1、我爱你,就像你不爱我一样的坚决。 I love you, just as you don't like me. 2、世界上未有未完成的故事,只有未死的心。 There is no unfinished story in the world, only the heart is not dead. 3、任何都能牵绊住你,但那绝不是我的爱情。 Anyone can hold you, but that was never my love. 4、如今、谁能看到我的背后,我只能拼命的笑。 Now, who can see my back, I can only desperately laugh. 5、女人伪装幸福,只是害怕被男人发现她伤心。 Woman disguised happiness, just afraid of being a man found her sad. 6、你只有爱上一个女人的时候,她才会伤害你。 Only when you fall in love with a woman, she will hurt you. 7、如果有天我走了,你就不留余地的把我忘掉。 If one day I go, you forgot me leave no room. 8、用手使劲敲打胸口,这样心就不会那么痛了。 With his hand to beat the chest, so the heart will not be so painful. 9、目光流连于纷扰的人群中,一时之间思绪漫散。 Eyes linger in the crowd, suddenly thoughts. 10、莪无法忘却迩旳笑脸,更无法摆脱记忆旳纠缠。 I can't forget your smiling face, more can't get rid of the entanglement of memory. 11、我倔强的不愿屈服,换来的却也只是伤痕累累。 I stubbornly reluctant to yield, but also only the scars. 12、念想畅游于层叠的记忆里,一瞬之间泪水泛滥。 Want to swim in the stacked memory, instant tears overflow. 13、假如有一天我们不在一起了,也要像在一起一样。 If one day we are not together, also want to be like together. 14、假装不爱你,和假装你爱我。哪一样更残忍一点。 Pretend not to love you, and pretend you love me. Which is a little bit more cruel. 15、街头那一对和我们好像,松开拥抱,就各奔一方。 The streets that pair and we like, loosen the hug, on each ran one side. 16、有天,你若回头,你会发现,其实我就在你身后。 One day, if you look back, you will find, in fact, I am behind you. 17、我是你的风筝,线在你手上,可陪伴我的只有风。 I am your kite, the line in your hand, can accompany me only the wind. 18、属于自己的,不要放弃;已经失去的,留作回忆。 Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 19、你不仅毁了我的人,我的心,还有那份忠贞的情。 You ruined my people, my heart, and the faithful. 20、祭奠、那残存的记忆。回首、品你心中那仅有的情。 The memorial, the residual memory. Looking back, the only feeling in your heart. 21、我决定不再流泪,就像你决定要离开我一般地坚定。 I decided not to shed tears, as you decide to leave me in general firm. 22、我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 23、怎么牵过的手可以随便放空,那些温柔,被你带走。 How the hand can be empty, those gentle, you take. 24、不爱你,我怕失去全世界,爱你,我怕丢了我自己。 Do not love you, I am afraid to lose the whole world, love you, I am afraid to lose myself. 25、离开你,不管多久,总希望一瞬间,你就出现在面前。 Leave you, no matter how long, always hope for a moment, you appear in front of. 26、同样的街道,同样的风景,不同的人以及别样的心情。 The same street, the same scenery, different people and different feelings. 27、我的选择是爱你或更爱你,你的选择是爱我或不爱我。 My choice is to love you or love you more, your choice is to love me or not love me. 28、有一个人,教会你怎样去爱了,但是,他却不爱你了。 There is a person, teach you how to love, but, but he does not love you. 29、真心爱你的人永远不会放你走,不管遇到多大的困境。 A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how difficult it is. 30、爱是相互交融而不是单相思,爱是百味而不全是甜蜜。 Love is blending with each other rather than a single love, love is not all sweet. 31、世情薄,人情恶,雨送黄昏花易落。晓风干,泪痕残。 The thin, human evil, rain sent flowers to drop at dusk. Xiaofeng dry, residual tears. 32、我等你,直到我不再爱你,我想你,直到我不再伤心。 I wait for you, until I no longer love you, I miss you, until I no longer sad. 33、也许有一天,你回头了,而我却早已,不在那个路口。 Maybe one day, you look back, and I have long, not in that intersection. 34、这世界上没有忘忧草,即便有,有些事,也不可能忘掉。 This is not the world Nepenthes, even if there is, some things can not be forgotten. 35、我千不该万不该最不该的,就是在不懂爱的年纪爱上你。 I should not be the least of the million, is not in love with you at the age of love. 36、尽管你不说不问不难过,但只有我知道你心里万般煎熬。 Although you do not do not sad, but only I know your mind all suffering. 37、如果你爱上了一个你无论怎样都得不到的人,你会如何? What would you do if you fell in love with someone you can't get, no matter how? 38、我想用一辈子的时间,来记住你的一颦一笑,一举一动。 I want to spend the rest of my life, to remember your every twinkle and smile, every act and every move. 39、没有一种生命的轮回是命中注定的,就像,隔夜的狂欢。 No one life cycle is meant to be, just like, overnight carnival. 40、在尘世每个欢乐明亮的时刻,我总那么轻易的就想起你。 Every happy and bright moment in the world, I always think of you so easily. 41、黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,它却让我爱上黑夜给我的疼痛。 The dark night gave me black eyes, it made me fall in love with the pain of the night. 42、答应我的承诺能做到嘛?我要我们一辈子,一辈子在一起。 Promise my promise to do it? I want us to be together for a lifetime. 43、离开我就别安慰我,要知道每一次缝补也会遭遇穿刺的痛。 Don't comfort me, to know each sewing has to meet stinging pain. 44、人生那么短,凭什么让不重要的人影响了自己重要的心情。 Life is so short, why do not important people affect their own important mood. 45、我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡。 I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidental like on a breeze. 46、纵然有百万个理由离开你,我也会寻找一个理由为你留下。 Even if I had a million reasons to leave you, I would look for a reason to stay. 47、如果我说我想一个人静一静,其实我比任何时候都需要你。 If I say leave me alone, actually I need you more than ever. 48、飘飘雪花,悠悠情思,望穿了秋水,望断了天涯人的归路。 Durian snow, leisurely feeling, what autumn, hope to break the Tianya people return. 49、这辈子,相爱能够相守固然好,无法相守,只因为不适合。 In this life, to love is good, cannot be together, just because it is not suitable for. 50、看庭前花开花落,荣辱不惊,望天上云卷云舒,去留无意。 See the courthouse blossom, Rongrubujing, hope heaven Yunjuanyunshu, has no intention to stay. 51、我大概是一只鸟。充满了警觉,不容易停留。所以一直在飞。 I'm probably a bird. Full of vigilance, not easy to stay. So keep flying. 52、那些事情我不想在想,也不想回忆,因为那触动了我的伤口。 Those things I don't want to think, do not want to recall, because it touched my wound. 53、你是我的最初,也是我的最终,你是我从头到尾一切的一切。 You are my first, and my end, you are everything to me from beginning to end. 54、并不是只有眼泪,才代表伤心,并不是只有你,才代表爱情。 Not only the tears, only on behalf of sad, and not only you, just represent love. 55、我们只是想证明岁的爱情不是叛逆,而是过早的遇到对的人。 We just want to prove that the old love is not a rebel, but the people who are too early to meet the right people. 56、既然失恋,就必须死心,断线而去的风筝是不可能追回来的。 Since the lovelorn, must give up, and to break the kite is impossible to come back. 57、蔷薇盛放的年华尽端,你微笑的剪影,是守望静谧的唯一微光。 Rose in full bloom time ends, you smile silhouette, is the only watch quiet glow. 58、痛苦什么痛苦爱上了却得不到?痛苦距离太远拥抱都没有温度? What pain pain love don't get? The pain is too far to embrace all have no temperature? 59、你始终隐藏在我记忆的最深处,一个连我自己都触不及的角落。 You always hide in the depths of my memory, a corner that even I can't touch. 60、人永远看不破的镜花水月,不过我指间烟云世间千年如我一瞬。 People always look out a mirage and insubstantial objects but my fingers smoke, earth thousands of years as I blink of an eye. 61、阳光,那么温暖,却灼灼逼人,月光,那么清幽,却寒冷刺骨。 The sun, so warm, but burned, moonlight, so quiet, but cold. 62、这个世界就这么不完美。你想得到些什么就不得不失去些什么。 This world is not perfect. You have to lose something, you want to get something. 63、恋爱是想一个人的心,婚姻是栓一个人,爱情是吞一个人的心。 Love is to think of a person's heart, marriage is a person, love is to swallow a person's heart. 64、你坐过的沙发宽了,你爱的音乐停了,那天的我等你等成了摆设。 You have been sitting on the sofa, you love the music stopped, I wait for you and so on. 65、记住该记住的,忘记该忘记的。改变能改变的,接受不能改变的。 Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten. Change can be changed, accept can not be changed. 66、女人最大的骄傲不是她的长相有多出众,而是她的男人有多疼她。 The greatest pride of a woman is not how much she looks, but how much her men hurt her. 67、当你不能够再拥有的时候,你唯一可以做的就是令自己不要忘记。 The only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget. 68、尘世的繁华掩盖不住心里那一抹伤,满目的浮云带不走隐痛的过往。 The downtown earth not conceal the heart that a wound, everywhere clouds do not go with the past pain. 69、微风带走的,是不堪回首的昨天,岁月带不走的,却是长久的依恋。 Breeze away, is cannot bear to think of the past of yesterday, not take years, but long-term attachment. 70、我那么的沉默,带一点点的笨拙。就像你的失落,从来不曾给我看过。 I was so silent, with a little bit of a clumsy. Just like your lost, never ever gave to me. 71、我们微笑着说,我们停留在时光的原处,其实早已被洪流无声地卷走。 We said with a smile, we stopped at times in his place, actually has long been silent flood swept away. 72、我把车窗偷偷摇下来,看不见你脸上点点悲哀,后照镜里反射我的无奈。 I roll down the window secretly, you can not see the face of the sad little, the mirror reflection in my helplessness. 73、你永远都不会知道自己到底有多坚强,直到有一天你除了坚强别无选择。 You will never know how strong you are, until one day you have no choice but to be strong. 74、我想我不会孤独,因为我还有音乐。我想我将一直孤独,因为我只有音乐。 I don't think I'm lonely, because I have music. I think I will always be lonely, because I only have music. 75、请不要在她面前泪留满面,她无法给予你照顾和关心,至多只是一点同情。 Please do not leave her tears in her eyes, she can not give you care and concern, at least a little sympathy. 76、被特别在乎的人忽略,会很难过,而装做不在乎,会更难过。所以,不要装。 Special care was ignored, will be very sad, but pretend not to care about, will be more sad. So, do not install. 77、别离,有点难舍,但不怅然;有点遗憾,但不悲观。因为相逢的希望在安慰。 Parting is a bit hard, but not disappointed; with some regret, but not pessimistic. Because of the hope of meeting in comfort. 78、感动你的执着,心动你的牵挂,在流浪的封闭小屋,只有你的名字,光亮透明。 Touched your persistent, the heart of your care, in the wandering of the closed cabin, only your name, bright and transparent. 79、当你感到悲哀痛苦时,最好是去学些什么东西。学习会使你永远立于不败之地。 When you feel sad and painful, it is better to learn something. Learning will make you invincible. 80、不要问曾经说过的话为什么就成为了儿戏?因为山盟海誓本来就是成年人的儿戏。 Don't ask why have said has become a joke? Because have a solemn pledge of love is the adult child's play. |
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