为了不让生活留下遗憾和后悔,我们应该尽可能抓住一切改变生活的机会 俞敏洪一分钟演讲 谁说“机会面前,人人平等”我相信,个人奋斗制胜,攫取成功的精神财产将永远贫富不均。在浩瀚的生命之岸,你应该自豪地告诉世界,你追求过,你奋斗过,你为了辉煌的人生从来没有放弃过希望,从来没有停止过拼搏。而这个造就了万物的世界也将自豪而欣慰地回答你:只要奋斗不息,人生终将辉煌。 人们可以踩过你,但是人们不会因为你的痛苦,而产生痛苦;人们不会因为你被踩了,而来怜悯你,因为人们本身就没有看到你。 所以我们每一个人,都应该像树一样的成长,即使我们现在什么都不是,但是只要你有树的种子,即使你被踩到泥土中间,你依然能够吸收泥土的养分,自己成长起来。 当你长成参天大树以后,遥远的地方,人们就能看到你;走近你,你能给人一片绿色。 活着是美丽的风景,死了依然是栋梁之才,活着死了都有用。 这就是我们每一个同学做人的标准和成长的标准。 每一条河流都有自己不同的生命曲线,但是每一条河流都有自己的梦想——那就是奔向大海。 我们的生命,有的时候会是泥沙。 你可能慢慢地就会像泥沙一样,沉淀下去了。 一旦你沉淀下去了,也许你不用再为了前进而努力了,但是你却永远见不到阳光了。 所以我建议大家,不管你现在的生命是怎么样的,一定要有水的精神。 像水一样不断地积蓄自己的力量,不断地冲破障碍。 当你发现时机不到的时候,把自己的厚度给积累起来,当有一天时机来临的时候,你就能够奔腾入海,成就自己的生命还有一段视频上网查查吧感悟会更深的 俞敏洪一分钟演讲稿英文版 He was born in 1962, in jiangsu province in October in senior middle school of jiangyin. In 1980 XiYuXi admitted to Beijing university. Sick (TB) during a year off, 1985 graduate from Peking University, Beijing university, she served as foreign teachers. September 1991, Mr Yu from north to resign, enter private education field, successively in Beijing some private schools is engaged in the teaching and management work. On November 16, 1993, Mr Yu started Beijing new Oriental school, as principal. From an initial dozens of new students started entrepreneurial process. Occupy marketBy 2000, new Oriental school has accounted for about 80 percent, 50 percent of Beijing training abroad market, the number of students in training up to 20 million people. Meanwhile, new Oriental new Oriental education online relying on in the powerful technology group teachers and teaching resources, has the Chinese the most advanced teaching content development and production team, to provide customers personalized, interactive and intelligent excellence of online learning experience。 Character sayings1. Only two people's success is inevitable. The first kind is through life tests, after success and failure, finally ChengDaQi alternately repeatedly. Another without life, but on the technical side roller coaster reached the top level. For example of chemistry man finally become the world famous chemist, this also is successful. 2. When you are a tree on the horizon, don't expect the grass in the distance will others see you, even if they walk by and even learn from you trample, also does not have method, because you're just a tree grass; And if you become a tree, even in the distant place, people will see you, and appreciate you, because you are a tree! m.taiks.com |