朋友是世上除了亲人以外最值得依赖的人,那么对于朋友名人们又有什么看法呢?下面是小编为大家整理的关于朋友的英语名言大全,希望大家喜欢。 1、别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。 A friend is still with you when everyone else walks away. 2、为你成功而喝彩的,才是朋友。 Those who cheer for your success are friends. 3、一贫一富,乃知交态。 A poor man and a rich man are intimate friends. 4、是你慰藉的港口,更是你不再孤单的源头。 Is your comfort port, but also you no longer lonely source. 5、有种问候,清清淡淡,却最真诚。 There is a kind of greeting, clear and light, but the most sincere. 6、攒够了思念,等一场相聚。 Enough missing, waiting for a reunion. 7、日出遇贵,日落见财! Sunrise meets expensive, sunset sees wealth! 8、友谊是和煦轻柔的春风,让人温暖贴心。 Friendship is a warm and gentle spring breeze, which makes people warm and intimate. 9、真正的得到,缘于一份感恩的心态。 Really get, because of a grateful attitude. 10、想和你一起看,永远有多远。 Want to see with you, forever how far. 11、一份祝福,温暖着心房。 A blessing, warm the heart. 12、我们高贵,男人不配。 We are noble, men are not worthy. 13、好的友谊不是为彼此停留,而是同步成长。 Good friendship is not for each other to stay, but for synchronous growth. 14、最好的友情是各自忙碌,又互相牵挂。 The best friendship is busy and concerned about each other. 15、等待是最漫长的,友情是最珍贵的。 Waiting is the longest and friendship is the most precious. |