红颜一抹胭脂泪,轻纱一袭镜妆颜。Red face a rouge tears, gauze a mirror makeup.下面是小编为大家整理的坠入星河的英文句子,希望大家喜欢! 1、弄梅骑竹嬉游日,门户初相识。 On the day of playing with plum trees and bamboo, I met at the door for the first time. 2、月落溪穷清影在,日长春去画帘垂。 The moon is falling, the stream is poor, and the shadow is in the sky. 3、天与地卑,山与泽平。日方中方睨,物方生方死。 Heaven and earth are low, mountains and lakes are flat. The Japanese side looks at the Chinese side and the thing side dies. 4、冲冠一怒为红颜,红掌拨清波。 Red crown a anger for the beauty, red palm dial Qingbo. 5、再逢若遥想,执手怎永相望,回眸谁浅笑,音容渺惘。 Meet again if distant, how to hold hands forever, look back who smile, voice and look at perplexity. 6、听闻小姐治家有方,鄙人余生愿闻其详。 I've heard that the young lady manages her family well. I'd like to hear more about it for the rest of my life. 7、知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。 The wise are not confused, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid. 8、木簪一柄,定情,从此以后,三千青丝为我独挽。 A wooden hairpin, love, from now on, 3000 green silk for me alone. 9、看曲终人散,却事过境迁,叹一世繁华,却抵不过柔情万千。 See the end of the song, but things have changed, sigh a prosperous life, but can not resist the tenderness of thousands of. 10、海畔尖山似剑铓,秋来处处割愁肠。 The sharp mountains by the sea are like swords. When autumn comes, you will feel sad everywhere. 11、相距甚远,不能聚首,转寄文墨,时通消息。 They are far away from each other, so they can't get together and forward the message of Wenmo and Shitong. 12、苍茫大地一剑尽挽破,何处繁华笙歌落。 The vast land of a sword do pull broken, where prosperous Shengge fall. 13、晓雪才过天气清,喧阗钲鼓喜迎春。 It's only after the snow, the weather is clear and the Zhenggu drum is happy to welcome the spring. 14、尘缘飞花,人去楼空,梦里花落为谁痛? Flying flowers in the dust, people are gone and buildings are empty. Who is the pain in the dream? 15、尔不必求记,却宜求个明白。 You don't need to remember, but you should understand.
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