1、寂寞是没人陪你,孤独是没人懂你。 Loneliness is no one to accompany you, loneliness is no one understands you. 2、你孤独往往是因为没人懂你。 You are lonely because no one knows you. 3、拨乱我心跳的人怎么舍得忘记。 Dial my heart how people are willing to forget. 4、只身步步海天涯路无归霜满颜。 Single step by step Haitian road to full cream Yan ya. 5、你说过会带我走,却忘记牵我的手。 You said you'd take me away, but I forgot to take my hand. 6、我们唯一的关系是没有关系。 Our only relationship is no relationship. 7、世界如此颓废,爱情面目全非。 The world is so decadent, love beyond recognition. 8、我庆幸遇见了你,却遗憾只是遇见。 I'm glad to meet you, but unfortunately just met. 9、日后,尽量别叫今天的泪白流。 The day after, try not to call today's tears flow in vain. 10、时间在怂恿,劝深爱的人放手! Time to encourage, deep love to let go! 11、我打算再大哭一场然后转身忘了他。 I'm going to cry again and turn around and forget about him. 12、你哪里都好只是无缘到老。 You are good, but not to the old. 13、曾经发了疯的想、如今拼了命的忘。 Once thought crazy, now spelled a life to forget. 14、你还在坚持是因为你还不够绝望。 You're still holding on because you're not desperate enough. 15、酒只醉人不醉心,感情伤心不伤身。 Not only the intoxicating wine obsessed, feeling sad not to hurt. 16、最心酸的是连吃醋的资格都没有。 The most sad is even jealous is not qualified. 17、一个人悲伤,一个人扛。 A person sad, a person carry. 18、忘不了你,放不过我自己。 I can't forget you, but I can't help myself. 19、我的真心话,都藏在玩笑话里。 My heart is hidden in a joke. 20、要走多快,才能与你步伐一致。 How fast you have to walk with you. 21、平平凡凡的做人,认认真真的做事。 Ordinary life, conscientious work. 22、我对你,只有放弃,没有忘记。 I give you, only give up, did not forget. 23、给你倾城的温柔,恋我半世的流离。 Give you the tender, love me half of the displaced. 24、我有一种情绪,叫做莫名的忧伤。 I have a kind of emotion, called inexplicable sadness. 25、我爱你,用唇语读出来却是怀疑。 I love you with the lips read out is suspected. 26、你骂我傻,然后红了眼眶。 You scold me silly, then red eyes. 27、莫傲冬去春已来,春寒胜冬丝不衰。 Mo Aodong to spring has come, the cold winter is not bad Sheng silk. 28、对你的在乎,卑微的一文不值。 Your humble not worth a hair care. 29、浮华褪尽,人比烟花寂寞。 Tuijin flashy, people more lonely than fireworks. 30、有时候,除了说再见,无路可走。 Sometimes there is no way but to say goodbye. 31、没有漂亮的外表谁会给你谈真心。 No beautiful appearance who will talk to you sincerely. 32、你也不必冷淡,我没想过要纠缠。 You don't have to be cold. I didn't want to get entangled. 33、明知没有结果,却又舍不得离开。 Knowing no results, but could not bear to leave. 34、深知自己不重要,怎敢再胡闹。 Knowing is not important, how dare misbehave. 35、念旧的人总活得像个拾荒者。 You always live like a scavenger. 36、你是我的命,没有你我活不下去。 You are my life, I can't live without you. 37、强颜欢笑久了,也是会累的。 A long time, but also will be tired. 38、等待不是时间问题,是值不值得。 Waiting is not a matter of time. 39、尘封的记忆,残留着邂逅的美丽。 Dusty memories, the remnants of a beautiful encounter. 40、经不住似水流年,逃不过此间少年。 Stand up Youth passes as a fleeting wave. escape youth here. 41、失去的东西,就别再捡了,脏了。 Lost things, do not pick up, dirty. 42、你的眼睛,如花般斑斓。 Your eyes are as beautiful as flowers. 43、他不愿主动,她宁愿错过。 He didn't want to take the initiative. 44、只要为你活过,我就不是粉末。 As long as you live, I will not powder. 45、再热闹的大街一个人走也很孤独。 A busy street is also a lonely person. 46、彼岸花开开彼岸,奈何桥前可奈何。 The other side of the flowers open on the other side, the bridge before it. 47、有一种单身,只为了等一个人。 There is a single, just to wait for a person. 48、还君明珠双泪垂,恨不相逢未嫁时。 Also Jun pearl double tears hanging, hate not meet when not married. 49、最后的最后,用命守护你。 Finally, you Yongming guardian. 50、我的等待,成全了谁的幸福? My waiting, who fulfilled the happiness? 51、闺蜜,请帮我照顾好他好吗? Bestie, please help me to take care of him? 52、代沟就是我说呵呵,你问我笑什么。 Generation gap is what I say, you ask me what I laugh. 53、你的别离不停的刺痛自己。 You never stop stabbing yourself. 54、没有你的世界,走不到永远。 The world without you, can't go forever. 55、拥有了又想自由,自由了又想拥有。 Have and want freedom, freedom and want to have. 56、用时间和心看人,而不是用眼睛。 Look at people with time and heart, not with eyes. 57、眼泪是自己的,却总为别人流。 Tears are their own, but always for others. 58、秋一片荒凉,祭奠着我的爱情。 Autumn is a desolate, for my love. 59、后来我将自己活成了你的样子。 Then I'll live my life for you. 60、微微扬起嘴角,那讽刺啲笑。 It's slightly raised mouth, ironic smile. 61、最近访客,已经很久没有你了。 Recent visitors, has been a long time without you. 62、我们都在变,何必感概从前。 We are all changing, why feel the past. 63、你哪里都好,只是无缘到老。 You are good, but not to the old. 64、不必遗憾,能分开的都是不对的人。 Do not have to regret, can not be separated from the people. 65、离开是为了被挽留。多么可笑的话。 To leave is to be retained. What a funny word. 66、多谢你的绝情,让我学会了死心。 Thank you for your unfeeling, let me learn to give up. 67、若爱情需要乞讨,我宁愿一个人。 If love needs begging, I'd rather be alone. 68、后来,我爱的人都与你有几分相像。 Later, the people I love are somewhat similar to you. 69、今昔的别离,流放了我的相思。 The parting, my love of exile. 70、我的不安全感毁掉了太多的东西。 My insecurity ruins too much. 71、他是有情串客,我却倾情演出。 He is a string of love, but I love the show. 72、为什么人和人、不能和平相处。 Why people and people can not live in peace. 73、浮云般的爱情,也许也许也许。 The clouds like love, perhaps maybe. 74、你是我唯一,我却是你其中之一。 You are my only, I am one of you. 75、找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。 Find a worthy hell-bent person, love. 76、失去你,从此再也不相信爱情了。 Lost you, never believe in love. 77、黑名单里的那个人,是我最爱的人。 The man in the black list is my favorite. 78、你的世界太挤,我宁愿逃离。 Your world is too crowded, I would rather flee. 79、重拾起时,生命温暖如昔。 Take life, warm as ever. 80、我赚了两亿,一个失忆,一个回忆。 I made two hundred million, a memory, a memory. |