1、不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。 No lingering sentiments, but enduring as the universe. 2、拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 With the wonder of your love, the sun always shines. 3、如果我知道怎么舍弃你,那该有多好。 If I knew how to quit you, that should have much good. 4、凡事皆有代价,快乐的代价便是痛苦。 Everything has a price, the price of happiness is pain. 5、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we know, there is always the end. 6、爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。 Love is hard to get into, but harder to get out as soon as the input. 7、我学会了戴着面具微笑,即使我并不开心。 I learned to smile with a mask, even if I'm not happy. 8、与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。 Instead of looking for an excuse, not directly say I do not love. 9、希望那些我没有做到的,可以让你做得更好。 I hope that I have not done, so you can do better. 10、有一种爱,明知无前路,心却早已收不回来。 There is a love, knowing that without the road, the heart has already come. 11、深情是我担不起的重担,情话只是偶然兑现的谎言。 Deep feeling that I can not afford the burden, if only occasionally. 12、爱情就像两个拉皮筋的人,受勺鞴畔是不愿罢休的。 Love is like two bands of people, by the people's Bank is unwilling to give up. 13、爱情,是我们都相信的谎言。一半美好,一半悲伤。 Love is, we all believe the lies. Half happy, half sad. 14、那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。 Never said that before the separation of people, already scattered on the horizon. 15、花开了又谢,风起了又歇,我为了你,把爱写了又写。 Flowers wither again, the wind is up and down, I order you to love writing and writing. 16、爱,不是长久地对视,而是,总能朝同一个方向望去。 Love is not long. But, always looking in the same direction to. 17、与众不同的你是幸运的,何必让自己变得与别人一样。 Out of the ordinary you are lucky, why let yourself and others. 18、人类终于发明了爱情,并使它变成为人类最完美的宗教。 Finally the invention of human love, and make it become the most perfect religion of mankind. 19、你若爱她,让你的爱像阳光一样包围她,并且给她自由。 If you love her, let your love like the sun surrounded her, and give her freedom. 20、初萌的爱情看到的仅是生命,持续的爱情看到的是永恒。 The beginning of love is only to see the adorable life, love last see is eternal. 21、寂寞就是你说话时没人在听,有人在听时你却没话说了。 Loneliness is when you speak nobody listening, someone to listen to when you have no words. 22、能够爱一个人爱到问他拿零用钱的程度,都是严格的考验。 Love a person to ask him to take the money, it is a strict test. 23、替别人做点事,又有点怨,活着才有意思,否则太空虚了。 Do something for others, and have some resentment, it is interesting to live, otherwise empty. 24、对异性诉苦,正是这个世界上最经典、最富有诗意的催欲剂。 The specific complaint is the world's most classic, the most poetic aphrodisiac. 25、爱情原来是凄美的吞噬,但愿我的身体容得下你,永不分离。 Love is beautiful swallow, I hope my body to hold you forever. 26、爱你有多难,忘记你就有多难。爱你有多苦,恨你就有多苦。 How difficult it is to love you, you will forget how hard it is. Love you too much, hate you too much. 27、没有你,就没了世界。你是我的世界,我的宇宙,我的所有。 Without you, the world is gone. You are my world, my universe, my all. 28、不要以为男人喜欢瘦女人,他们要的是整体苗条,局部丰满! Do not think that men love thin woman, they are overall slimmer, local fullness! 29、爱像一盏油灯,灯芯烧枯以后,它的火焰也会由微暗而至消失。 Love is like a lamp wick, after burning dry, it will disappear from dim to flame. 30、爱情是梦中一直美丽的鸟,很多人见过,但几乎没有人抓住过。 Love is always beautiful dream of the birds, many people have seen, but almost no one ever caught. 31、谢谢你,谢谢你给我的这些美好的日子,谢谢这个世界上有你。 Thank you, thank you for giving me these days, thank you in this world. 32、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。 A greeting is filled with youth, others can not hear, time setting in the sight of you. 33、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了! Since love, why not say it, some things lost, will never come back! 34、为什么伤害隔着这么远都能做到,而安慰,却必须在身旁才行呢? Why the damage so far can do, and comfort, but must do beside? 35、爱情是一朵生长在悬崖峭壁边缘上的花,想摘取就必须要有勇气。 Love is a growth in the precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs on the edge of the flower removal must have the courage. 36、淋过雨的空气,疲倦了的伤心,我记忆里的童话已经慢慢的融化。 Air after rain, tired of sadness, I remember the fairy tale has been slowly melting. 37、我一生最奢侈的事,就是途中与你相遇,然后相濡以沫,共闻花香。 In my life the most luxurious thing is to meet with you on the way, and then to each other, is to smell the flowers. 38、所谓真爱,就是在爱到头破血流之后,依然能拿出一颗真心来待你。 The so-called love is in love, still can come up with a head broken and bleeding after the heart to you. 39、到不了的都叫做远方,回不去的都叫做过去,不回头的都叫做别离。 Not to have known the distance, go back to the past are called, do not look back is called. 40、爱情使是非概念混淆不清;强烈的爱情和骄傲的野心都是没有疆界的。 Love is the concept of non confusion; strong love and pride ambitions are no boundaries. 41、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道没结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。 True love is not a moment of goodwill, but clearly know no results, but also want to stick to the impulse. 42、生命是一项随时可以中止的契约,爱情在最醇美的时候,却可以跨越生死。 Life is a contract that can be stopped at any time. Love is the most beautiful one, but it can cross the life and death. 43、有时,爱也是种伤害,残忍的人,选择伤害别人,善良的人,选择伤害自己。 Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt, cruel people, choose to hurt other people, good people, choose to hurt themselves. 44、爱上你,不是因为你给了我需要的东西,而是因为你给了我从未有过的感觉。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 45、爱你是我的自由,想你是我的感觉,爱你想你我说了就是了,你要不要随便你。 Love you are my freedom, think you are my feeling, love you want you I say is, do you want to. 46、只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪,在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。 Just want to find a can take me when I'm sad tears, I am happy that I can bite one's shoulders. 47、我知道这世上有人在等我,但我不知道我在等谁,为了这个,我每天都非常快乐。 I know someone in the world is waiting for me, although I've no idea of who he is. But I am happy every day for this. 48、爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。 Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 49、有人说:真正的爱情,背后没有秘密。说这话的人,既不明白爱情,也不明白秘密。 Some people say: true love, there is no secret behind. To say this, neither understand love, nor understand the secret. 50、想你,是一种忧戚的美丽和甜蜜的失意。心里面,却是一股什么也代替不了的温馨。 Miss you, is a sad beauty and sweet frustrated. Inside the heart, but it is a warm and nothing can not be replaced. 51、我会发着呆然后忘记你,接着紧紧闭上眼,想着那一天会有人代替,让我不再想念你 I will be sent to stay and then forget you, and then close your eyes, thinking that one day someone will replace, let me no longer miss you 52、第一次哭是因为你不在,第一次笑是因为遇到你,第一次笑着流泪是因为不能拥有你! The first cry is because you are not, the first smile because of you, the first smile tears because you can not have! 53、世界上既无所谓快乐或也无所谓痛苦;只有一种状况与另一种状况的比较,如此而已。 The world there is neither happiness nor pain; only the comparison of one state with another state, That's all. 54、女孩子若肯在一个陌生男人面前说出自己的名字,至少就表示她对这个男人并不讨厌。 The girl would say his name in front of a strange man, at least he said she does not hate the man. 55、人的一生,有两种遗憾最折磨人:一是得不到你心爱的人;二是心爱的人得不到幸福。 In life, there are two kinds of regret: the one is that you don't get the one you love; the two is the one you love is not happy. 56、很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘掉的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里。被我们遗忘了。 Many think we'll never forget the things, as we never forget the days. Forgotten by us. 57、但是,酒在肚子里,事在心里,中间总好象隔着一层,无论喝多少酒,都淹不到心上去。 But the wine in the stomach, something in my heart, intermediate seem separated by a layer of, no matter how much to drink wine, be not to heart. 58、有了你,我不再作孤飞于蓝天的雄鹰,宁愿停歇在你门前的那棵树上,看着你,守护你。 Have you, I no longer solitary eagle flying in the sky, would rather stop looking at you in the tree in front of you, protect you. 59、每个人都是一个国王,在自己的世界里纵横跋扈,你不要听我的,但你也不要让我听你的。 Everyone is a king, in their own world domineering aspect, you do not listen to me, but you do not let me listen to you. 60、我一直在寻找那种感觉,那种在寒冷的日子里,牵起一双温暖的手,踏实地向前走的感觉。 I have been looking for that kind of feeling, that in the cold days, holding a warm hand, steadfastly forward feeling. 61、红颜薄命,空有一世才情,一泓情泪,种成两世相思,再相逢时,桃花还依旧,人面已全非。 Unlucky, empty have a talent in the world, Yihong Casely, into worlds of Acacia, when to meet again, peach blossom still, people have been beyond recognition. 62、如果你渴望爱情,你需意识到得到爱的唯一方法就是付出爱,你付出的越多,得到的就越多。 If you desire love, you need to realize that the only way to get love is to give love, the more you give, the more you get. 63、世上最遥远的距离,不是生与死的距离,不是天各一方,而是我就站在你面前,你却不知道我爱你。 The world's most remote distance, not life and death of distance, not far apart. But when I stand in front of you, yet you don't know I love you. 64、如果爱上,就不要轻易放过机会,莽撞,可能使你后悔一阵子,怯懦,却可能使你后悔一辈子。 If you fall in love, do not easily let go the opportunity, rash, may make you regret for a while, cowardice, but may make you regret for a lifetime. 65、爱情,本该甘于平淡,却又不平淡;本该甘于平凡,却又不平凡。不再去想从前,不再执念曾经。 Love should be willing to dull, but not dull; the ordinary, but extraordinary. Not to think of the past, no longer have the obsession. 66、我一直以为,山是水的故事,云是风的故事,你是我的故事,可是我不知道,我是不是你的故事。 I always thought that the story of mountain water, cloud is the wind's story, you are my story, but I do not know, I is not your story. 67、爱是亘古长明的灯塔,它定晴望着风暴却兀不为动,爱就是充实了的生命,正如盛满了酒的酒杯。 Love is the everlasting long out of the beacon, it will clear looked at the storm but Wu move, love is an enriched life, like a cup full of wine. 68、在我心中,你是唯一的不同,对你的爱已不在乎懂不懂。你的喜怒让我心动,我愿作你翅膀下的风。 In my heart, you are the only one, love for you has not understand. Your smile let me, I will be the wind beneath your wings. 69、爱你就是这么莫名其妙,就是这么义无返顾,我知道我不会是你今生的唯一,但你却是我一生的最爱! Love you is so puzzling, is so without hesitation, I know I will not is you this life only, but you is my life the most love! 70、无论我深在何处,都请你相信在这瞬息万变的世界上、有一颗不变的心每时每刻都在想着你!念着你! No matter where I am deeply, you believe in this rapidly changing world, there is a change of heart all the time thinking of you! Read you! 71、爱情不是冲动,也不是迷恋,爱情包含**,但又不等同于**,爱情包含快乐,但又不仅仅是快乐。 Love is not impulsive, not infatuation, love contains passion, but it cannot be equated with passion, love contains happiness, but happiness is not the only. 72、生活在没有的你的世界,比任何一种惩罚都要痛苦,你知道吗,对我而言,你是任何人都无法取代的。 Living in a world without you is more painful than any punishment. Do you know, for me, no one can replace you. 73、雁字回时,月满西楼,花自飘零水自流。一种相思,两处闲愁,此情无计可消除,在下眉头,却上心头。 The word back, Yuemanxilou, huazipiaoling artesian water. A kind of Acacia, two xianchou, this can be eliminated without plan, in under the brow, but on my mind. 74、他看着自己的皮肉,不像是自己在看,而像是自己之外的一个爱人,深深悲伤着,觉得他白糟蹋了自己。 He looked at his own flesh, unlike their watching, like himself a lover, deeply sad, that he murdered her white. 75、你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我不会再错过!真诚之中,与你相识相知;灵犀之间,与你朝夕相伴。 Your past I have no time to participate in, your future I will not miss! Sincerely, acquainted with you; you, accompany with you daily. 76、缘起缘灭,缘浓缘淡,不是我们能够控制的。我们能做到的,是在因缘际会的时侯好好的珍惜那短暂的时光。 Origin edge, edge thick edge light, we can not control. We can do, is when the karma of treasure that short time. 77、你那一瞥,像一股晶莹的泉水流注我的心头,它比诗还深远,比画还优美,恰如我生命的一个新世纪的早晨。 You glance, like a crystal fountain lingers in my mind, more profound than poetry, gesture is beautiful, is my life a new century of the morning. 78、你笑了,我的天空放晴;你恼了,我的天空多云;你的一举一动,左右我的心情。亲爱的,我在蜜罐里思念着你! You smile, my sky is clear; you mad, my sky is cloudy; your every act and every move to control my mood. Dear, I miss you in the honey pot! 79、追求和渴望,才有快乐,也有沮丧和失望。经过了沮丧和失望,我们才学会珍惜。你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。 To pursue and to desire, to be happy, to be depressed, and to be disappointed. After the frustration and disappointment, we learn to cherish. You have not been loved, you will cherish the people who love you in the future. |
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