世界已然有千万年的文化历史了,在这历史长河中诞生出了不少的名人名言。下面是小编为大家整理的名言名句中英文翻译,希望大家喜欢。 1、一个有决心的人,将会找到他的道路。——佚名 A determined man will find his way. 2、迟日江山丽,春风花草香。——杜甫 In the late days, the rivers and mountains are beautiful, and the spring breeze is full of flowers and plants. 3、世乱同南去,时清独北还。——司空曙 The chaos of the world went to the south, and the Qing Dynasty alone returned to the north. 4、西风多少恨,吹不散眉弯。——纳兰性德 The west wind how much hate, blow not scatter eyebrow bend. 5、人对真理是冰,对虚伪却是火。——拉·封丹 Man is ice to truth, but fire to hypocrisy. 6、盘飧市远无兼味,樽酒家贫只旧醅。——杜甫 Panxi city is far from flavor, bottle wine is poor, only old grains. 7、江天一色无纤尘,皎皎空中孤月轮。——张若虚 The river and the sky are the same color, and the moon wheel in the sky is bright. 8、人生得一知己足矣,斯世当以同怀视之。——鲁迅 It is enough to have a confidant in life. We should look at it with the same mind. 9、西风满天雪,何处报人恩。——齐己 The west wind is full of snow. Where can I report my kindness. 10、择友如淘金,沙尽不得宝。——李成用 Choosing friends is like panning for gold. 11、斗鸭阑干独倚,碧玉搔头斜坠。——冯延巳 The duck's appendage is leaning on itself, and the jade is scratching its head. 12、三月桃花,两人一马,明日天涯。——七堇年 March peach blossom, two people a horse, tomorrow horizon. 13、想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎。——辛弃疾 In those days, the golden age and iron horse were like tigers. 14、明岁秋风知再会,暂时分手莫相思。——曹雪芹 Tomorrow autumn wind knows goodbye, temporarily break up Mo Acacia. 15、他乡有明月,千里照相思。——李峤 There is a bright moon in another country, and a thousand miles of Acacia. |