛仔裤的人,那只能说明你还不了解我。 If you think I'm not going to like the person who ripped jeans, it just means you don't know me. 6、你明知道世界上没有鬼为什么要怕,你明知道他不会回头为什么要等。 You know why there is no ghost in the world to be afraid, you know why he will not turn back, etc. 7、放了手转了弯的那一天,到了现在,还像是个错觉,一直到,掉了泪。 Put his hand to turn the corner of that day of, now, also like a illusion, until, dropped tears. 8、我喜欢在我的世界里胡思乱想宣泄所有不满,直到快把自己逼疯为止。 I like in my world thinking unleashing all grievances, until driving yourself crazy. 9、真正爱护你的人首先看到的会是你会失去什么,而不是你会得到什么。 True love you of the first people to see is what you will lose, not what you're gonna get. 10、那些妄想伤害你的人,我没法抄他满门,但我能张开双手挡在你面前。 The delusion of people who will hurt you, I can't copy him with her, but I can open both hands to block in front of you. 11、面对烦乱的生活,能保持一份淡然和从容,本身就是一种生活的无畏。 In the face of troubled life, can maintain a cool and calm, the audacity of itself is a kind of life. 12、当我脱离那个圈子时正有与我一般大的人进去,你真的能不被**吗? With me when I am out of the circle there is a general big man, you really can not be tempted? 13、有个人总是在忘记他的时候出现,在你再次有爱上他的时候悄然离开。 Have personal always forget him when, when you have fall in love with him again to leave quietly. 14、你永远也不晓得自己有多喜欢一个人,除非你看见他和别的人在一起。 You never know how much his love a person, unless you saw him and other people together. 15、流云千丈堪醉卧,是谁月下独酌。浮生谁能一笑过,明灭楼台上灯火。 Cloud thousand zhangs as ZuiWo, who is DuZhuo under the moon. "Who can smile, floating lights flicker number crunchers. 16、你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 You laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years. 17、你喜欢我,我也喜欢你。可是为什么没有人会站出来,向对方在表白。 Do you like me, I also like you. But why no one will stand up to the other party in the profession. 18、被耍了吧,被甩了吧,伤心了吧,你活该,信什么不好,非要信爱情。 Be tricked, was dumped, sad, you deserve it, what the letter is not good, don't want to believe love. 19、你不可能要求每个人都读懂你,理解你,那样会显得你是一件廉价品。 You couldn't have asked for everyone to read you, understand you, it would appear you are a bargain. 20、一切痛苦或欢乐,当它成为回忆的时候,就有了雾里看花的朦胧之美。 All the pain, or joy, when it is a memory, there will be a hazy hazy beauty. 21、有些事情,坚持是好的,放弃是对的。比如,我爱你。比如,我等你。 Some things, is good, give up is right. For example, I love you. For example, I wait for you. 22、关于距离,最害怕的就是你不知道那个人是在想念你还是已经忘了你。 In terms of distance, the most fear is you don't know is that man in the miss you or have forget you. 23、现在我是你的心的房客,某一天那里会住进新的人,而我会消失无影。 Now I am your tenant, there will one day live in a new person, and I'll disappear without shadow. 24、我看到和听到了各种人的故事。见得越多,听得越多,我越理解无常。 I see and hear the stories of various kinds of people. The more you see, the more you listen, the more I understand impermanence. 25、我每错过你一次,我就成长一次。最终站在你面前,我又变成了孩子。 I every miss you once, I will grow again. Finally stood in front of you, I am a child again. 26、给时间一点时间,让过去的过去,让未来的到来。让开始的重新开始。 Give time a little time, let the past in the past, let the arrival of the future. Let began to start again. 27、人从自己的哭声中醒来,在别人的哭声中死去,而中间的过程叫幸福。 People wake up from their cries, die in someone cries, and in the middle of the process is called happiness. 28、看穿但不说穿。很多事情,只要自己心里有数就好了,没必要说出来。 See through but not disclose. A lot of things, as long as their heart several good, don't need to say it. 29、恍恍惚惚,迷迷荡荡。我想起奉天的沈水,雨润的时节,微冷的初秋。 Drifted off, and a fan fan. I think of Mukden shen water, yurun of season, micro cold autumn. 30、看见一个老婆婆在卖橘子,写了一张标牌,上面有四个字:甜过初恋。 Saw an old woman to sell oranges, wrote a sign, there are four words: sweet love. 31、快乐时想起你,我的快乐多了一倍;痛苦时想起你,我的痛苦少了一半! When you think of you, my happiness doubled; Pain when think of you, my pain less half! 32、最长久的情,是平淡中的不离不弃。最贴心的暖,是风雨中的相依相伴。 Is the most long, insipid in. The most intimate of warm, is stay together in the wind and rain. 33、他们是他们我是我。人和人不一样,如果你有眼睛请不要用耳朵了解我。 They are their I am I. Person and person is different, if you have please don't use eyes ears to understand me. 34、幸福就是每当我想起你时,春天的感觉便洋溢在空气里相思本是无凭语。 Happiness is when I think of you, the feeling of spring is permeated with acacia language give this is in the air. 35、其实喜欢很简单啊,或许是明天阳光太好,你的睫毛太翘,我想拥抱你! Actually very simple, like maybe tomorrow, the sun is too good, you too become warped eyelash, I want to hug you! 36、物也非,事也非,沽酒图醉愁千杯。爱也没,情也没,桃花落尽梦几回。 Content is not, nor, sell wine drunk sorrow thousand cups. Don't love, love also didn't, peach blossom all dream several times. 37、这世界最好看的风景,最动人的情话,都比不上你看着我时含笑的眼睛。 The world's most beautiful scenery, the most touching sweet nothings, than when you looked at me and smiling eyes. 38、幸福就是寂寞时接到久未联络的好友的电话,两人煲电话粥一个半小时。 Happiness is lonely long ago received a friend's phone, when two people talk on the phone an hour and a half. 39、爱,就大声说出来,因为你永远都不会知道,明天和意外,哪个会先来! Love, just say it out loud, because you never know, tomorrow and accident, which will come first! 40、从来不知道哭的时候被对象搂在怀里什么感觉,因为每次都是为他而哭。 Never know what to cry when his arm around the object feeling, because every time is crying for him. 41、看你笑一次,我就可以高兴好几天;可看你哭一次,我就难过了好几年。 See you laugh once, I can be happy for several days; To see you cry once, I was sad for several years. 42、人在面临幸福时会突然变得胆怯,抓住幸福其实比忍受痛苦更需要勇气。 People in the face of happiness will suddenly become timid, seize the happiness than it takes more courage to endure pain. 43、如果你还是忘不了那个伤你最深的人,那你就永远看不到那个爱你的人。 If you still remember that hurt you the deepest people, then you can never see the person who love you. 44、人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 Maya angelou, month, waxing, rain or shine this ancient full hard, I wish people for a long time, long life. 45、距离之所以可怕,是因为你根本不知道对方是把你想念,还是把你忘记。 Distance is terrible, because you don't know each other is miss you, or forget you. 46、如果有一天我们迫不得已要分开,请别忘记我的名字和我带给你的故事。 If one day we had to separate, please don't forget my name and I bring you the story. 47、世上最幸福的事莫过于她在闹,你在笑,如此温暖一生,平凡而不平庸。 The world's most happiness thing is she in make, you laugh, so warm life, ordinary but not mediocrity. 48、站在孤单的人海,一直不停盼啊盼,每一天,每一夜,渴望与你再相见。 Standing in the lonely crowd, ever hope hope, every day, every night, eager to meet again with you. 49、也许是前世的姻,也许是来生的缘错在今生相见,徒增一段无果的恩怨。 Perhaps the past marriage, may be the wrong meet in this life, the afterlife but increase a fruit of resentment. 50、生活中让你我生气的事,大部份都是小事。不为小事抓狂,就能成大事。 Life let you I am angry, most are small. Not crazy about trifles, can achieve great things. |
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