1、不是每个恋爱中的人,都是美好的。 Not every one in love, is beautiful. 2、我不是小丑,没必要讨每个人的欢心。 I'm not a clown, no need to please everyone. 3、我达达的马蹄是个错误、我不是归人,是个过客。 My dada horseshoe is a mistake, I am not a man, is a traveler. 4、垃圾是放错位置的宝藏,懂得利用便是最好。 Garbage is misplaced treasure, know how to use is the best. 5、迩总是那样的宠着莪,迩总是那样的护着莪。 You always spoil me, you always support me. 6、我们曾经致命守护的爱情,最后还是徒有虚名一场。 We have a fatal guardian of love, or a last name. 7、幸福的背后,有个执着爱我的男人。 Behind the well-being, there is a man who loves me. 8、通常不敢公开秀恩爱,都是不爱有备胎。 Usually did not dare to openly show affection, love is not a spare tire. 9、又是一年的离去,越走越远的回忆。 Another year is gone, the farther the more distant memories. 10、原来当他不需要你了,就是他离开的时候。 So when he doesn't need you, just when he's gone. 11、只要不是对的人再怎么努力也没用。 As long as it is not the right people no matter how hard it is useless. 12、如果不是命中注定的唯一,那便只是路过的几点唏嘘。 If not only it is decreed by fate, just a few passing sigh. 13、痛了很久以后在一起,好过一起很久了变得很痛。 Pain after a long time together, easy to be together for a long time became very painful. 14、假若注定是过客,起初又何必招惹。 If destined to be passing, at first why provoke. 15、渴望爱情,享受幸福,幸福牵手,一生不离! Desire for love, enjoy the happiness, happiness in hand, a lifetime! 16、有时候,你必须放手,才能明白是否真的值得拥有。 Sometimes, you have to let it go, to see if it's really worth having. 17、我只能用强颜欢笑,来祭奠我不明的伤。 I can only smile, to pay homage to my unknown injury. 18、那些蜡笔画的线条,像是冻结的眼泪。 The lines, like frozen tears. 19、外面的世界太凄凉,特别是一个人走在路上。 The outside world is too bleak, especially a person walking in the road. 20、我还守在原地,不为等你。只是等自己放弃。 I still keep in place, not for you. Just wait for yourself to give up. 21、记录,只是为了曾经的感动。 Record, just for once touched. 22、太阳知道:向日葵的执着。感动了土壤。 The sun knows: sunflower persistent. Moved the soil. 23、大多旳求爱都是奋不顾身,最后旳结局都是粉身碎骨。 Most of the love is the final outcome regardless of personal danger is smashed to pieces. 24、有些选择无足轻重,却总让人伤透脑筋。 Some choices are of little importance, but always let a person headache. 25、我跌跌撞撞一路走来,赢了全世界,却输给了你。 I stumbled along the way, to win the world, but lost to you. 26、爱上了却发现爱错了,错过了却发现爱上了。 Fall in love with that love is wrong, but found Miss love. 27、午夜梦回想起曾经的爱与恨,那种蚀骨的痛让我窒息。 Midnight think of love and hate once, the terrible pain let me suffocate. 28、我只有一刻会温柔,但是被狗吃了。 I only have a moment to be gentle, but I was eaten by a dog. 29、我只想扮演好我自己的角色,让你幸福。 I just want to play my own role, to make you happy. 30、自从和你分手以后,我发现追我的人越来越多了。 Ever since I broke up with you, I've found that more and more people are chasing me. 31、现在这年头,只有不伤手的立白。哪有不分手的恋爱。 Now this year, not only hurt the hand stand. Where does not break up the love. 32、爱是一道光,如此美妙,指引我们想要的未来。 Love is a light, so wonderful, we want to guide the future. 33、抱最大的希望,为最大的努力,做最坏的打算。 Hold the greatest hope for the greatest endeavor, make the worst plan. 34、我想的不是你,是曾经掏心掏肺的自己。 I do not think you are own once taoxintaofei. 35、当爱情到了尽头,放个屁都是分手的理由。 When the love to the end, put a fart is the reason for breaking up. 36、当你不在乎一个人时,最好的态度是无视。 When you don't care about a person, the best attitude is to ignore. 37、我们最大的错,就是相遇的那一刻、没有擦肩而过。 Our biggest mistake, is to meet the moment, did not pass. 38、其实我很想念。某些时候。某些人。某些事。 Actually I miss very much. Some time. Someone。 Certain things. 39、和爱的人吵架,和陌生人说心里话。 And love of people quarrel, and the strangers say the truth. 40、时间不是让人忘记了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。 Time is not to let people forget the pain, but people get used to the pain. 41、上帝遮蔽我的双眼,让我忘却你的素顔。 God covered my eyes, let me forget your makeup. 42、躲在万劫不复的街头、微笑参透覆水难收。 Hiding in the streets, Spilled water cannot be gathered up. smile has doomed eternally. 43、爱你的人,很多很多;我爱的人,只你一个! Love you, a lot of people, I love the people, only you! 44、深知我者才久居我心,深知你者才能伤你无形。 Know that my heart is only a long time in my heart, I know you can hurt you invisible. 45、陌生人分两种,不认识的和假装不认识的。 The stranger is pided into two kinds, do not know and pretended not to know. 46、要铭记在心:每天都是一年中最美好的日子。 Keep in mind that every day is the best day of the year. 47、有人说幸福的人都一样,不幸的人各有各的悲伤。 Some people say that happy people are the same, unfortunately, each with their own sorrow. 48、放手去爱,海阔天高。 Go to love the sea and sky are boundless. 49、越喜欢你的人,就会对你做出越幼稚的动作。 The more people like you, you will make the more childish action. 50、人生最痛苦的就是:明知要失去,但还没发生。 The most painful life is: knowing to lose, but not happen. 51、在我孤独无助难过的时候从来没有人站在我身后。 No one stood behind me in my lonely and helpless. 52、浮华落尽、我依旧是骄傲的自己。 Flashy falls, I am still proud of myself. 53、删掉你的一切,却删不掉我们的回忆。 Delete everything, but you can not delete our memories. 54、俄要的、仅仅想俄们之间暖一点、再暖一点。 Russia wants, just want to warm between Russia and a little warm, and then warm a little. 55、不轻信,故人不负我;诺不轻许,故我不负人。 Do not believe, so don't take me; don't light, therefore I do not lose. 56、怕爹是孝顺,怕老婆是爱情。 Afraid of father is filial, afraid of his wife is love. 57、我告诉我自己,不再想念你,而回忆却铭记在心。 I told myself, I don't miss you, but my memory is in my heart. 58、即使是被捧在手心,却还是不确定心里有没有你。 Even if it is held in the palm of the hand, but still not sure if you have. 59、心累到一定的程度,连生气和计较的力气都没有了。 The heart is tired to a certain degree, even angry and calculation of the strength is not. 60、如果再次看到你,我会收起我的痛。 If I see you again, I'll take my pain away. 61、下辈子我要做你的一颗牙,至少我难受你也会疼。 I want to be your tooth, at least, I am sad you also hurts. 62、我是一只没有脚的小鸟飞得狠累却永远停不下来。 I am a bird without feet, but I can never stop. 63、再来一次不分开好不好,你真的爱好不好。 Again not separate good, you really love good. 64、学着做自己,并优雅地放手所有不属于我的东西。 Learn to be yourself, and to let go of all the things that don't belong to me. 65、对不起,我一直在欺骗自己,原来我一直爱的是你。 I am sorry, I have been deceiving myself, I always love you. 66、以岁月为弦,赠你惊世情歌。 In years for strings, give you stunning songs. 67、我所能适应的温度,都是以两人世界为主。 I can adapt to the temperature, are two people in the world. 68、放弃了,就不该后悔。失去了,就不该回忆。 Give up, you should not regret. Lost, it is not the memory. 69、我知道,我這輩子,都不能把你拋到腦後。 I know, I can't put you out of my head in my life. 70、也许有一天,你将会悄然离去,请你记住。 Maybe one day, you will leave quietly, please remember. 71、烟花美得刺眼,我怕的无处潜藏。 Fireworks beauty was dazzling, I fear no place to hide. 72、此间流年,有太多太美好的谎言。 This time, there are too many too beautiful lie. 73、他若爱你,不必讨好;他若不爱,更加不必。 If he loves you, he does not have to please him; if he does not love, he will not have to. 74、一个人自以为刻骨铭心的回忆,别人早已已经忘记了。 A person from that The imprint is engraved on my heart. memories, others have long been forgotten. 75、我在三生石畔等你千年,只为换来一世长相厮守。 I wait for you on the stone river for thousands of years, only for a world together. 76、我以为我快要忘记你了,可是你的影子总是纠缠着我。 I thought I was going to forget you, but your shadow is always entangled with me. 77、哥不曾寂寞,因为有寂寞配着哥。 Elder brother is not lonely, because there is a lonely with the elder brother. 78、我两曾十指紧扣,却扣不住天长地久。 I have two fingers, but not buckle the enduring as the universe. 79、世上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 The only people who can not get through the world, there is no way to go through the road. |
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