2021年很潮很流行的说说句子,有感而发,句句让人深思,很适合发到朋友圈里。 1、要读书,健身,一边养内,一边塑外,内养了自己,外养眼了别人。 To study and keep fit, we should cultivate ourselves and others、 2、一切都会变好,超好,巨好,无敌好。 Everything will be better, super good, super good, invincible good、 3、在喜欢的身上用心,不喜欢的不招惹,如此甚好。 It's good to pay attention to what you like and not to provoke what you don't like、 4、心乱时,慢慢说,无话时,就别说。 When you are upset, speak slowly、 When you have nothing to say, don't say it 5、值得的人,不需要你跑着靠近。 Worthy people don't need you to run close 6、感情这东西谁都有,不过你不合适。 Everyone has feelings, but you are not suitable 7、我们都试着长大,然后遍体鳞伤。 We all try to grow up, and then we're black and blue 8、短短一生,不妨大胆一点,做自己想做的事。 In a short life, you might as well be bold and do what you want to do、 9、妥协从来都换不来真正想要的。 Compromise never gets what you really want 10、大慨花光了所有的野心和精力,才会极度向往安稳。 Big sigh spent all ambition and energy, will extremely yearn for stability、 |
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