名人名言都是非常值得我们所学习的,因为它们都是具有非常深刻的道理,都是名人们的有感而发。下面是小编为大家整理的名人名言谚语英文版,希望大家喜欢。 1、理想的书籍是智慧的钥匙。——列夫·托尔斯泰 The ideal book is the key to wisdom. 2、如果不想在世界上虚度一生,那就要学习一辈子。——高尔基 If you don't want to waste your life in the world, you have to learn for a lifetime. 3、生命不可能从谎言中开出灿烂的鲜花。——海涅 Life cannot bloom from lies. 4、伟大变为可笑只有一步,但再走一步,可笑又会变为伟大。——佩思 There is only one step for greatness to become ridiculous, but if we take another step, ridiculous will become great again. 5、礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。——冈察尔 Politeness is the easiest thing to do and the most precious thing.
6、认识自己的无知就是最大的智慧。——苏格拉底 To know one's ignorance is the greatest wisdom. 7、一切教育的最终目的是形成人格。——杜威 The ultimate goal of all education is to form personality. 8、伟大的目标构成伟大的心。——埃德蒙斯 Great goals make great hearts. 9、顽强这就是作家技能的秘密。——杰克 Tenacity is the secret of a writer's skill. 10、世人缺乏的是毅力,而非气力。——雨果 What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength. 11、疑惑固非乐事,但确信亦属荒唐。——伏尔泰 Doubt is no pleasure, but conviction is absurd. 12、幸福是把灵魂安放在最适当的位置。——亚里士多德 Happiness is putting the soul in the most appropriate place. 13、我比别知道得多的,不过是我知道自己的无知。——苏格拉底 I know more than anyone else, but I know my ignorance. 14、迷途漫漫,终有一归。——米兰·昆德拉 There is a long way to go. 15、宙斯若要毁灭一个人,首先使这个人疯狂。——索福克勒斯 If Zeus wants to destroy a man, he first makes him crazy. |