你是我整个世界 We'll be okay, won't we? The one thing that matters more to me than anything else in the world... is you and me. You are my world. You're the one who gets all my love and my wishes and my prayers. But somehow... despite all my best intentions, I never feel quite safe enough or sure enough to rest assured that I'll always be able to make you happy. I need to know. I need you more than my words can say. I need to always feel the warm peaceful feeling that I get when you hold me. I need to experience the beauty of our love that I gently receive when we caress. I need for us to remember all the love that's been given and all the love that will unfold each day, between the wonder of you and the warmth of me. Notecaress v. 爱抚,接吻 unfold v. 打开,呈现 And sometimes, I just need to know that we'll be okay... won't we? |
- 《水乡怀旧》周作人
- 男人爱不爱你,枕头知道
- 想让女人喜欢你,不用讨好她,做到这3点就够了
- 女人厌倦了一个男人,往往会出现三种表现,男人要读懂女人的心思
- 如果一个女人对你有这四种暖心的表现,那说明她爱上你了,很真实
- 人生,成大器者有四识,知识、见识、胆识、远识
- 回家过年就是送给父母最珍贵的礼物
- 人过五十五:四地多走动,子孙才会富
- 乡愁,抹不去的思念
- 这样回你微信的人,其实不想与你聊天!
- 男女之间,不管爱与不爱,都不要做这三件事
- 一个人真心爱你的时候,会用三种方式和你相处
- 男人心里有了别的女人,再怎么隐藏,这三个行为细节也会暴露
- 男人出轨后,这3个异常表现藏不住,女人别再傻傻爱了
- 只有真正爱你的男人,才会习惯性地对你做这3件事,但愿你能懂
- 就这样平凡相爱