1、不是所有人都像我这么爱你,你特么记得点。 Not all people love you like I do, do you remember the point. 2、没有经历过的人,没有对于他的意义。 No man has ever experienced, no meaning to him. 3、时间游走,岁搁浅,斑驳的影子映着千言万语。 Time to walk, was stranded, mottled shadows with thousands and thousands of words. 4、对于你的好,我会忖量。你的不佳,我抉择哑忍。 For you, I will miss. Your bad, I choose dumb endure. 5、当你说想忘记我旳时候,我沉默着一句话都不说。 When you say you want to forget me when I am silent and not say a word. 6、你给我爱上你的理由,却又给离开我的借口。 You give me the reason to fall in love with you, but give me the excuse to leave. 7、我爱你,但,那只是曾经。 I love you, but it was only once. 8、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。 My sense of insecurity has destroyed too many things. 9、不想再探寻字句,来描绘一份越描越黑旳苍茫。 Don't want to find words to describe a Yuemiaoyuehei Cangmang. 10、沉默不一定是金,有时也会错过好多好多。 Silence is not necessarily gold, and sometimes will miss a lot of a lot of. 11、我仍在空城哭泣,你依旧来者不拒。 I was still in the city crying, you still refuse. 12、爱情枯萎了,无论怎样保存也会枯萎。 Love withered, no matter how to save will wither. 13、这一鬓斑白是为你洗脱了他人的目光。 This is another gray temples eluting eyes for you. 14、回忆再美好,回忆的次数多了,味道也就淡了。 Memories and better, more times the number of memories, the taste is light. 15、我们的爱,诠释我们的无奈。 Our love, the interpretation of our helplessness. 16、似水洗清我,难过亦过难道我嫌损失未够多。 Water wash me, sorry am I too lost is not enough. 17、你说要和我在一起一辈子我却忘了问是哪辈子。 You said to be with me in a lifetime I forgot to ask is which life. 18、喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢。 Likes is the light love, the love is the deep love. 19、如果没有你,我拿什么伤害我自己。 Without you, what would I do to hurt myself. 20、要我怎么做,才不会感到难过。 I won't feel sorry for what I have to do. 21、圈子不同别硬挤,恶心了别人也恶心了自己。 Don't squeeze in different circles, others own nausea nausea. 22、勇敢的写检讨认错,誓死绝不悔改。 Brave to write a review mistake, never repent. 23、你说以后去哪都请示我,我开心地笑了。 You say where to go after you ask me, I smiled happily. 24、一起走是缘分,走在一起是幸福。 Walk together is the fate, walk together is happiness. 25、世上最短的咒语,是一个人的名字。 The shortest spell of this world is the name of a person。 26、谁让你红了眼眶,你还念念不忘。 Who let you red eyes, you still remember. 27、我把心寄错了地址,现在请你还给我! I sent my heart to the wrong address. Now, please return it to me! 28、承诺再美,也经不起时间的改变。 Commitment to the United States, but also can not afford the time to change. 29、你什么时候放下,什么时候就没有烦恼。 When you put down, when there is no trouble. 30、世界上,每个人都很贱,只是方式不同。 In the world, each person is very cheap, but the way is different. 31、不要与过去过不去,没有过不去的过去。 Don't go with the past, not the past. 32、酒就像女人的肌肤一样,对温度非常敏感。 Wine, like a woman's skin, is very sensitive to temperature. 33、我希望有这么一个人陪我一直到老,白首不分离。 I want to have such a person to accompany me to the old, the elderly not separation. 34、我说什么你也不放心上,因为你始终拿我不重要。 I say what you do not worry, because you always take me not important. 35、每个人都有潜在的能量,只是被惰性所消磨。 Everyone has the potential energy, just to be inert away. 36、我才不是没话找话,我只是想和你多说说话。 I didn't say anything. I just wanted to talk to you. 37、我爱你始于初见,止于终老。 I love you from the beginning, check in. 38、是我亲手将你推开,我有什么资格难过。 I personally will push you away, I have what qualifications sad. 39、时间,它是世界上最公平的东西。 Time, it is the most fair thing in the world. 40、我留下最后一滴泪,不留任何挂念的离开。 I leave the last drop of tears, leaving no miss. 41、这世上最幸福的事莫过于你爱的人刚好也爱你了吧。 The happiest thing in the world than the one you love just love you, too. 42、路过你的心,却发现里面有人了。 Passing by your heart, but found that there is a person. 43、跟你说个秘密你别皱眉,我现在好想你好想抱紧你。 Tell you a secret you don't frown, I miss you and want to hug you now. 44、能够把自己压得低低的,那才是真正的尊贵。 To put yourself down low, it is really noble. 45、人生就像一盘琪,你的生死在手中。 Life is like a plate of Qi, your life and death in the hands of. 46、你骂我傻,然后红了眼眶。 You scold me silly, and then red eyes. 47、不知不觉已经到了冬天,我遇见最后一片树叶。 Before I knew it, I was in the winter. I met the last leaf. 48、以为一切遥遥无期,可就这么悄悄分离。 Everything can be elusive, so quietly separated. 49、很多时候,看的太透反而不快乐。 Most of the time, look too deeply but not happy. 50、一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。 Sorry, let our love lost time, lost to the distance. 51、当你转身离开乃一刻,你有没有想过我在你身后哭? When you turn and leave is a moment, do you ever think of me crying behind you? 52、你用记忆划破我的羽翼,不再给我自由飞翔的权利。 You use memory to cut my wings, no longer give me the freedom to fly right. 53、总会有那么一个人,不管怎么样都会选择原谅。 There is always a person, no matter how will choose to forgive. 54、简简单单的生活才是真,爱情宣言又有何用呢。 Simple life is true, what is the declaration of love with it. 55、你还是离我而去,我的世界,从此不再有你。 You still leave me and go, my world, no longer have you. 56、眼淚落下的那一刻,你不在我身邊。 The moment that tears fall, you are not by my side. 57、是不是我消失了,你才知道我的存在。 Did I disappear, you know my existence. 58、抱着自己喜欢的人,才是最好的感觉。 Holding the one you like, is the best feeling. 59、回忆,越美越可怕,越挣扎,眼泪越是要落下。 Beautiful memories, more terrible, more struggle, more tears to fall. 60、会帮你系鞋带的男人是好男人!且珍惜。 The man who can help you with your shoes is a good man! And cherish. 61、如果可以早一点,怎么舍得轻易把你疏远。 If you can be a little earlier, how willing to easily turn you off. 62、曾听人说,回忆是一座桥,却是通向寂寞的牢。 Have heard people say that the memory is a bridge, but it is the prison to loneliness. 63、给我一个勇敢地理由,我会再一次的奋不顾身。 Give me a bold reason, I will again regardless of personal danger. 64、我怕的是,我爱到义无反顾的最后是伤痕累累。 I was afraid, I finally love without scars. 65、你说我不爱你,可是我爱你了又能怎样。 You say I don't love you, but I love you and how can. 66、很多人如果换一个时间认识,就会有不同的结局。 If a lot of people for a time to know, there will be a different outcome. 67、我宁愿你恨过,还记得;也不愿你爱过,忘记我。 I would rather you hate, but also remember; do not want you to love, forget me. 68、人海中,认定了你,这便是我的执着。 In the huge crowd, recognized you, this is my persistent. 69、习惯了你的冷漠,突然的关心会让我不知所措! Accustomed to your indifference, sudden concern will let me know what to do! 70、要多久才能不去想你,又要用多久才能把你忘记。 How long can not think about you, and how long it will take you to forget. 71、不希望,不奢望,就不会有失望。 Do not hope, do not expect, there will be no disappointment. 72、离开你不是因为不爱你,而以因为你不懂珍惜。 Leave you not because I do not love you, but because you do not know how to cherish. 73、莪对迩思念的力量,足以让花儿开了。 I miss you on the strength, enough to make the flowers. 74、其实他们都触动了我的心脏,温暖了我的心房。 In fact, they have touched my heart, warm my heart. 75、把泪水化成内心的爱,从脸颊滑落下来。 The tears into the heart of love, from the cheek down. 76、俄扪多少次离别和回眸,却还是错过今生。 How many times Russia palpable parting and looking back, but still miss life. 77、你根本做不到,为何还要欺骗一颗已经属于你的心。 You can't do it, why should you cheat a heart that already belongs to you. 78、你的生活从此会更加美好,我却一直躲在孤单中。 Your life from now on will be more beautiful, but I have been hiding in the lonely. 79、真正爱你的人其实就是愿意一直忍耐你的人。 The one who really loves you is the one who is willing to be patient with you. 80、人的寂寞,有时候很难用语言表达。 People's loneliness, sometimes it is difficult to use language to express. |
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