1、是不是我消失了,你才知道我的存在。 Did I disappear, you know my existence. 2、别人又怎会懂,你爱而不得有多心疼。 Others how can understand, you love and not have much love. 3、我是你心中的无所谓,眼中的陌生人! I am your heart does not matter, in the eyes of the stranger! 4、你不说你爱我,我都不知道你是爱我的。 You don't say you love me, I don't know you love me. 5、主动久了突然感觉好累,请允许我离开。 The initiative for a long time suddenly felt tired, please allow me to leave. 6、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 The beginning of the time, we know that there will always be an end. 7、所谓坚强只不过是比谁更能装得无所谓。 The so-called strong is nothing more than who can be installed without the so-called. 8、心酸什么,又不止你一个人深爱而不得。 What is sad, a person more than you love not. 9、时间带走了一切、却带不走对你的思念。 Time takes away everything, but you can not take away the thoughts of you. 10、习惯了你的存在,所以怎么舍得让你离开。 Used to your existence, so how willing to let you go. 11、你总说这是最后一次,可你每次都这么说。 You always say this is the last time, but every time you say so. 12、心痛第一次是撕心裂肺,第二次是顺其自然。 The first is grieved grieved, second is natural. 13、女人伪装幸福,只是害怕被男人发现她伤心。 Woman disguised happiness, just afraid of being a man found her sad. 14、无论我们离得有多远,都不会让你觉得孤单。 No matter how far we are, we won't make you feel lonely. 15、所有的痛和难过都压抑在心里,我要崩溃了。 All the pain and sadness are depressed in the heart, I want to collapse. 16、突然我觉得说爱你说恨你,不过是多余的话。 Suddenly I feel that I love you, I hate you, but it is superfluous words. 17、我的演技一定特别好,好到难过都无人知道。 My acting skill must be particularly good, good to sad no one know. 18、你说我有多坚强,我又没比别人多一颗心脏。 You say how strong I am, I have no more than one heart. 19、我知道我都知道,可是我就是控制不了自己。 I know I know, but I just can't control myself. 20、感觉自己什么也不缺,仔细想想却什么也没有。 Feel that nothing is missing, but think carefully but nothing. 21、你只是过客,我只是路过,我们只是擦肩而过。 You are just passing by, I just pass by, we just pass by. 22、有毒的草开迷人的花,害你的人说你爱听的话。 Poisonous grass charming flowers, the person who hurt you say you want to hear. 23、孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,流离失所。 Lonely you, lonely me, lonely soul, displaced. 24、有的只是无力诉说,有的只是日渐的沉默不语。 Some are unable to tell, but is silent. 25、等待,不是因为那个人会回来,是因为还有爱。 Wait, not because the person will come back, because there is love. 26、有多少为什么没有答案,有多少承诺没有将来。 How many why no answer, how many promises there will be no future. 27、一些伤口之所以总会痛,那是因为你总是去摸。 Some wounds are always painful, because you always go to touch. 28、即使心里翻天覆地,也会装作一副淡然的样子。 Even if the heart will turn the world upside down, pretended to be indifferent. 29、我喜欢照镜子,至少在我哭的时候,它没有笑。 I like to look in the mirror, at least when I cry, it doesn't smile. 30、你说要保护我,后来的大风大浪却也都是你给的。 You say you want to protect me, then the strong wind and big waves are also to you. 31、你是我的可遇不可求,可遇不可留,可遇不可有。 You are my can not seek, can not stay, can not have. 32、我不是广场上算卦的,唠不出那么多你爱听的嗑。 I'm not square suangua, Lao not so much like to hear your. 33、如果钢铁像记忆般腐蚀,那这里是欢城还是废墟。 If the memory like iron and steel corrosion that here is the happy city or the ruins. 34、回忆像只贴身鬼魅,说不恨你那是自己口是心非。 Memory like a personal ghosts, don't hate you said that is his duplicity. 35、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. 36、泪水模糊了我的世界,连你离去的身影都看不见。 The tears blurred my world, even you leave the scene can not see. 37、有些人是离开后,你才会发觉那个人是你最喜欢的。 Some people are gone, you will find that person is your favorite. 38、人与人之间,再投契也要留个距离,彼此也好转身。 Between people and people, and also got to leave a distance from each other, or turn around. 39、时间把曾经那么满身锐气的我们,磨练得心如止水。 The time was so covered with our spirit, honed xinruzhishui. 40、你出现的时候“哗”的一声世界就只剩我们两个了。 When you show up the world's only two of us. 41、在一瞬间曾经所有的梦都幻灭,剩下回忆湿了我的眼。 In a moment of all dreams die, memories of wet my eyes. 42、同样的街道,同样的风景,不同的人以及别样的心情。 The same street, the same scenery, different people and different feelings. 43、我们至少也可以这样的低调,说出不要爱情的大假话。 At least we can say such a low-key, do not love the truth. 44、纵使我低声下气的求你别离开也抵不过她的一下皱眉。 The humble even if I beg you not to leave her over but also a frown. 45、不喊痛,不一定没感觉,是痛太深,淹没了所有的回声。 Don't shout pain, don't have no feeling, is the pain too deep, flooded all the echo. 46、青春像一场大雨,即使感冒了,还盼望回头再淋它一次。 Youth like a heavy rain, even if a cold, but also looking forward to back it once again. 47、从此再不提起过去,痛苦或幸福,生不带来,死不带去。 Never mention the past, pain or happiness, life does not bring, do not take to death. 48、有些人,总是会变成相片,堆在角落,灰尘像雪一般冰冻。 Some people, will always be a photo, piled in the corner, dust like snow in general frozen. 49、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑。 Hold your hand, no matter where you are, I feel like I'm in heaven. 50、你是我生命中最美丽的风景,我爱你直到我生命的最后一刻。 You are the most beautiful scenery in my life, I love you until the last moment of my life. 51、时间是我们最好的疗伤的方法,可以慢慢的治疗我们的悲伤。 Time is our best treatment method, can our grief therapy slowly. 52、都说时间是安抚心痛的良药可是为什么这么久了我还是没好。 Said the time is to appease the pain of the medicine but why so long I still no good. 53、会有一个人,在最美好的日子里,陪你走过一段最遗憾的路。 There will be a person, in the most beautiful days, to accompany you through the most regrettable road. 54、变了就是变了,也无法挽回,即使你再怎麽努力,也无挤于事。 Has changed is changed, it can not be redeemed, even if you do not work hard, there is no squeeze in the matter. 55、你似一阵风,温暖过我,吹过了,便无需依恋,然而我忘不了。 You like a gust of wind, warm me, through, and no attachment, but I can not forget. 56、足够真心的人经得起等待,随口说说的人转身就牵了别人的手。 True enough people stand and wait, say the people turned to hold someone's hand. 57、太过美好的东西从来都不适合经历,因为一旦经历便无法遗忘。 Too good things are not suitable for experience, because once the experience will not be able to forget. 58、睁开眼睛、阳光、绿树、文艺小清新、惬意的早晨,美好的一天。 Open your eyes, the sun, green trees, the art of a small fresh, comfortable in the morning, a beautiful day. 59、你问我爱你值不值得,其实你应该知道,爱就是不问值得不值得。 You asked me to love you is not worth, in fact, you should know, love is not worth it. 60、如果爱情是想来就来,想走就走,那这个世界将会变成一片泪海。 If love is come and go, the world will become a sea of tears. 61、真正的女汉子是明明眼底成海却还是发个呲牙的表情说一句我没事。 The real man is obviously a fundus into the sea but still bared teeth face I have nothing to say. 62、有多少人以友谊的名义,爱着一个人,认为拥有,就是失去的开始。 How many people in the name of friendship, love a person, that has, is the beginning of lost. 63、别去打扰一个不愿意理你的人,因为他心里那个最重要的人不是你。 Do not disturb a person who does not want to ignore you, because he is the most important person in his heart is not you. 64、雨,像银灰色黏湿的蛛丝,织成一片轻柔的网,网住了整个秋的世界。 The rain, like a silver gray sticky silk, woven into a soft net, net fall of the whole world. 65、每个人都有一次被原谅的机会,不是吗?可你却不愿意给我这个机会。 Everyone has a chance to be forgiven, isn't it? But you don't want to give me this chance. 66、以前QQ等级有一个太阳就觉得倍牛逼,现在才知道,太阳越多人越老。 Before the QQ level there is a sun that times the cow force, and now only know that the sun more people are older. 67、再也没有一个人,让你看到她笑,会轻扬嘴角;看到她皱眉,欲以身代。 No one, let you see her smile, will be drifting in the mouth; see her frown, to the body on behalf of. 68、你的微笑辇过的每个夏天,深深的车辙印子,成了我心里永不会愈合的伤。 You smile each chariot summer, deep ruts marks, as I will never heal the wounds. 69、分手后,我没有想象中那样哭泣,只是在无人的时候眼睛不由自主的出汗。 After breaking up, I did not think of crying like that, but when no one's eyes can not help but sweat. 70、快乐是痛在作弊,难过给幸福造句,一切毫无疑义,勉强的活着就是证据。 Happiness is pain in cheating, sad to happy sentences, all the evidence is beyond all doubt, barely alive. 71、我真的喜欢你,闭上眼,以为我能忘记,但流下的眼泪,却没有骗到自己。 I really like you, close my eyes, think I can forget, but shed tears, but did not deceive themselves. 72、后来遇到再喜欢的也就笑着摇摇头,因为他走了,同时也带走了我的奋不顾身。 Love is later encountered and then smiled and shook his head, as he walked, also took me regardless of personal danger. 73、后来听到很多人提到你的消息,我的手指却再也没有悄悄攥紧,再也没有皱眉。 Later, I heard a lot of people refer to your message, my fingers are no longer quietly clenched, never frown. 74、那一夜,我抽了很多烟,烟雾化成你的脸。我挥一挥手,一切都已成过往云烟。 That night, I smoke a lot of smoke, smoke into your face. I waved his hand, everything has become a thing of the past. 75、留恋路上的美景,创造自己的美景,等着你送来的美景,给予你我心中的美景。 Miss the beauty of the road, to create their own beauty, waiting for the beauty you sent to give you the beauty of my mind. 76、第一次笑是因为遇见你,第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你。 The first smile because I met you, the first cry because you are not, the first smile tears because you can not have. 77、如果爱不曾来过,如果梦不曾碎过,如果心不曾疼过,那么我,是否还是你认识的我? If love does not come, if the dream is not broken, if the heart does not hurt, then I, whether or do you know me? 78、你离开了,我却相信这只是为了你能再次回来。然而,你的离开,却不是回来的借口。 You left, I believe it's just for you to come back again. However, you leave, but not the excuse to come back. 79、当我流着泪向你说再见,你只是冷漠的向我告别,不感看你的冷漠的眼,心已碎成千片。 When I say goodbye to you with tears in my eyes, you are just indifferent to me, not to see your cold eyes, the heart has broken thousands of pieces. 80、红尘中会遇到很多人,但又有几人能够篆刻在灵魂上,而与你的相遇,却深入了我的骨髓。 In the world of mortals will meet a lot of people, but there are several people to seal in the soul, and to meet with you, but deep in the bone marrow. 81、有些情谊,会像黑夜里的一道星辉,即使没有温度,却也能照亮彼此心底深处最柔软的地方。 Some friendship, like the night of starlight, even if there is no temperature, but also can illuminate each other the depths of my heart the most soft place. 82、以前我以为人在最绝望时会撕心裂肺地恸哭,后来我知道目光空洞的沉默不语才是真的心死。 I used to think that people in the most desperate will piercing wails, then I know eyes empty and silent is really a dead heart. |
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