1、爱是帆情是船,爱是深沉执着明白! Love is love is a boat, love is deep persistent understand! 2、拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 With the beauty of your love, the sun above always shines. 3、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Hold my hand, close your eyes, you won't get lost. 4、生活最沉重的负担不是工作,而是无聊。 The heavy burden of life is not work, but boredom. 5、说什么永不相忘,时间久了就什么都忘了。 Never forget what to say, what a long time to forget. 6、爱使我们有了距离,距离使我们爱得永久。 The love we have distance, distance makes our love forever. 7、我的爱情,长了蛀虫,我的爱情,出了毛病。 I love long worms, my love is wrong. 8、就算世界荒芜,总有一个人,他会是你的信徒。 Even if the world is barren, there is always a person, he will be your followers. 9、人并不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱才美丽。 Person is not because of the beautiful and lovely, but because of cute and beautiful. 10、我爱上了你,无可救药,中毒已深,已入,膏盲。 I love you, past hope, have deep poisoning, has been in the blind, paste. 11、我的心只有一颗,给了你,没什么可以给自己的。 My heart is only one, to you, nothing can give their own. 12、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。 I still believe in love, just don't believe that love can be forever. 13、主动,是因为在乎,不联系,是因为觉得自己多余。 Initiative, because of care, do not contact, because feel that they are redundant. 14、爱情不是避难所,想进去避难的话,是会被赶出来的。 Love is not a refuge, if you want to take refuge, then it will be driven out of the. 15、与被爱的人长期相处的秘诀是:放弃改变对象的念头。 The secret to being loved in the long term is to give up the idea of changing the subject. 16、人类终于发明了爱情,并使它变成为人类最完美的宗教。 Man finally invented love, and made it become the most perfect religion for mankind. 17、时间对于我来说只是忘记你的过程,这过程将会是永远。 Time for me just forget your process, this process will be forever. 18、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry。 19、初恋是雾,你是雾中的玫瑰,隔着青纱看你,叫我心醉! Love is the mist, you are in the fog rose, across the green yarn to see you, call me! 20、我们永远不说再见好吗?再见,也是为了下一次见,好吗? We will never say goodbye? Goodbye, but also to see you next time, okay? 21、你的痛苦,不是因为我;那么,我的悲伤,便不是因为你。 Your pain, not because of me; then my sorrow is not because of you. 22、没有你,就没了世界。你是我的世界,我的宇宙,我的所有。 Without you, the world is gone. You are my world, my universe, my all. 23、爱,直至成伤。之后就是永远。对不起,即使你感觉不到我。 Love until it hurts. Is forever after. Sorry, even if you don't feel me. 24、可以放弃不再辉煌的命运,但不要放弃心中曾经激扬的青春。 You can give up the glorious fate, but don't give up the hearts of youth have soared. 25、人生的大部份时间里,承诺同义词是束缚,奈何我们向往束缚。 Most of the time in life, commitment synonym is bound, but we yearn for restraint. 26、蓝天上,手指划过的痕迹,暖了阳光,暖了眼眸,却湿润了心。 The blue sky, the finger across the traces, warm sunshine, warm eyes, but moist heart. 27、要做的事情总找得出时间和机会;不要做的事情总找的出藉口。 Things always find time and opportunity; don't do things always find a pretext. 28、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。 A greeting is filled with youth, others can not hear, time setting in the sight of you. 29、既然爱,为什么不说出口,有些东西失去了,就在也回不来了! Since love, why not say it, some things lost, will never come back! 30、我们放下自尊,放下骄傲,放下任性,只因我们放不下一个人。 We put down self-esteem, pride, headstrong down, because we do not put a person. 31、也许爱情只是因为寂寞。需要找一个人来爱。即使没有任何结局。 Maybe love is just because of loneliness. Need to find a person to love. Even if there is no end. 32、有时候,我们并非走出了伤痛,不过是学会了带着伤痛继续生活。 Sometimes, we are not out of the pain, but it is learned to live with the pain. 33、如果没法忘记他,就不要忘记好了。真正的忘记,是不需要努力的。 If you can not forget him, so don't forget. Really forget, is not to. 34、一个有理智的人恋爱时,可能像一个狂人,但他决不会像一个傻子。 A sensible man, love, like a madman, but he will never like a fool. 35、现在才懂,原来一个人可以难过到,没有情绪,没有言语,没有表情。 Now I understand, the original one can be sad, no emotion, no words, no expression. 36、一见钟情,不过是擦身而过的流星,能够一起变老,才是明亮的恒星。 At first sight, but the passing of the meteor, able to grow old together, it is a bright star. 37、雪落黄河时,黄河知道她的难过,春雨落到黄河时,黄河知道她的伤感。 Snow falls in the Yellow River, the Yellow River know her sad, rain fell on the the Yellow River, the Yellow River know her sad. 38、我并没有忘记,我们曾许下的约定。即使我背叛了约定,也是情非得已。 I did not forget, we have made the agreement. Even if I betrayed the agreement, but also of unwillingness. 39、吵架也好,斗嘴也好,开心也好,出气也好,你永远是我心中最好的死党! Fight or quarrel or happy or gas or, you will always be my best friend! 40、婚姻从来不能用来挽救一段破碎的爱情,破碎的爱情只能得到破碎的婚姻。 Marriage can not save a broken love, broken love will get a broken marriage. 41、我曾听人说过,当你不能够再拥有,你唯一可以做的,就是令自己不要忘记。 I have heard people say, when you can no longer have, the only thing you can do is not to forget. 42、如果有一天我们在路上重逢,而我告诉你:“我现在很幸福。”我一定是伪装的。 If one day we meet again on the road, and I tell you: "I am very happy now." I must be fake. 43、只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪;在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。 Just want to find a can take me when I'm sad tears; I am happy that I can bite one's shoulders. 44、缘是爱的开始,情是爱的过程,就让我们共同在缘和情的海洋里寻找爱的结果吧! Margin is the beginning of love, love is the process of love, let us together in the edge and love of the ocean to find the results of love it! 45、有人说:真正的爱情,背后没有秘密。说这话的人,既不明白爱情,也不明白秘密。 Some people say: true love, there is no secret behind. To say this, neither understand love, nor understand the secret. 46、爱你使我忘记了你的长相,爱你使我忘记了时间,爱你使我变得如此孤单,如此寂寞。 Love you make me forget your looks, love you make me forget the time, love you make me become so lonely, so lonely. 47、想你想的睡不着觉,念你念的心怦怦直跳;恋你恋的鬼迷心窍,爱你爱的肉直往下掉! You want to can't sleep sleep, read your heart pounding; possessed by ghosts love you, love you love meat straight out! 48、但是,酒在肚子里,事在心里,中间总好象隔着一层,无论喝多少酒,都淹不到心上去。 However, the wine in the stomach, things in the heart, like a layer across the middle, no matter how much wine to drink, do not drown. 49、有了你,我不再作孤飞于蓝天的雄鹰,宁愿停歇在你门前的那棵树上,看着你,守护你。 Have you, I no longer solitary eagle flying in the sky, would rather stop looking at you in the tree in front of you, protect you. 50、真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜;真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手! True love, is in can love, know how to cherish; true love, is unable to love, know how to let go! 51、红颜薄命,空有一世才情,一泓情泪,种成两世相思,再相逢时,桃花还依旧,人面已全非。 Unlucky, empty have a talent in the world, Yihong Casely, into worlds of Acacia, when to meet again, peach blossom still, people have been beyond recognition. 52、即使在你最失魂落魄的时候,也要努力微笑,也许,会有人,因为你带着落寞的笑容而爱上你。 Even in your most driven to distraction, but also strive to smile, perhaps, will someone, because you lonely smile and falling in love with you. 53、女人还没得到自己的一份家业,自己的一份忧愁负担与喜乐,是常常有那种注意守侯的神情的。 The woman hasn't got himself a house, own a sad burden and joy, is often the kind of attention kept look. 54、我嫁你,是想与你一起面对现在的困境;我嫁你,是想做你坚强的后盾。我嫁你,是因为我爱你。 I married you, I want to be with you in the face of the present predicament; I married you, want to be your strong backing. I married you, because I love you. 55、考右学家说:爱情如水,覆地难收。爱情如瓷器,碎了难以复原。爱情如出土文物,既古老新鲜。 An examination of the right experts say: love, such as water, covered with hard to close. Love is like China, it is hard to recover. Love, such as cultural relics unearthed, both old and new. 56、有点落寞,我不懂该怎么说,让它在无声中逝去,我走了,其实它没有来过,只是夜晚心异常柔软。 A little lonely. I don't know what to say, let it die in silence, I go, but in fact it did not come off, just the night heart soft exception. 57、有很多很多的话想对你说。有很多很多的无奈想请你来帮助解决,但最终一句话。想你的感觉真好! There are a lot of words to say to you. There are a lot of frustration to ask you to help solve, but in the end a sentence. Think you feel so good! 58、我最幸福的时刻,就是找对了人,你纵容我的习惯,并爱着我的一切。太残忍的话我只说,因为爱很重。 My happiest moment, is to find the right people, you indulge my habit, and love my all. Too cruel to say, I only say, because love is very heavy. 59、那一个月,我没有见人,可那一个月,不能没有你的声音,虽然飘渺,但却满足。虽是虚幻,但很心甘。 That month, I did not see a person, it can be a month, can not do without your voice, although misty, but to meet the. Although it is unreal, but is willing to. 60、爱情是会让人成长的。有些事的确不堪回首,但是请不要逃避。我们应该从中吸取教训,而不是累积伤痛。 Love makes people grow up. Some things really cannot bear to think of the past but please don't escape. We should learn from it, not the cumulative pain. 61、这个忧伤而明媚的三月,从我单薄的青春里打马而过,穿过紫堇,穿过木棉。穿过实隐实现的悲喜和无常。 This sad and beautiful in March, from my youth in the horse, through the Corydalis, through the kapok. Through the real secret of feeling and realize impermanence. 62、爱,对于婚姻来说,是很沉重的。我想,结婚,不需要太多的爱,只要合适就行。这个合适,是合适结婚。 Love, for marriage, is very heavy. I think, get married, do not need too much love, as long as the right line. The right, is the right to get married. 63、无法厮守终生的爱情,不过是人在长途旅程中,来去匆匆的转机站,无论停留多久,始终要离去坐另一班机。 Love can not be together for a lifetime, but is one in a long journey, and hurried to the transit station, regardless of the length of their stay, always to leave to sit another flight. 64、你那一瞥,像一股晶莹的泉水流注我的心头,它比诗还深远,比画还优美,恰如我生命的一个新世纪的早晨。 You glance, like a crystal fountain lingers in my mind, more profound than poetry, gesture is beautiful, is my life a new century of the morning. 65、爱一个人意味着什么呢?这意味着为他的幸福而高兴,为使他能更幸福而去做需要做的一切,并从中得到快乐。 What does it mean to love a person? It means to be happy for his happiness, to be able to do what needs to be done, and to be happy. 66、眼睛对于爱的萌芽起着极其重要的心理作用。真正的爱是在双方审美观和道德观逐渐统一的过程中发展起来的。 Eyes play a very important role in the bud of love. True love is developed in the process of the gradual unification of both aesthetic and moral values. 67、世间有一种爱情,是天上人间,是没有时间和地域界限,尽管有生死大限,可是,她始终就是他的人间四月天。 The world has one kind of love, love will tear us apart, there is no time and geographical boundaries, despite the doomsday of life and death, but she is always his world April days. 68、我们不一定形影不离,但一定心心相惜;不一定锦上添花,但一定雪中送炭;不一定常常联络,但一定时时牵挂! We do not necessarily inseparable, but certain Xinxin phase pity; not be icing on the cake, but some timely help; not always contact, but must constantly worried about! 69、想知道一个人的内心缺少什么,不看别的,就看其炫耀什么;想知道一个人自卑什么,不看别的,就看其掩饰什么。 Want to know what a person's heart is missing, do not look at anything else, to see what they show off; want to know what a person is inferior, do not look at anything else, to see what they hide. 70、爱是一种感受即使痛苦也会觉得幸福。爱是一种体会即使心碎也会觉得甜蜜。爱是一种经历即使破碎也会觉得美丽。 Love is a feeling even if the pain will feel happy. Love is a kind of experience, even if the heart will feel sweet. Love is a kind of experience, even if it is broken, it will feel beautiful. 71、一直以为用眼睛就能分辨色彩,孰不知太多的层叠已使我们看不清对方,又或者,那些颜色一直未变,只是心,动了。 Always thought that eyes will be able to distinguish colors, which I do not know too much stack has enabled us can't see each other, or, the color that has remained the same, but the heart,. 72、哭泣只是一个人的宣泄,泪滴只是让自己知道悲伤,所以忧郁的阿修罗只会选择一个人在角落里去品尝孤独和伤心…… Cry just a personal catharsis, tears to just let yourself know how sad, so sad the Asuras will only choose a person in the corner to taste loneliness and sad... 73、擦肩而过,你我,并不是属于彼此的,无所谓的珍重与再见,无所谓的感受与苦涩已化作尘埃飘过,我们该珍惜现在。 Pass, you and me, not to each other, without the so-called treasure goodbye, called the feelings of bitterness has turned into dust drifting away, we the treasure now. 74、一次的朝思暮想,两次的整夜无眠,三次的茶饭不思,四次的心语心愿,无数的爱恋汇成片语只言:亲爱的,想你了。 A passionate, twice the sleepless night, three Chafanbusi, four times the Xinyu aspiration, countless love merged into a phrase only words: dear, I think of you. 75、当你读这短讯,你已欠我一个拥抱;删除这短讯,欠我一个吻;要是回复,你欠我全部;要是不回复,你就是我的了。 When you read this message, you have owed me a hug; delete this message, owe me a kiss; reply if you owe me all; if not reply, you are mine. 76、真正的爱往往表现在恋人对他的偶像采取含蓄,谦恭甚至羞涩的态度,而决不是表现在随意流露的热情和过早的亲昵。 True love is often performed in lover of his idol take implied, the attitude of humility and even shy and never in the intimacy of the random reveals the passion and premature. 77、我无法保证,无法向你承诺什么,但我会做到。如果有一天你有饥饿的感觉,那时你定会看到,我已含笑饿死在你的怀抱中。 I can't promise, I can't promise you anything, but I'll do it. If one day you feel hungry, then you will see, I have a smile of hunger in your arms. 78、幸福是比较级,但并非与别人比较,而是与自己曾经的不幸福比较。一个人只要经历过坏透了的日子,就会真正懂得感激幸福。 Happiness is a comparison, but not with others, but with their own unhappy comparison. As long as a person experienced rotten day, will really appreciate happiness. 79、我把月光采摘下,熔化在爱的甜蜜中;我把星光取下来,镶嵌在爱的幸福中;我把时光读一遍,让承诺刻画在你我一生中,爱你! I pluck the moonlight, melt in the sweet of love; I take the star of the stars, inlaid in the happiness of love; I read it again, let the promise in your life, love you! 80、当两人之间有真爱情的时候,是不会考虑到年龄的问题,经济的条件,相貌的美丑,个子的高矮,等等外在的无关紧要的因素的。 When there is true love between two people is not considering the age, economic conditions, the appearance of beauty and ugliness, tall height, and so irrelevant external factors. 81、不管爱情,还是友情,终极的目的不是归宿,而是理解默契——是要找一个可以边走边谈的人,无论什么时候,无论怎样的心情。 Regardless of love, or friendship, the ultimate goal is not to end home, but to understand the tacit understanding - is to find a person can talk while walking, no matter what time, no matter how the mood. |
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